NSArray element failed to match the Swift Array Element type
解决方法:由于未使用第三方字典转模型框架,我将字典中所有的value单独赋值给模型的属性就解决了, 或者使用KVC一个一个转换也可以setValue(<#T##value: Any?##Any?#>, forKey: <#T##String#>)
class XYSpecial: NSObject {
// MARK:- 属性
var scId : Int?
var title : String? // 专题活动标题
var subTitle : String? // 专题活动子标题
var desc : String? // 专题活动描述
var smallPicUrl : String?
var largePicUrl : String?
var mainPicUrl : String? // 专题详情页的头部图片
var createTime : String? // 创建时间
var pubTime : String? // 出版时间
var weight : Int?
var hitCount : Int?
var hasDel : Int?
var threadId : Int?
var chosen : Int?
var itemList : [XYArticleItem] = [XYArticleItem]() // 专题活动的物品模型数组
// MARK:- 自定义构造函数
init(dict: [String: Any]) {
if let list = dict["itemList"] as? [[String : Any]] {
for obj in list {
let articleItem = (XYArticleItem(dict: obj))
self.scId = dict["scId"] as! Int?
self.title = dict["title"] as! String?
self.subTitle = dict["subTitle"] as! String?
self.desc = dict["desc"] as! String?
self.smallPicUrl = dict["smallPicUrl"] as! String?
self.largePicUrl = dict["largePicUrl"] as! String?
self.mainPicUrl = dict["mainPicUrl"] as! String?
self.createTime = dict["createTime"] as! String?
self.pubTime = dict["pubTime"] as! String?
self.weight = dict["weight"] as! Int?
self.hitCount = dict["hitCount"] as! Int?
self.hasDel = dict["hasDel"] as! Int?
self.threadId = dict["threadId"] as! Int?
self.chosen = dict["chosen"] as! Int?