Free Minds and Free Men
Discussion as an aid to reading,not reading for the sake of “brilliant” conversation.
Reading the great books well is not an end in itself. It is a means toward living a decent human life,the life of a free man and a free frozen.
吸口新鲜空气, 感觉自己永远都20岁
For lively conservation,you need more than books and ability to read them. You need friends and the ability to talk and listen.
Communication not only results in something ommon;it usually needs a common background to begin with.
Our failures in communication are as much due to the lack of an initial community of ideas as to our inabilities in talking and listening.
Friendship depends on a community of interests.
We and our friends are free to make plans to ourselves.
We don not wait for someone to come along and offer us a program. We do not need any elaborate machinery to set up one. We do not even need any teachers.
Get together,read the great books,and discuss them.
A discussion is led by the asking of questions.
Every good conversation is a unique thing.
Good discussion of important problems in the light of great books is almost a complete exercise in the arts of thinking and communicating.
心态像抗衰老冲剂, 每天起床都必须喝一杯
One acquires a tolerance for arguement through dealing with them patiently and sympathetically.
A great book may help us by the examples it affords of penetrating insight and cogent analysis.
和镜子里的你打个招呼 夸句还是那么牛逼
A Little Princess
May this world be full of love