来到图书馆, 我们要提醒小朋友注意 No running and talk quietly, please. Don't disturb the others.
面对书架上一排排绘本书籍,可以问孩子 Which book would you like to read? Wanna pick one from the bookshelf?
看书的时候,记得提醒小朋友要保持正确的坐姿哦。Please sit up when you read.
还要注意爱护图书:Please be careful when you turn the page. Don't bend the corners.
读完后,要把书放回原来的位置哦。When you are done reading, please put the books back onto the bookshelf.
如果小朋友依然意犹未尽,不妨拿着借书证 library card 把感兴趣的书借回家继续阅读啦。教会孩子说我想要借这些书,I wanna borrow these books. 然后记得提醒他们还书日期哦,We have to return these book in 3 weeks. Let’s mark that on our calendar when we get home.