words and phrases
perm noun:a chemical process that makesyour hair curly, or a hairstylethat is created in this way
Is your hair naturally curly or have you had a perm?你的头发是自然卷还是烫的?
bouffant adjective:A bouffant hairstyle has the hair arranged in a high rounded shape.
lapel noun:a strip of cloth that is part of the front of a jacket or coat. It is joined to the collar and folded back onto the chest.
A flower was pinned to/in her lapel.她的领子上别了一朵花。
humility noun:the quality of not beingproud because you are awareof your bad qualities
He doesn't have the humility to admitwhen he's wrong.他在自己错了的时候不会谦虚地承认。
trimming noun:extra things that completeor improve the appearanceof something
a big wedding celebration with all the trimmings布置着各种各样装饰物的盛大婚礼
forgo verb:to not have or do somethingenjoyable
I shall have to forgo the pleasure ofseeing you this week.这周我只好放弃与您相见的那份荣幸了。
tuxedo noun:a man's black or white jacketworn at formal social events, usually in the evening, withmatching trousers and a bowtie
fluffy adjective:light and full of air
Beat the eggs and sugar together until they are fluffy.搅打鸡蛋和糖直到其颜色变浅且松软为止。
jot sth down:to write something quickly on apiece of paper so that youremember it
I carry a notebook so that I can jotdown any ideas.我随身带了个笔记本,这样可以把想法随手记下来。
bedridden adjective:having to stay in bed because of illness or injury
His aunt was 93 and bedridden.他婶婶93岁了,长年卧床。
poplar noun:a tall tree with branches thatform a thin pointed shape
a tall row of poplars一排高大的白杨树
makeshift adjective:temporary and of low quality, but used because of a suddenneed
Thousands of refugees are living in makeshift camps.数千个的难民居住在临时帐篷里。
clad adjective:(of people) dressed, or (of things) covered
A strange figure appeared in thedoorway, clad in white.一个奇怪的人出现在门口,穿着白衣服。
indignity noun:something that causes a lossof respect for someone or for yourself
They were subjected to variousindignities and discomforts, includinghaving to get dressed and undressedin public.他们经历了各种有损尊严和令人尴尬的事,包括不得不当众穿衣和脱衣。
dutiful adjective:doing everything that you should do
bloodshot adjective:When your eyes are bloodshot, they are red or pink on thewhite parts.
petty adjective:complaining too much about things that are notimportant
Don't be so petty!别这么小心眼!
don verb:to put on a piece of clothing
He donned his finest coat and hat.他穿上了他最帅的外套,戴上了他最好的帽子。
wind verb:If you wind (up) a clock or watch, you cause it to work by turning a key,handle, or other device.
monologue noun:a long speech by one person
He subjected me to a monologue on his last stay inhospital.他向我滔滔不绝地讲述了他上次住院的经历。
virtuous adjective:having good moral qualitiesand behaviour
He described them as virtuous andhard-working people.他将他们描述成一个品德高尚、勤劳善良的民族。
wedlock noun:the state of being married
dab verb:to touch something with quicklight touches, or to put asubstance on something withquick light touches
She dabbed at her eyes with a tissue.她用面巾纸轻轻地擦了擦眼睛。
slur verb:to pronounce the sounds of a word in a way that is wrong or not clear
Her speech was slurred but she stilldenied she was drunk.她口齿都不清楚了,但还不承认自己喝醉了。
maverick noun:a person who thinks and actsin an independent way, oftenbehaving differently from theexpected or usual way
a political maverick持不同政见者
housewarming noun:a party that you give when youmove into a new house
We're having a housewarming onFriday if you'd like to come.我们要在星期五举行乔迁聚会,愿意的话欢迎前来参加。
saving grace noun:a good quality that something or someone has that stops it, him, or her from beingcompletely bad
The film's only/one saving grace is the excellent cinematography.这部电影(唯一的/一个)可取之处就是摄影很出色。
chagrin noun:disappointment or anger,especially when caused by afailure or mistake
My children have never shown aninterest in music, much to my chagrin.我的孩子们从没对音乐表现出一点兴趣,真让我失望。
posh adjective:(of people andtheir voices) from a high socialclass
A woman with a very posh accentphoned for him earlier.一位谈吐高雅的女士早些时候给他打了个电话。
invigorate verb:to make someone feel fresher,healthier, and more energetic
We were invigorated by our walk.散步使我们精神焕发。
overt adjective:done or shown publicly or in anobvious way and not secret
overt criticism公开的批评
allude to sb/sth:o mention someone or something without talkingabout him, her, or it directly
She mentioned some trouble that she'd had at home and I guessed she was alluding to her son.她提到家中有些麻烦事儿,我猜她是指她的儿子。
mahogany noun:a dark red-brown wood used to make furniture
a handsome mahogany desk美观大方的红木书桌
basal adjective:forming the bottom layer of something
uterus noun:the organ in the body of a woman or other femalemammal in which a babydevelops before birth
latex noun:a white liquid produced by many plants, especially rubbertrees, or a rubber-likesubstance made from this or from plastic, used in makingclothes, paint, glue, etc.
a latex mask乳胶口罩
in vitro adjective:happening outside the body inartificial conditions, often in atest tube
Scientists are studying these cells in vitro.科学家们把这些细胞放在试管里进行研究。
meticulous adjective:very careful and with greatattention to every detail
Many hours of meticulous preparationhave gone into writing the book.为写此书,已投入了大量时间做细致的前期准备。
rev up (sb/sth):to become more active, or to make someone or somethingbecome more active
The hotel is revving up for the busy summer season.这个旅馆为忙碌的夏季加快运转起来。
ledge noun:a narrow shelf that sticks out from a vertical surface
oblivious adjective:not conscious of something,especially what is happeningaround you
Absorbed in her work, she was totally oblivious of her surroundings.她专心于工作,对周围的一切毫无知觉。
overbearing adjective:too confident and toodetermined to tell other peoplewhat to do, in a way that isunpleasant
Milligan had a pompous, overbearing father.米利根有个自负、专横的父亲。
Such a long chapter.
And it contains a considerable amount of information about why Amir's life in USA. These plots were actually quite significant in Amir's long life: went to college, father was dead, married and got his the novel published and became a little celebrity in his community. These procedures actually did not change Amir a lot. He was still that nervous and sinful guy. But now he had a beautiful wife and being a grown-up. There should be some changes to accelerate the plots in this book in the coming chapter.