世界上什么都有 就是没有如果 There is nothing in the world if.
总会遇见的 在这个季节 Always meet in this season.
生活不会像童话那样美好 Life is not as good as fairy tales.
忙碌和早睡真是治愈心疾的良方 Busy and go to bed early is good cure for heart disease.
我会记得大雨滂沱 没有伞的日子 I will remember the days when it rained heavily and there was no umbrella.
那种热闹过后再一个人走的路真难熬 It's hard to walk alone after the excitement.
看淡后学会释怀 也许会是另外一种成熟Learning to let go after looking down may beanother kind of maturity.
这个世界唯一不会变的 就是一切都在变