Jianshu is supposed to be a platform where potential writers share their articles full with thoughts, proses with beautiful words and maybe even life experiences with mottos. Unlike the others I'm trying to record my daily life and even some thoughts in English with help of Jianshu. Since it has a wonderful and simple layout, it can be synchronized automatically with the phone app, write everywhere, read and edit whenever you want. This could be exactly what I'm after and may somehow stimulate the enthusiasm as well as energy about writing.
I just returned to work from a ten days of holiday. I found myself extremely exhausted. It's difficult to get back to a different daily rhythm when you are used to be lazy and cozy at home: wake up till whenever you think you're awake, go to bed whenever you think you're tired. But you have a timeline to follow once you go back to work, wake up at half eight o clock, go to work, get your breakfast along your way to work, sit down and turn on your computer, a day begins.
There's nothing special happened today, but I do have some thoughts which I would prefer to write down. What I profoundly important find is how important English either for daily life or for work. As I sat in my seat working on my stuff today, a group leader just went by and he was talking about a german's English, he said, that guy in XX department is just not so good, he's talking the whole time german English. I always think a man's work ability is above his language skills, but I forgot one point that people get the first impression of you through the way you talk and the things you talk about. If you don't speak fluent English with relative good pronunciation and less mistakes, people look down on you. You'll have to work hard to earn the respect from the others, to prove your ability, to convince the others you're better than they thought.
Guess what, yes, the thought above is the only reason why I'm writing here. Actually I should also write some german diaries to keep on delivering as I go along (really good environment to learn german).
well, so much for today. I have an appointment regarding sub-sahara presentation tomorrow, I've prepared 17 slides to prove the UC business in Nigeria is attractive and there's potential in the country. One idea just came to my mind, would it be better every time I write those presentations down word in word before the presentation, will it be helpful?
YANIII 05. Aril 2016 Tuesday