书名: Never give up: how I turned my biggest challenges into Success
作者:Donald Trump美国现任总统
Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (January 18, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470190841
ISBN-13: 978-0470190845
有人说这本书是Trump本人写的,有人说是别人给他代笔的。有人期待Trump能 Make America Great Again, 有人认为Trump会将America带入破产境地,像他以前在商业上经历的破产一样。
读一读这本薄薄的小册子,感觉确实满满的煽动性,煽动一个人怎么决不放弃、不服输、保持自信……可以说是加强版的鸡血 :)
I believe the so-called impossible is actually very often possible, if you’re willing to work very hard, and if you realize that problems can become opportunities. New York City was having problems, but maybe I could do something about those problems. That kind of attitude can give you the power to conquer obstacles and succeed in the face of long odds. P19
Having confidence in yourself is key to being resilient and staring adversity in the face. P20
I don’t think anyone gets away with a challenge-free life experience. P23
It became clear to me that part of what got me into this situation was that I had lost my perspective and started to believe the news stories about me having “the Midas touch” when it came to business. In other words, I had become complacent. My momentum wasn’t where it should have been.p23
If you meet with some setbacks, refusing to give up is probably your best strategy.p24
Focus on the solution, not the problem!p24
Positive thinking. Believe me, it works.p25
See a situation as unacceptable, as taking you away from wholeness, and you will be motivated to get out of it as quickly as possible.p27
Some people see problems as bad luck, but I don’t. Problems are a part of life and a big part of business. The bigger your business, the bigger your life, the bigger your problems are likely to be. Being prepared for that will save you a lot of emotional turmoil, unnecessary deliberating, and even illness.p27
When failure comes your way, you must believe that you matter, that you can overcome it, and most importantly, that success is what is expected of you.p28
It’s not just survival, it’s not just success, it is your obligation. A sense of duty toward wholeness will go a long way toward your personal and professional success.p28
Faith in yourself can prove to be a very powerful force. Work on it daily.p28
If you are faced with a situation that is demanding of your time, give it a chance to settle in. You’ll be surprised at how much you can actually do each day.p31
Listen to others, but never negate your own instincts.p32
After a while, it is possible to take problems in stride—if you have the right attitude and know what you are doing.p36
As the general, I have to admit and take responsibility for the fact that things work out as they will, no matter how prepared you are, but we still do our best to plan and focus—then have the resiliency to immediately regroup from setbacks.p37
Will you have problems when you tackle something big? Yes. Will you let them derail you? You absolutely should not.p38
“Know everything you can about what you’re doing,”p43
SoHo caused perhaps a few more problems than expected, but it was all in a year’s work—to us. That’s big city business and we are big enough to handle it. Be sure you have the same attitude—it will save you a lot of unnecessary anxiety.p44
Be bigger than the problems, be ready to fight for your rights, and all will be well.p44
These events don’t just happen—they require a lot of planning and that means time and effort, not to mention money. Owning properties is a lot more than just ownership—it’s about making them useful. If you plan to go into real estate just to make money or to feel powerful, that’s not enough. If you can see your gains as a way to share, you will find your work will be much more rewarding—and probably more profitable in the long run.p46
We’ve all seen bad situations that we’d like to be able to help. Being successful allows you to help in a big way. That’s another reason to keep at it. Knowing you’re going to be able to give back more if you succeed is a wonderful incentive to keep going. If you never give up, you’ll be able to give back—and that’s something to remember.p48
If you are passionate about something, receiving zero encouragement still won’t discourage you.p51
Every door required a lot of work just to get it cracked open to begin with.p52
Do your homework. In other words, learn everything you can about what you want, know what you are up against, and research every aspect of your endeavor. Talk to all the experts you can find. It can’t be a hit or miss approach. The odds are already against you, so don’t make it harder on yourself by being negligent.p56
Those who have both vision and discipline will succeed.p56
Provided you’ve learned and sharpened your instincts through your experiences.p56
I’ve waited 30 years to see some things happen. Some people have waited longer. Always consider that it’s possible you might be doing the wrong thing, so that no matter how hard you work, it’s just not going to happen.p57
Yes. I know I’m lucky. I was also fortunate to have a great role model.p57
Things happen. Don’t let fear interfere with your plans.p58
I find my work energizing and never feel a need to get away from it.p58
I take weekends more than vacations, which works for me.p58
Everyone has the same work ethic and focus and does their best.p58
Doing my best. Doing a great job and knowing it’s great. Being able to share that accomplishment is good, too. P59
My family is very important to me and always has been. I’m happiest when I’m with them.p59
Being able to give back is a great feeling.p59
Never give up. You can accomplish more things with that attitude than anything else I can tell you.p59
People were expecting a duel, and instead, we offered a partnership.p63
“working themselves into luck.” If you want to be lucky, prepare for something big.p63
Sure, it might be more fun to watch movies but unless you’re going into the film industry, it’s not the best use of your time. Developing your talents requires work, and work creates luck. Having this attitude toward success is a great way to set yourself on a rewarding course for your life.p63
I read an article recently about how complaining, without doing anything about it, is actually detrimental to physical and mental well-being.p67
Don’t dwell so much on a problem that you’ve exhausted yourself before you can even entertain a solution. It just doesn’t make sense. It takes brainpower and energy to think positively and creatively—and to see creatively and positively. Going negative is the easy way, the lazy way. Use your brainpower to focus on positives and solutions, and your own mindset will help create your own luck.p67
What will separate you from the complaining crowd will be how you choose to look at your situation. If you believe you are in control of it—and you are—you will know exactly who to look for when you need help: yourself. You could be your greatest discovery yet for success, luck, power, and happiness.p67
It wouldn’t do any good to blame other people.p67
If you find yourself slipping into the blaming others mode, get out of it quickly.p68
So work hard, have fun, and good luck.p68
Be resolved not to give up in the face of more problems than you might normally encounter.p70
I was definitely interested, I’d already spent a lot of time and effort on this, so I finally swallowed my pride and decided to just go for it.p72
“Courage is grace under pressure.”p76
Some days we are faced with challenges that we’d rather not have to deal with, but we get up and deal with them anyway. That’s courage. It requires a certain poise.p76
Self-confidence is a component of courage that we all need.p76
Courage isn’t the absence of fear, it’s the conquering of fear.p76
a powerful and mesmerizing speaker.p77
Another important thing about courage is that it will help you think and act in the right way. It will help you focus on the opportunities in front of you instead of on the problems. Problems are often opportunities coming at us in packaging that isn’t what we expect or want.p77
Keep your mind flexible and open to creative solutions to your problems. Einstein said, “You can’t solve a problem with the same thinking that created the problem.” That’s a good way to avoid brain cramps as well as find a solution.p77
Overcoming tremendous obstacles is all in a day’s work—if you love what you’re doing. Remember that.p82
Why do one thing when you can accomplish two or more at the same time?p84
Mind—use your mind to visualize how things might be, as you go along. That can make the plethora of details and setbacks just a part of the plan.p84
I went ahead and took the time to meet with an architect, as if the project was a done deal. That’s positive thinking, but also pragmatic thinking—keep things moving forward! If one thing doesn’t work out, another will.p85
Get the right people to work with you.p86
Expect problems and setbacks. It ’s all part of the game. If you’re not running into major challenges, you’re doing something easy, and probably not that valuable—and it ’s probably not going to make much money for you.p88
Problem often signals a big opportunity. Be prepared to work long and hard for it. Don’t be afraid to pursue multiple options, or multiple people, at the same time. If one thing doesn’t work out, you’ve got back-up options.p89
Keeping yourself as diverse as possible can open you up to many more opportunities than you might imagine. Sometimes one thing can lead to another.p91
Chalk it up to experience, don’t take it personally, and go find your next challenge!p95
There may be flukes that will occur that catapult individuals to fame or fortune, but most often you will find that people who have operated on a large scale and remained diligent and successful for a long time also have a broad understanding of world.p97
Visionaries saw all of this happening before most of us had given it a thought.p97
Think for yourself and go ahead and fight, especially if it means enough to you.p99
Handled poorly, doubt can sap your spirit and resolve. Handled well, doubt should make you smarter and strengthen your chances for success.p105
Being tentative can lend itself to fear, and fear of failure can halt you immediately. You have to work despite your fears, and very often they will disappear. Don’t let fear stop you!p107
If you’re thinking, “I’m not sure if I can do this,” turn it into, “It’s going to feel great when I do this!”p109
Try to spice up your dealings and daily work routine with occasional jokes and laughter, and you’ll see how much more enjoyable your work will become. The people you work with will appreciate it, too, if you can make them laugh.p111
Fun and a nice paycheck. Business at its best should have both.p111
Yes, we’d spent time and money on the first design, but when you’re going after the extraordinary, sometimes you have to take extraordinary pains to achieve it.p113
Be resilient. Sometimes a challenge will knock you down. Your plan may be a bust or your goal may be unattainable for a time; you may be stopped in your tracks. Get back on the horse! Deciding to try again is the first step toward getting it right the next time.p115
I credit this ability to knowing what focus really is and the ability to get to the point very quickly.p116
Thinking takes energy and it shouldn’t be wasted dwelling on the wrong things. For every problem there is a solution, and capable people will look for that solution. Make sure you’re one of the capable people. Getting to the point is sometimes just a matter of asking yourself the right questions and answering them honestly.p117
Complacency kills. Remember that your success and all good things that come your way are a direct result of your effort; you have a place to live because you’ve earned it, and you have possessions because you’ve earned them. Growing cocky or self-assured can lead you directly into a downfall. I know because it ’s happened to me.p132
I’m big on promotion because promotion works. It helps to get things done. It helps to get the public interested in what will ultimately benefit them.p154
The Four-Step Formula: “Get in, get it done, get it done right, and get out.”p156
Some people say that I’m blunt, that I’m brash, that I’m no-nonsense. That’s all true. To me, it’s a compliment because that’s how I get so much done.p156
People wait so long for their golden opportunity that by the time they get around to doing something, it’s too late.p157
If you learn to control your power of focus, you’ll be on the way to conquering stress in your life.p157
Expect problems. They are there to bring you closer to getting it done. It’s amazing how much this attitude will help you in life—your attitude will be “that’s to be expected” versus “poor me, look what’s happening!” Keep your focus on getting it done, and your problems will seem like nothing more than part of the day, like sunrise and sunset.p157
Get out. This approach will clear your slate for all the new and exciting projects that are waiting to be done—by you. This is another example of disciplined focus. When a job is finished, it’s your time to move on.p158
Outwardly the guy looked and acted like a disaster, but he was the one who did the best job.p158
Confidence can get you where you want to go. It’s so much easier to achieve when you feel good about yourself, your abilities, and your talents. That’s why I’m emphasizing confidence as a way to get the most from every day. It’s absolutely essential, so never let anyone undermine you, including yourself.p163
Take the pains required to become what you want to become, or you might end up becoming something you’d rather not be.p164
Business is full of complexities. That’s what makes it so interesting.p164
Business can be an art, and as an art, it is evolving and mysterious in its own right.p164
Bored people equal unintelligent people in my mind.p164
Ignorance is more expensive than educationp164
It was Thoreau who wrote, “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”p164
If you have something to be proud of and you can back up your claims, then go for it. Let people know. There’s no reason to be coy about great accomplishments.p166
When people say, “that’s not my style,” I can understand up to a certain point, but my initial reaction is that maybe they’re not too confident about the quality of their work.p166
I guess one thing to remember is never say never, and never think never.p168
Many people would say, why bother? I say, why give up? I do not back down. I don’t need the money from winning the case—I need to set the record straight and maybe make it harder for other disreputable writers to knock people for the fun or profit of it.p173
What I did was something that I would suggest to you: Look at the solution—not the problem.p176
I have to stop here to say that there are no guarantees in anything. People see my successes and really think it’s a breeze to get it all done. It’s not, and I spend plenty of time assessing, reassessing, analyzing, and scrutinizing. People just don’t see me doing that. Another important thing to consider is experience— I’ve been a developer for a long time, so a lot of decisions are second nature to me and not a terrific demand on my brainpower to figure out. I can move quickly once I’ve done the groundwork in my mind. However, the plans have to be in place. Be sure you have a foundation of expertise and experience in whatever you do, and then you can act decisively and creatively.p177
Spend some time on international events, read books, and keep ahead of what’s happening. Catching up can waste a lot of time—having some prescience can save you a lot of time. Keep your focus global and you may very well find yourself ahead of the game.p179
That’s another good lesson to remember: always know what you’re getting into—you have to do your due diligence, especially if it’s a field that’s new to you.p183
Nothing is easy. Sometimes you just have to be stubborn as well as patient.p184
Trump’s Top 10 List for Success
1. Never give up! Do not settle for remaining in your comfort zone. Remaining complacent is a good way to get nowhere.
2. Be passionate! If you love what you’re doing, it will never seem like work.
3. Be focused! Ask yourself: What should I be thinking about right now? Shut out interference. In this age of multitasking, this is a valuable technique to acquire.
4. Keep your momentum! Listen, apply and move forward. Do not procrastinate.
5. See yourself as victorious! That will focus you in the right direction.
6. Be tenacious! Being stubborn can work wonders.
7. Be lucky! The old saying, “The harder I work, the luckier I get” is absolutely right on.
8. Believe in yourself! If you don’t, no one else will either. Think of yourself as a one-man army.
9. Ask yourself: What am I pretending not to see? There may be some great opportunities right around you, even if things aren’t looking so great. Great adversity can turn into great victory.
10. Look at the solution, not the problem. And never give up! Never never never give up. This thought deserves to be said (and remembered and applied) many times. It’s that important. Good luck!p186