An Absolute Beginner's Tutorial on Dependency Inversion Principle, Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection(关于依赖倒置原则,控制反转和依赖注入的绝对的新手教程)


翻译方式: 中英文对照, 意译

In this article we will talk about the Dependency Inversion Principle, Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection.

Introduction 介绍

In this article we will talk about the Dependency Inversion Principle, Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection.

We will start by looking at the dependency inversion principle. We will then see how we can use inversion of control to implement dependency inversion principle and finally we will look at what dependency injection is and how can it be implemented.

Background 背景

Before we start talking about Dependency Injection(DI), we first need to understand the problem that DI solves.
在讲述依赖注入之前, 我们首先需要了解依赖注入所解决的问题

To understand the problem, we need to know two things.
要明白问题, 我们需要知道两个概念。

First dependency Inversion Principle(DIP) and second Inversion of Controls(IoC).
一是依赖倒置原则(DIP), 二是 控制反转(IoC).

let us start our discussion with DIP, then we will talk about IoC.
我们首先谈下 DIP, 然后是 IoC。

Once we have discussed these two, we will be in a better position to understand Dependency Injection, so we will look at dependency injection in details.
一旦我们明白了这两个概念, 依赖注入就容易理解了, 因此我们详细地看一下依赖注入。

Then finally we will discuss see how can we implement Dependency injection.
最后, 我们谈下如何实现依赖注入。

Dependency Inversion Principle 依赖倒置原则

Dependency inversion principle is a software design principle which provides us the guidelines to write loosely coupled classes.
依赖倒置原则是一种软件设计原则, 可以为我们写松散耦合的类提供指引。

According to the definition of Dependency inversion principle:

1、High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.

2、Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.

What does this definition mean? What is it trying to convey?
这个定义是什么意思? 它所要传达的是什么?

let us try to understand the definition by looking at examples.

A few years back I was involved in writing a windows service which was supposed to run on a Web server.
几年前, 我参与了编写一项应当运行在 Web server 的 windows 服务。

The sole responsibility of this service was to log messages in event logs whenever there is some problem in the IIS application Pool.
该服务的唯一职责是: 无论何时, 只要 IIS 应用程序池出现问题, 就会在事件日志中记录消息。

So what our team has done initially that we created two classes.

One for monitoring the Application Pool and second to write the messages in the event log.
一个用于监控应用程序池, 另一个用于在事件日志中写消息。

Our classes looked like this:

class EventLogWriter
    public void Write(string message)
        //Write to event log here

class AppPoolWatcher
    // Handle to EventLog writer to write to the logs
    EventLogWriter writer = null;

    // 这个函数会在app pool 出现问题时调用
    public void Notify(string message)
        if (writer == null)
            writer = new EventLogWriter();

From the first look, the above class design seems to be sufficient.It looks perfectly good code.
一眼看去, 上面的设计的类看起来已经足够了。看上去是很好的代码。

But there is a problem in the above design.

This design violates the dependency inversion principle. i.e. the high level module <code>AppPoolWatcher depends on EventLogWriter which is a concrete class and not an abstraction.
这个设计破坏了依赖倒置原则。也就是说, 高层模块 AppPoolWatcher 依赖于 EventLogWriter, 而 EventLogWriter 是个具体的类并不是抽象

How is it a problem?

Well let me tell you the next requirement we received for this service and the problem will become very clearly visible.
好吧, 当我告诉你我们接收到的这个服务的下一个需求后, 这个问题就会显而易见。

The next requirement we received for this service was to send email to network administrator's email ID for some specific set of error.
我们所接受的下一个需求是: 当发生一些特定的错误,向网络管理员的电子邮件ID 发送邮件。

Now, how will we do that?
现在, 我们怎么办呢?

One idea is to create a class for sending emails and keeping its handle in the AppPoolWatcher but at any moment we will be using only one object either EventLogWriter or EmailSender.
一个想法是创建一个类用于发送邮件并把它的句柄放在 AppPoolWatcher 中,但是任何时刻, 我们只能用一个对象, 不是 EventLogWriter 就是 EmailSender

The problem will get even worse when we have more actions to take selectively, like sending SMS.

Then we will have to have one more class whose instance will be kept inside the AppPoolWatcher.
我们将不得不再添加一个类, 类的实例保存在 AppPoolWatcher 中。

The dependency inversion principle says that we need to decouple this system in such a way that the higher level modules i.e. the AppPoolWatcher in our case will depend on a simple abstraction and will use it.
依据依赖倒置原则, 我们需要将这个系统解耦,高层模块(即 AppPoolWatcher) 应当依赖于简单的抽象并使用它。

This abstraction will in turn will be mapped to some concrete class which will perform the actual operation. (Next we will see how this can be done)
该抽象会映射到一些具体的类, 由这些类进行真正的操作.(稍后我们会看到这是如何做到的)

Inversion of Control 控制反转

Dependency inversion was a software design principle, it just states that how two modules should depend on each other.

Now the question comes, how exactly we are going to do it?

The answer is Inversion of control.

Inversion of control is the actual mechanism using which we can make the higher level modules to depend on abstractions rather than concrete implementation of lower level modules.
使用控制反转机制, 我们可以让高层模块依赖于抽象而不是底层模块的具体实现。

So if I have to implement inversion of control in the above mentioned problem scenario, the first thing we need to do is to create an abstraction that the higher levels will depend on.
因此, 如果必须在上述问题场景中实现控制反转,我们需要做的第一件事就是创建高层模块所依赖的抽象。

So let us create an interface that will provide the abstraction to act on the notification received from AppPoolWacther.
因此, 我们创建一个接口, 这个接口会提供对 AppPoolWatcher 所发送的通知的操作的抽象。

public interface INofificationAction
    public void ActOnNotification(string message);

Now let us change our higher level module i.e. the AppPoolWatcher to use this abstraction rather than the lower level concrete class.
现在, 我们修改下高层模块,即 AppPoolWatcher, 使用这个抽象, 而不是底层的具体类。

class AppPoolWatcher
    // Handle to EventLog writer to write to the logs 
    // EventLogWriter 写日志的句柄
    INofificationAction action = null;

    // 这个函数会在app pool 出现问题时调用
    public void Notify(string message)
        if (action == null)
            // Here we will map the abstraction i.e. interface to concrete class
            // 这里 我们会将抽象(即接口)映射到具体的类

So how will our lower level concrete class will change? how will this class conform to the abstraction i.e. we need to implement the above interface in this class:

class EventLogWriter : INofificationAction
    public void ActOnNotification(string message)
        // Write to event log here

So now if I need to have the concrete classes for sending email and sms, these classes will also implement the same interface.

class EmailSender : INofificationAction
    public void ActOnNotification(string message)
        // Send email from here

class SMSSender : INofificationAction
    public void ActOnNotification(string message)
        // Send SMS from here

So the final class design will look like:
那么, 最终的类设计看起来会是这样子的:

So what we have done here is that, we have inverted the control to conform to dependency inversion principle.
我们在这里所做的是, 为和依赖倒置原则相一致, 我们反转了控制。

Now our high level modules are dependent only on abstractions and not the lower level concrete implementations, which is exactly what dependency inversion principle states.

But there is still one missing piece.

When we look at the code of our AppPoolWatcher, we can see that it is using the abstraction i.e. interface but where exactly are we creating the concrete type and assigning it to this abstraction.
当我们看一下我们的 AppPoolWatcher 代码, 我们可以看到它使用了抽象,也就是接口, 但是我们在哪里创建具体的类,并把它分配给这个抽象呢。

To solve this problem, we can do something like:
为了解决这个问题, 我们可以这样做:

class AppPoolWatcher
    // Handle to EventLog writer to write to the logs
    INofificationAction action = null;

    // This function will be called when the app pool has problem
    public void Notify(string message)
        if (action == null)
            // Here we will map the abstraction i.e. interface to concrete class 
            writer = new EventLogWriter();

But we are again back to where we have started.

The concrete class creation is still inside the higher level class.

Can we not make it totally decoupled so that even if we add new classes derived from INotificationAction, we don't have to change this class.
我们能不能让它完全解耦, 这样即使我们添加了从INotificationAction 派生出的新类, 我们也不用改变这个类。

This is exactly where Dependency injection comes in picture.

So its time to look at dependency injection in detail now.

Dependency Injection 依赖注入

Now that we know the dependency inversion principle and have seen the inversion of control methodology for implementing the dependency inversion principle, Dependency Injection is mainly for injecting the concrete implementation into a class that is using abstraction i.e. interface inside.

The main idea of dependency injection is to reduce the coupling between classes and move the binding of abstraction and concrete implementation out of the dependent class.

Dependency injection can be done in three ways.

1、Constructor injection

2、Method injection

3、Property injection

Constructor Injection 构造器注入

In this approach we pass the object of the concrete class into the constructor of the dependent class.

So what we need to do to implement this is to have a constructor in the dependent class that will take the concrete class object and assign it to the interface handle this class is using.

So if we need to implement this for our AppPoolWatcher class:
因此, 如果我们需要为我们的 AppPoolWatcher类实现这种方式:

class AppPoolWatcher
    // Handle to EventLog writer to write to the logs
    INofificationAction action = null;

    public AppPoolWatcher(INofificationAction concreteImplementation)
        this.action = concreteImplementation;

    // This function will be called when the app pool has problem
    public void Notify(string message)

In the above code, the constructor will take the concrete class object and bind it to the interface handle.
上述代码中, 构造器将使用具体类对象,并把它绑定到接口句柄。

So if we need to pass the EventLogWriter's concrete implementation into this class, all we need to do is
如果我们要把 EventLogWriter 的具体实现传入这个类中, 我们所要做的是

EventLogWriter writer = new EventLogWriter();
AppPoolWatcher watcher = new AppPoolWatcher(writer);
watcher.Notify("Sample message to log");

Now if we want this class to send email or sms instead, all we need to do is to pass the object of the respective class in the AppPoolWatcher's constructor.
现在, 如果我们想让这个类发送邮件或者是短信, 我们要做的就是把各自类的对象传入到 AppPoolWatcher 的构造器中。

This method is useful when we know that the instance of the dependent class will use the same concrete class for its entire lifetime.
这个方法非常有用, 当我们知道依赖类的实例将在其整个生命周期中会使用相同的具体类。

Method Injection 方法注入

In constructor injection we saw that the dependent class will use the same concrete class for its entire lifetime.
在构造器注入中, 我们可以看到依赖类会在其整个生命周期使用相同的具体类。

Now if we need to pass separate concrete class on each invocation of the method, we have to pass the dependency in the method only.

So in method injection approach we pass the object of the concrete class into the method the dependent class which is actually invoking the action.
因此, 在方法注入方式中, 我们传递 具体类的对象到 事实上正调用操作的依赖类的方法中。

So what we need to do to implement this is to have the action function also accept an argument for the concrete class object and assign it to the interface handle this class is using and invoke the action.
因此, 要实现这种方式,我们所要做的就是让动作函数也接收具体类对象参数, 并把它赋值给这个类正使用的句柄,然后调用该操作。

So if we need to implement this for our AppPoolWatcher class:
因此, 我们需要为我们的 AppPoolWatcher 类实现这种方式:

class AppPoolWatcher
    // Handle to EventLog writer to write to the logs
    INofificationAction action = null;

    // This function will be called when the app pool has problem
    public void Notify(INofificationAction concreteAction, string message)
        this.action = concreteAction;

In the above code the action method i.e. Notify will take the concrete class object and bind it to the interface handle.
上述代码中 动作方法 即 Notify 会使用具体类对象并且把它绑定到接口句柄。

So if we need to pass the EventLogWriter's concrete implementation into this class, all we need to do is
所以, 如果我们需要传递 EventLogWriter的具体实现到这个类中, 我们要做的是:

EventLogWriter writer = new EventLogWriter();
AppPoolWatcher watcher = new AppPoolWatcher();
watcher.Notify(writer, "Sample message to log");

Now if we want this class to send email or sms instead, all we need to do is to pass the object of the respective class in the AppPoolWatcher's invocation method i.e. Notify method in the above example.
现在, 如果我们要让这个类发送邮件或者是短信, 我们要做的就是把各自类的对象传入到 AppPoolWatcher 的调用方法, 即 上例中的 Notify 方法。

Property Injection 属性注入

Now we have discussed two scenarios where in constructor injection we knew that the dependent class will use one concrete class for the entire lifetime.
现在我们已经讨论了两种场景, 在构造器注入中我们了解了依赖类在整个生命期间会使用一个具体类。

The second approach is to use the method injection where we can pass the concrete class object in the action method itself.
第二种方法是使用方法注入, 我们可以把具体类的对象传入到动作方法。

But what if the responsibility of selection of concrete class and invocation of method are in separate places.

In such cases we need property injection.

So in this approach we pass the object of the concrete class via a setter property that was exposed by the dependent class.
在这种方法中, 我们通过依赖类所暴露的 setter 属性 传入具体类的对象。

So what we need to do to implement this is to have a Setter property or function in the dependent class that will take the concrete class object and assign it to the interface handle this class is using.
要实现这种方法, 我们需要做的是 在依赖类中添加 Setter 属性或者是函数, 它会将具体类的对象赋值给这个类使用的句柄。

So if we need to implement this for our AppPoolWatcher class:
因此, 如果我们需要为我们的 AppPoolWatcher 类实现这个方法:

class AppPoolWatcher
    // Handle to EventLog writer to write to the logs
    INofificationAction action = null;

    public INofificationAction Action
            return action;
            action = value;

    // This function will be called when the app pool has problem
    public void Notify(string message)

In the above code the setter of Action property will take the concrete class object and bind it to the interface handle.
上述代码中, Action 属性会使用具体类的对象并把它绑定到接口句柄。

So if we need to pass the EventLogWriter's concrete implementation into this class, all we need to do is
所以, 如果我们把 EventLogWriter 的具体实现传入到这个类中, 我们要做的就是:

EventLogWriter writer = new EventLogWriter();
AppPoolWatcher watcher = new AppPoolWatcher();
// This can be done in some class
watcher.Action = writer;

// This can be done in some other class
watcher.Notify("Sample message to log");

Now if we want this class to send email or sms instead, all we need to do is to pass the object of the respective class in the setter exposed by AppPoolWatcher class.
现在, 如果我们想要这个类发送邮件或者是短信, 我们所要做的就是把相应类的对象 传入到AppPoolWatcher类暴露的setter

This approach is useful when the responsibility of selecting the concrete implementation and invoking the action are done in separate places/modules.

In languages where properties are not supported, there is a separate function to set the dependency.
在不支持属性的语言中, 有单独的函数设置依赖。

This approach is also known as setter injection.
这种方法也成为 setter 注入。

The important thing to note in this approach is that there is a possibility that someone has created the dependent class but no one has set the concrete class dependency yet.
这种方法中需要注意的是, 有可能已经创建了依赖类但是没有设置具体类的依赖。

If we try to invoke the action in such cases then we should have either some default dependency mapped to the dependent class or have some mechanism to ensure that application will behave properly.
如果我们试图在这种情况下调用该操作, 那么我们应该将默认依赖映射到依赖类, 或者有某种机制可以确保应用程序可以正常运行。

A Note on IoC Containers 关于 IoC 容器的说明

Constructor injection is the mostly used approach when it comes to implementing the dependency injection.
在实现依赖注入时, 构造器注入是最常用的方法

If we need to pass different dependencies on every method call then we use method injection.
如果我们需要在每次方法调用的时候传递不同的依赖, 那么我们需要方法注入。

Property injection is used less frequently.

All the three approaches we have discussed for dependency injection are ok if we have only one level of dependency.
如果我们只有一个依赖级别, 我们所谈到的依赖注入的这三种方法都是可以的。

But what if the concrete classes are also dependent of some other abstractions.

So if we have chained and nested dependencies, implementing dependency injection will become quite complicated.
那么, 如果我们有链式的以及嵌套的依赖, 实现依赖注入将会变得非常复杂。

That is where we can use IoC containers.
这时, 我们就可以使用 IoC 容器。

IoC containers will help us to map the dependencies easily when we have chained or nested dependencies.
当我们使用链式的或嵌套依赖时,IoC 容器会帮助我们轻松地映射依赖关系。

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