最高法院有最终裁定权,那么这次的裁定理由又是什么呢?老夏考研“每日一题”今天的文章选自于《赫芬顿邮报》,原文文章标题为“Supreme Court Overturns Murder Conviction”(最高法院推翻谋杀罪判决)。
今天给的这种题型,如果能够作对,一定给自己恨恨点赞哟。 ......
【题目】One problem with Evans’ conviction lies in ______
[A] severity of the case.
[B]race of jurors.
[C] incompetence of lawyers.
[D] verdict of the jury.
①The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday overturned a 2010 conviction in the case of Curtis Flowers, a black man on death row in Mississippi for the 1996 murder of four people in a furniture store.②In a 7-2 decision authored by Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the high court sided with Curtis’ lawyers, who argued that District Attorney Doug Evans, who is white, excluded potential black jurors on the basis of race in the 2010 trial. ③The defense attorneys said the Mississippi Supreme Court failed to properly apply U.S. Supreme Court precedent in determining whether people were unconstitutionally kept off a jury on the basis of race.④Evans has attempted to convict Flowers six times over the years; two trials — the only ones with more than one black juror — resulted in hung juries.
①The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday overturned a 2010 conviction in the case of Curtis Flowers, a black man on death row in Mississippi for the 1996 murder of four people in a furniture store. 美国最高法院周五推翻了2010年对密西西比州黑人男子柯蒂斯·弗劳尔斯(Curtis Flowers)的判决。
②In a 7-2 decision authored by Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the high court sided with Curtis’ lawyers, who argued that District Attorney Doug Evans, who is white, excluded potential black jurors on the basis of race in the 2010 trial. 在布雷特·卡瓦诺(Brett Kavanaugh)法官起草的一份7票赞成、2票反对的裁决中,高等法院站在柯蒂斯的律师一边。柯蒂斯的律师认为,在2010年的审判中,地区检察官道格·埃文斯(Doug Evans)基于种族原因排除了可能的黑人陪审员。埃文斯是白人。
③The defense attorneys said the Mississippi Supreme Court failed to properly apply U.S. Supreme Court precedent in determining whether people were unconstitutionally kept off a jury on the basis of race. 辩护律师说,密西西比州最高法院未能恰当地运用美国最高法院的先例,来决定人们是否因种族原因而违反宪法被排除在陪审团之外。
④Evans has attempted to convict Flowers six times over the years; two trials — the only ones with more than one black juror — resulted in hung juries. 多年来,埃文斯曾六次试图判弗劳尔斯有罪;有两次审判 —— 唯一一次有一名以上黑人陪审员的审判 —— 出现了未取得一致意见的陪审团。