原文选自The Economist 2016-08-06的Europe板块
原文:MUCH of the European Union is still smarting from Britain’s vote to leave the club on June 23rd, according to data released on August 4th by Ipsos Mori, a pollster. In the nine member states surveyed, 55% think an exit vote was a bad choice for Britain, while 58% think it was also bad for the EU as a whole. Outside the Union feelings are slightly more sanguine. Only 35% of those polled in seven countries with big economies think Britain made a mistake.90
译文:民意调查人Ipsos Mori于8月4日发布的数据显示,受6月23日英国脱欧公投影响,很多欧盟成员国仍处于余波阵痛之中。在调查的九个成员国中,55%的人认为此举对于英国来说是个糟糕的选择,58%的人认为整个欧洲也不能幸免于难。而欧盟之外的民众则稍微乐观一些。七大经济体国家的受调民众中只有35%的人认为英国走错了一步棋。
原文:Of all the countries surveyed, Russia is by far the happiest. Only 10% believe it was the wrong decision for Britain. By contrast, the Swedes are the most overwrought: 68% think it will be bad for Europe. These two extreme reactions may well be connected. Swedes fear Brexit could lead to the dissolution of the EU. This would leave them even more exposed to the whims of the Kremlin, which routinely makes aggressive gestures in their direction, such as sending submarines into Swedish waters. By contrast Russia is delighted by the prospect of a weaker Europe.
原文:Another reason the Swedes may be anguished is trade. Britain is their fourth biggest trading partner. As with the other countries surveyed, that factor seems to sway respondents’ feelings about Brexit. Broadly speaking, the more a country exports to Britain, the more upset are its citizens by the split.
原文:In almost every country surveyed the better educated are more likely to think Brexit was unwise. On average 42% of people who did not finish secondary school thought it was the wrong choice, compared with 58% of those who had been to university. Moving up the income ladder also tends to lower the likelihood of backing Brexit.
原文:Slightly more Europeans want the EU to be tough with Britain (28%) than those who want a softer approach (26%). France is harshest: 39% of its people want Britain to be clobbered. Britons, unsurprisingly, are the most eager for generous terms.
原文:Britons diverge from continental thinking in another regard. They are more likely than those in any other EU state to believe their departure will spur others to leave. Fully 64% of them also reckon that Brexit will leave the EU economy weaker, the joint-highest estimate among all the countries asked. Breaking up a relationship is never easy, but when one side thinks it is God’s gift to political unions it becomes tougher still.
- smart:刺痛,疼痛
我们最常见的smart释义是聪明的、灵巧的、智能的。smart的另一个含义是(身体某部位或伤口)刺痛。If a part of your body or a wound smarts, you feel a sharp stinging pain in it. 此处smart为引申义,是熟词生义。 - pollster:民意调查人,民意测验者
民意测验是poll或opinion poll。民意调查人是polltaker或pollster。 - sanguine:乐观的,满怀希望的
If you are sanguine about something, you are cheerful and confident that things will happen in the way you want them to. - whim:怪念头,奇想;狂想;幻想
A whim is a wish to do or have something that seems to have no serious reason or purpose behind it, and often occurs suddenly. - clobber:彻底打垮;压倒;strike violently and repeatedly; beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight