1 Code Conventions
Java Code Conventions
Kotlin Code Conventions
2 Code Style
Code Format
Code Style plugin
3 Best Practice
Communicate with other fragments
public class HeadlinesFragment extends ListFragment {
OnHeadlineSelectedListener callback;
public void setOnHeadlineSelectedListener(OnHeadlineSelectedListener callback) {
this.callback = callback;
// This interface can be implemented by the Activity, parent Fragment,
// or a separate test implementation.
public interface OnHeadlineSelectedListener {
public void onArticleSelected(int position);
// ...
public static class MainActivity extends Activity
implements HeadlinesFragment.OnHeadlineSelectedListener{
// ...
public void onAttachFragment(Fragment fragment) {
if (fragment instanceof HeadlinesFragment) {
HeadlinesFragment headlinesFragment = (HeadlinesFragment) fragment;
4 Project Conventions
The activity ends with Activity, DummyActivity
The fragment ends with Fragment, DummyFragment
activity layout
start with activity, DummyActivity ->activity_dummy
fragment layout
start with the fragment, DummyFragment →fragment_dummy
Not use String.format for Number, use Utils.format instead, because of issue KDS-XXX
5 Lint
使用 Android Studio Lint 去除无用、错误、性能不友好的代码
6 Commit Convention
<add>: 地图改版
--- COMMIT END ---
Type can be
feat 新功能
fix Bug修复
refactor 重构
style 代码格式/风格修改
docs 修改注释
test 修改测试代码
add 新增代码
影响范围 :地图MapUI大头针的图标
是否自测 : 是 zoomIn和zoomOut 请求不同的门店