Parents can now take some practical steps
进入查看:TEENS Junior二十一21世纪学生英文报初一2022-2023学年八年级答案汇总
Parents can now take some practical steps to get started. One of the simplest is setting up certain times and places where devices won’t be used. For example, device-free mealtimes are important for many reasons, and this is an easy way to limit the use. Other ideas include not using devices in the restroom, when having a conversation with someone, or when playing games with the kids.
In addition, parents should not use “do as I say, not as I do” to send confusing messages to their children. We can tell kids that it’s important to curb their device use, but if their experience with parents from infancy on is watching them use devices frequently, they are much more likely to follow that model. Therefore, parents should set the right example for their children.
Recently, a computer virus called “WannaCry” hit about 100 countries worldwide. With computer security agencies taking responsive measures, the attack has weakened. Actually, the virus is not totally new—it used the EternalBlue exploit developed by the United States’ National Security Agency that was stolen by hackers.
The incident teaches us at least two lessons. First, there is nothing absolutely safe in the Internet age. Even if developed by law enforcers, a powerful computer attack tool is at risk of being acquired by lawbreakers.