《哲学故事》(The Story of Philosophy)是一本畅销书,因为罗振宇说这本书对他的影响很大,于是就买来看。书中有一些人名和地名及一些专业术语,不太好懂。不过,跳过这些少量晦涩的词汇,原著行文流畅,用词精炼,正是学习英语的好素材。所以节选一些段落,自己学习的同时也和大家分享。
Chapter One : Plato
1.The Context of Plato
寡头政治(Oligarchical Party)的声音,反应了当时雅典少数富有阶层的产生。当时的希腊实行的是自由民的民主政治。在长达30年的斯巴达和雅典的Peloponnesian War战争之中,Critias领导的政党Oligarchical Party,认为民主政治在战争中效率太低。当战争以斯巴达胜利结束后,被驱逐的Critias在返回雅典的过程中,发动了反对民主的革命,以失败告终,自己也在战斗中牺牲。
关键点来了: Oligarhical Party 的领导人Critias , 是苏格拉底(Socrates)的学生,是柏拉图(Plato)的叔叔。
Traditions and dogmas rub one another down to a minimum in such a centers of varied intercourse; where there are thousand faiths we are apt to become sceptical of them all. Probably the traders are the first sceptics; they had seen too much to believe too much; and the general positions of perchants to classify all man as either fools or knaves inclined them to question every creed. Gradally , too , they were developing science; mathematics grew with the increasing complexity of exchange, astronomy with the inceasing audacity of navigation. The growth of weath brought the leisue and security which are the prerequisite of research and speculation; men now asked the stars not only for the guidance on the seas ,but also for an answers to the riddles of the universe; the first Greek philosophers were astronomers. "Proud of their achievemets," says Aristotle, "men pushed farther afield after the Persian wars; they took all knowledge for their province, and sought ever wider studies." Men grew bold enough to attempt natural explanation of processes and events before attributed to supernatural agencies and powers ; magic and ritual slowly gave way to science and control; and philosophy began.
traditions and dogmas;
the inicreasing audacity of navigation;
research and speculation;
the guidance on the sea;
the riddles of the unverse;
rub down. 把…磨光 ;文中rub one anther down to a minimum,形象的说明了传统的教条相互作用下,效果降到了最小。
be apt to 易于…,倾向于;
give way to 让位于…;为…所替代。magicand ritual gave way to sicence and cotrol. 例句: Buildings would give way to farmland when he rode north out of city.当他向北骑行出城的时候,建筑被农田所取代。