VFX Fractal toolkit:integrating factrals into vfx pipeLine
compositing light field video using multiple images
glove puppetry cloud theater through a virtual reality network
Real-time structure aware color stippling
cubeharmonic: a new musical instructment based on rubik's cube with embeded motion sensor
arque:artificial biomimicry-inspired tail for extending innate body functions
3d printing for mixed reality hands-on museum exhibit interaction
innervate immersion:case study of dynamic simulations in ar/vr environments for learning muscular innervation
magicpapaer:tabletop interactive projection device based on tangible interaction
02-目录-Immersive Pavillion
The Last Oasis——Fujita
Spheres——Mcnitt, Engel, Golden, Colinart, Aronofsky, Newton, Handel
Wolves in the walls: Chapter2 It's All over——Billington
Deep Reality: An underwater VR experience to promote relaxation by unconscious HR, EDA, and Brain Activity BioFeedBack
City of Sparkles——Liu, Hu, Duan
Pixel Ripped 1989——Ribeiro, Caputo, Justus, Martins
Neural AR:Immersive Augmented reality with real-time neural stytle transfer
T.REX:Skeleton Crew——American Museum of Natural History
Drawing Sounds in my Space——Nakagawa, Komatsubara, Ota, Sonobe, Mitsumori, Hata, Ohmura
Air: Augemented Interaction of Realities
Remote Spatial Programming and collaboration using a real-time volumetric capture space
Mary and the Monster:Chapter one
IL DIVINO:Michelangelo's sistine ceiling in VR
03-目录-Real-time Live
Quixel's Rebirth: megascans environment breakdown
Real-time, single camera, digital human development
GAUGAN:Semantic Image synthesis with spatially adaptive nomalization
old school/new cool: driving live engagement through mixed mediums in real-time
project nira: instant interactive real-time access to multi-gigabyte sized 3d assets on any device
Level EX: marching all kinds of rays_on mobile
Causing Chaos: physics and destruction in unreal engine
VR hair salon for avatars
Reality vs. illusion real-time ray tracing
Spooky action at a distance: realtime vr interaction for non-real time remote robotics
Real-time procedural vfx characters in unity's real-time short film "the heretic"