第一部分:Sarah Garfinkel
文章先由密歇根大学的 Sarah Garfinkel was shocked to discover that young veterans of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan felt terrified even in Ann Arbor. 引出。紧接着说明Garfinkel是干嘛的 Garfinkel was in Michigan to study the brain circuitry involved in persistent fear. 接着 Garfinkel 在英国苏塞克斯大学提出结论:身体有助于产生我们的自我意识,是意识的关键部分。
It has long been known that our internal organs have lives of their own.
However, in the 20th century, neuroscientists tended to ignore the body. 缸中大脑
第三部分:Antonio Damasio,引出一个无法理解的实验
南加州大学的 Damasio pioneered the field of embodied consciousness. 曾经的少数派已经有众人加入,其中就包括 Sarah Garfinkel. 他们做了一个实验:someone to count their heartbeats over a fixed time and compare their count with the actual one measured by an electrocardiogram (ECG),实验结论是:谁数的心跳准谁的直觉强,谁更容易感知别人的情绪!
第四部分:Hyeongdong Park 提供解密实验的线索
瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院的 Hyeongdong 和他的 colleagues 测试那些经历过全身错觉的人。测试方法:测试者穿上虚拟设备,看虚拟世界的自己饶后背,然后受试者越来越觉得自己是虚拟世界里的自己。得出结论Here was the first neurophysiological evidence of a link between interoception and the brain’s notion of self, claimed the researchers.
第五部分:Olaf Blanke & Benjamin Libet
EPFL 和 Libet 都发现了一个信号,这个信号在身体做出行动之后才有。EPFL的领导Blanke得出结论“acts of free will are hostage to a host of inner body states”.
第六部分:Park and Blanke 没看懂
第七部分:巴黎的精神学家: Catherine Tallon-Baudry
这个人has a different conception of how the body contributes to self-consciousness. 无论是体内还是体外,狂轰乱炸的信息砸向大脑,她认为大脑是整合整个生物体的中心,意识是它的一种属性。
第八部分:Tallon-Baudry and Park的新实验
Can a robot ever be conscious without a heart, lungs and gut?
Soap bubbles can pollinate flowers
Mix pollen grains with soap and load the blend into a bubble gun, and you have a way to fertilize flowers without bees, whose populations are in decline. In a pear orchard, the method was as successful as pollination by hand, with 95 per cent of the flowers bearing fruit in both cases (iScience, doi.org/gg2jvx).
Acknowledging odd coronavirus symptoms is vital to stopping its spread
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声称“world-beating”的密切追踪系统被逐渐open的商店啪啪啪打脸(原本计划五月覆盖全英的 国家健康服务app 被 UK government ditched,因为小范围的测试并未成功),虽然现在准备重写做一款植入系统内部的程序,但也得等到冬季才能大范围测试。
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虽然 R值降低到了0.7~0.9,但是小范围的爆发仍有可能发生!
nevertheless, most indicators of the virus's prevalence are showing a decline
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