Looking for a fail-proof way to feed a big family to everyone’s satisfaction on a cold and rainy day? This slow-cooked and hearty navarin will do. Rich in protein, vitaminsA and C, potassium and fiber, this filling stew abounds in both flavor and nutrition.
The lamb shoulder is simmered in liquid over a long period of time, which works to break down the gelatin and fibrous tissues making the lamb meltingly tender. Pay attention not to boil the lamb, as the source would become muddy, the meat would contract much and get too dry, and the vegetables would disintegrate.
The stew is also loaded with football-shaped carrots and turnips. Their sweet and mellow taste offset the acidity from the canned tomato paste. Once puréed, the three root vegetables provide a creamy backbone to the soup’s texture.
People may complain about the traditional navarin as hopelessly bland, or deemed it too heavy. These concerns are well addressed with this recipe. The green peas, red carrots and milky turnips blend perfectly together for more variety and nuances in one sitting . Onions and butter brown as the vegetables sauté to give the soup a nutty depth.
As the icing on the cake, the parsley rounds out he lamb-scent which can be off-putting to some people, but please note too much of parsley can be distracting.