1. Representational State Transfer 表述性状态转移
2. 在苹果出来之前,一直是nokia的天下,
If your web has 3 modules: web front, public service , php code ,
如果想用js去访问你网站的public service , usually 不提倡,因为Browser有跨域limit,This public service and your web is not in the same 域。通常的手法就是: 首选这个服务没有rest,那它提供的信使是soap,soap会生成一个wsbl代理类,这个代理类be put in background,那么If you want to visit the public service with js, First of all , u need to visit the background code , 然后由your web background code 再使用这个public service中的代理类 to visit P.S.
REST supports a 更加轻量化的 think style .
Most of Internet products 在提供api时,还是会优先use rest.
However , in some traditional corps , they still use soap.