Let's Learn English is a new course for English learners. Certified American English teachers designed the course for beginners. The course continues for 52 weeks.
Let's Learn English (YOLO美语)是美国之音最新推出的视频教学课程,由英语专业教师为初学者量身打造,共计52课。
Each week, there will be a new lesson with video showing the lives of young Americans. The lesson includes instruction in speaking, vocabulary and writing.
Pete: Hi! Are you Anna?
Anna: Yes! Hi there! Are you Pete?
Pete: I am Pete
Anna: Nice to meet you
Anna: Let's try that again. I'm Anna
Pete: I'm Pete. "Anna" Is that A-N-A?
Anna: No. A-N-N-A
Pete: Well, Anna with two "n's" ... Welcome to ... 1400 Irving Street!
Anna: My new apartment! Yes!
Jonathan: Hey, Pete! Who’s your friend?
Pete: She is Anna. She is new to D.C.
Jonathan: Where are you from?
Anna: I am from a small town.
Jonathan: Well, welcome to D.C.
Anna: Thank you.
Jonathan: I am Jonathan. I am in apartment B4.
Anna: I am in apartment C2. Marsha is my roommate.
Jonathan: I know Marsha. She is nice.
Pete: I have to go now.
Anna: Oh!
Pete: Remember to call Marsha at work. Tell her you’re here.
Anna: Right, thanks, Pete. Nice to meet you!
Jonathan: You too, Bye.
Anna: Apartment C2, here I come!