



金庸先生是位新闻从业者, 也是位讲述故事的大师, 他那些让人不忍释卷的武侠小说使先生成为最有影响力的中文作家, 他于2018年10月30日在香港养和医疗医院去世,享年94岁。 

先生从1955年起开始在报纸上连载《书剑恩仇录》, 到1972年的《鹿鼎记》封笔, 金庸先生已经成为一个现象级的人物了, 他的小说为我们诠释了那种儒家的武侠精神, 也许那些酷炫的武功绝学我们已经不记得几招几式了, 但“侠”字的内涵,又感染了多少个你和我呢? “侠之大者,为国为民”。 侠并不是坐在一起喝酒谈心,侠是在重大事件面前能坚持自己内心的价值观, 不为流言蜚语所动, 不为庸众所裹挟,不做沉默的大多数, 也不为了炫耀而强出头的逞能,选择忠于自己内心的价值观, 虽千万人吾往矣这样的精神

就让我们随着这片讣闻看看先生一生的轨迹, 也重温我们心中那个稚嫩的武侠梦!

Louis Cha, the newsman and master storyteller whose unputdownable wuxia novels made him the most popular living Chinese author in his lifetime, has died in Hong Kong at the age of 94.

He died in Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital on Tuesday afternoon (Oct 30), said Ming Pao Daily News. No cause of death was given. In April, The New Yorker magazine said he had "been frail since suffering a stroke in 1997". During an interview with the magazine in 2014, "he is unable to walk or write, and speaks with difficulty, relying on a retinue", The New Yorker added.

Cha was known to millions by his pen name Jin Yong.

Starting with The Book And The Sword in 1955 and continuing until the final instalment of The Deer And The Cauldron in 1972, Cha was a phenomenon, fusing martial arts fantasy, history, heartfelt romance and urgent prose into must-read newspaper serials.


“飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳”,外加一部《越女剑》,先生的这些武侠小说给我们的青春留下多少遐想呀。而金庸先生在他创作的鼎盛时期,是既办报纸也进行小说连载, 他在香港创办了《明报》,上世纪60年代又在新加坡和《南洋商报》合办了《新民日报》,当时他的小说《笑傲江湖》就是在《新民日报》上优先连载的。 

金庸先生的作品在亚洲地区以各种各样的形式传播,影响力非常大。先后被翻译成越南语, 日语,英语等诸多语言,销售量达到3亿册, 如果加上盗版的有上十亿的发行量了, 影响力非常可观。 

His 15 wuxia titles were serialised in publications including Hong Kong's New Evening Post and Ming Pao (which he founded in 1959, after the success of his third novel, Legend Of The Condor Heroes) and Singapore's Nanyang Siang Pau and Shin Min Daily News (which he established in 1967 and which had first dibs on his latest novel then, The Legendary Swordsman).

The works have spread across Asia as books, radio serials, movies, ubiquitous television dramas and video games. The books have been translated into Vietnamese, Japanese and English, among other languages, and have had sales estimated as high as 300 million - or more than one billion, counting bootleg copies.

金庸先生的多卷小说, 比如《射雕英雄传》,《神雕侠侣》,《倚天屠龙记》,《天龙八部》,《笑傲江湖》,《鹿鼎记》早已成为华语世界颇受欢迎的流行文化了。 

如果追溯武侠小说这种题材的源起, 那大概要到司马迁《史记》中的游侠列传了,之后也经历了明清时小说盛行以及民国时期的旧派武侠小说,而金庸先生和梁羽生先生则开启了新派武侠小说, 他们在表现手法上既重视中国传统武侠哦小说写实的传统, 也向西方小说吸收新的手法, 而且他们注重人物的思想品德,品味, 吐过“侠”的形象。 正如“侠之大者,为国为民”

The most successful of Cha's multiple-volume novels, including Legend Of The Condor Heroes, Return Of The Condor Heroes, Heaven Sword And Dragon Sabre, Demi-Gods And Semi-Devils, The Legendary Swordsman and The Deer And The Cauldron, have long entered the canon of popular culture in the Chinese-speaking world.

The wuxia genre arguably dates back to China's Han dynasty, when historian Sima Qian (145BC to 87BC) gave a chapter to Confucian knights errant in his seminal Historical Records.

新派武侠小说之所以首先出现在香港,也是有其历史必然性的, 当时在华语世界,不论大陆还是台湾, 各种政治思潮正轰轰烈烈, 根本没有武侠的立足之地, 而在香港,一方面是武林门派的争斗启发民众对武术的热衷, 另一方面,也有像梁羽生、金庸这样家学渊源的学士。所以当1954年, 白鹤派和太极派在澳门比武时, 陈文统就用梁羽生这个笔名在《大公报》上发表了《龙虎斗金华》。 

1955年, 金庸先生在梁及其他好友的鼓励下, 也开始创作《书剑恩仇录》

In 1954, the form was revitalised when the New Evening Post seized on the Hong Kong public's mania for a duel between martial artists Chen Kefu and Wu Gongyi in Macau and quickly serialised a Liang Yusheng wuxia novel, Dragon And Tiger Vie In The Capital.

Liang is the pseudonym of Chen Wentong, Cha's colleague and friend at the Post, which was the evening edition of Ta Kung Pao. Both Chen and Cha were descended from Chinese scholars and had resettled in Hong Kong.

In 1955, Cha followed Chen with his maiden wuxia novel, The Book And The Sword, for the New Evening Post.

金庸在他鼎盛时期,是既在办报,又在写武侠小说连载。 人们说他是右手豪情书武侠,左手社论系民生

Cha would dominate the genre with his brand of wuxia fiction. In his most prolific years at Ming Pao, he was said to be writing editorials with his right hand and daily instalments of wuxia serials with his left.

Cha was born on March 10, 1924, into an illustrious scholarly family in the town of Yuanhua in Haining county, Zhejiang province, China. His pen name, Jin Yong, came from the last character of his name, Zha Liangyong. (In Chinese, the two yongs are written differently.)


金庸先生祖上在清朝“一门七进士,叔侄五翰林”。 被康熙成为“唐宋以来的巨族,江南有数人家”

他的祖父是一地方官, 父亲查枢清是接受西方教育, 母亲徐璐也是出生于名门望族,徐志摩是徐璐女士的堂侄儿。

Five ancestors, all elite Hanlin scholars, had served under the Qing emperors Kangxi and Yongzheng. Cha - a direct descendant of one of them, calligrapher Zha Sheng - was brought up in a house of which one section bore a plaque bestowed by Kangxi.

His grandfather Zha Wenqing had been a magistrate during the Guangxu reign. His father Zha Shuqing had received a Western education and his mother Xu Lu was a daughter of a business family; poet Xu Zhimo was her distant nephew.

金庸在家里七个孩子中排行老二,自幼喜欢读书。 当时大哥从上海带回巴金先生的书, 小查同学如饥似渴地阅读。 家里的亲戚家的藏书也都不放过, 小查同学都会迫不及待地拿来读。

金庸自幼家境很不错, 小时候家里还有个叫月云的小姑娘,被她的父母作为抵押品派在查家做事。 

金庸年少就对这种天然的阶级差异有所觉知, 在他看来,父母虽没有做什么坏事, 也没有欺压谁, 但他们却对祖辈们传下来的章法制度习以为常, 对其他更为弱势的群体的疾苦无动于衷。可以说少年的经历在他的心底种下一颗悲悯的种子。

Young Liangyong, the second of the couple's seven children, was a bookworm, devouring the Ba Jin novels his big brother bought from Shanghai, and other books borrowed from cousins and uncles.

In a rare autobiographical story, Yueyun, Cha wrote about his privileged childhood against a backdrop of social injustice. Yueyun is the name of his child servant, a girl put up as collateral for a loan her parents got from his parents.

"His father and mother didn't do bad things themselves nor oppressed others," Cha wrote. "However, they acted unconsciously in accordance with the system and methods passed down by their ancestors, living comfortably themselves and being indifferent to others' hunger and suffering."

金庸很小的时候就开始出版畅销书了, 那还是在他15岁时, 和当时的两个朋友一起编撰了一本小升初的指导用书, 在当时甚为受欢迎,也为几位少年赚得盆满钵满的。 

但金庸求学的路并不那么顺利, 先是因写讽刺督导的墙报被学校开除,上大学后, 又因投诉一些国名党党员学生的行为而被迫离开学校,到1948 年才获得国际法的学位从学校毕业。 

In 1939, Cha was 15 when he published his first book, a junior high school entrance exam guide that he compiled with two friends. It was a bestseller, earning enough money to last the trio until they went to university in Chongqing. In 1941, a head instructor expelled Cha from school for posting a wall newspaper with satirical content, but the principal helped transfer him to another school.

 Despite the early promise he showed for publishing, Cha hoped to be a diplomat and enrolled at the Central School of Governance in Chongqing in 1944. But he was forced out of school after complaining about the behaviour of student members of the governing Kuomintang. In 1948, he finally graduated with a degree in international law from Soochow University in Shanghai.

小查同学在拿到学位前, 就开始在新闻界工作, 1946年, 他在东南日报做记者, 后来有在大公报做国际新闻翻译。 1948 年调到大公报香港分部工作。 

他的小说中的故事融合了他的个人经历以及政治事件。 比如《书剑恩仇录》就是取材自他家乡的一个传说, 说乾隆并不是满族人, 而是在出生时被掉包了的汉族人。而他的另外一部作品《连城诀》则是从自家一个工人身上的故事受到启发而写成的。 

But in the interim, he had fallen into journalism, working as a reporter for the Southeastern Daily in Hangzhou in 1946, and moving to Ta Kung Pao in Shanghai as a translator of international news in 1947. By 1948, he had been transferred to the Hong Kong branch of Ta Kung Pao. 

In his novels, he incorporated the personal and the political, stories from his childhood and larger topics. The Book And The Sword was woven out of a legend in his hometown that the Qianlong Emperor was not a Manchu but a Han Chinese who had been switched at birth. A Deadly Secret, about a young swordsman framed for murder, was inspired by the true story of a Zha family employee whom Cha's magistrate grandfather had smuggled out of prison.


金庸先生的小说,纵横历史,但有一个持续、伟大的主题就是民族身份的认同。 金庸的很多小说都设定在战乱纷争,汉民族的文化和版图受到异族威胁和入侵;但金庸小说的民族观也在随着先生人生阅历的变化而逐渐发生改变。 到金庸先生的封笔之作《鹿鼎记》,其结尾更加耐人寻味, 从胡汉对立, 到五族共和,金庸先生是依然抛弃了大汉族主义, 但仍然秉持着民族主义。 而《鹿鼎记》也是先生颠覆自我的类《唐吉坷德》式的作品,作品构建在瑰丽的中华大地, 在两条线索中穿插、交织, 一条明线写尽庙堂, 一条暗线,刻画江湖。主人公韦小宝这个既没有盖世武功, 也没有绝世学识的普通人,先生笔墨更多的是他对朋友的忠义。 

And spanning the novels is Cha's great theme, Chinese identity. Many of them take place in fractious periods in Chinese history, when China was at risk from or ruled by the Mongols, the Manchus and other non-Han Chinese ethnicities.

In The Deer And The Cauldron, protagonist Wei Xiaobao is a prostitute's son of unknown paternity - he may or may not be fully Han Chinese - a rascal redeemed by his loyalty to his friends. 

Although illiterate, he has been profoundly influenced by the tales of Three Kingdoms-era heroism he heard from storytellers. And Cha suggests it is the stories, mere sips from the fountain of Chinese culture, that have kept Wei honest.


“问世间情为何物,直教生死相许”,先生的小说写尽人世间的悲欢离合,恩怨情仇。他笔下的很多爱情故事很多都从一而终,比如杨过和小龙女, 比如郭靖和黄蓉, 比如殷素素和张翠山,甚至瑛姑和老顽童, 黄老邪对亡妻的思念,当然那个聪明的郭襄姑娘,漂泊过半世,到底因为“一见杨过而误了终身”,还不是心中那份情愫舍不得放下? 这些读来总叫人感动,但现实中金庸先生有过三段婚姻, 第一段,青春年少,无果而终,先生提及甚少;第二段相互成就,一起走过人生的艰难时刻,但仍避免不了婚姻状况的恶化,第三任妻子林乐怡,算是先生为自己找到的终身伴侣了吧。 

先生曾说: 我的爱情观是不道德的, 一般的爱情道德,一生一世只爱一个人, 我做不到。

在先生第二段婚姻起变故的时期, 他19岁的儿子查传侠在美国读书,因和女友口角一时冲动而自杀。晚年金庸先生自己也说: 我的婚姻可能影响到他, 我让他失望了。金庸先生亲自去美国捧回儿子的骨灰,儿子的自杀也成为金庸先生信奉佛教的最直接的原因之一。 当时他正在修订《倚天屠龙记》, 他在后记中写道:这部书的情感重点不在男女间的感情,而是男子与男子间的情谊,武当七侠兄弟般的感情,张三丰对张翠山, 谢逊对张无忌父子般的爱,然后张三丰在见到张翠山自杀时悲痛, 谢逊在听到张无忌死讯时伤心,书中写的也太肤浅了。真实人生中不是这样的......那个时候我还不明白......“写尽了金庸先生心中的痛与无奈。

Cha married thrice. His first wife was actor Du Zhiqiu's sister, Du Zhifen. They married in Shanghai in 1948 and she moved to Hong Kong with him, said Ta Kung Pao. They divorced in the 1950s.

His second wife was journalist Zhu Mei, with whom he had two sons and two daughters. Their marriage was deteriorating around 1976, the year their 19-year-old son, a freshman at a university in the United States, committed suicide. Cha later said: "My marriage might have affected him, I let him down."

先生的现任妻子林乐怡, 比先生小了将近30岁,他们1970年代结婚, 一直到先生去世。

先生1972年完成《鹿鼎记》后就没有在写新作品, 而是在修订之前报刊上赶发行日期而连载的旧文,到2006年《鹿鼎记》修订结束再版,结束。

Near the end of his second marriage, Cha befriended waitress Lin Leyi, about three decades his junior, in a restaurant near the Ming Pao office that he frequented, said Ta Kung Pao. They married in the 1970s.

He did not write another novel after The Deer And The Cauldron in 1972. Instead, he made two rounds of revisions to all the wuxia serials, a project that would conclude with the re-release of The Deer And The Cauldron in 2006.



金庸先生说“金庸他这人虽然小说写得不那么好, 但他每次重读自己小说中的那些人物的坎坷命运时, 都忍不住流泪。 他写杨过16年后回到绝情谷等呀等,直到太阳下山却仍然等不到小龙女时, 他呜咽抽泣着;他写张无忌和小昭不得不分手时,他泪流满面;在写到萧峰因误会而错杀心爱的阿朱姑娘时,他大哭了起来。”

先生写家国,写武功,但情感是贯穿小说的纽带,他是个浪漫的人, 他热爱这个世界, 这个江湖,那些故事从先生心里 流出,又流进或将流入无数的人的心里。 

不知道金庸先生的那些小说中的故事有哪些流入过你的心田,滋养过那里的一份柔软, 一份柔情?

"Jin Yong's novels are not well-written," he wrote in Yueyun.

But "when he was writing and later rereading his own works, he oftenshed tearsover his characters' misfortunes. When he wrote that Yang Guo waited in vain for Xiaolongnu till the sunset, he sobbed. When he wrote that Zhang Wuji and Xiaozhao were forced to break up, he wept. Writing that Xiao Feng killed his beloved Azhu because of a misunderstanding, he wept even more sadly".

The stories were from his heart, and they have reached countless other hearts.

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