Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another
Who paid for Tony's dinner? I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawyer's office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating,I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise,he gave me the money immedately. I have never borrowed any money from you. Tony said,'So now you can pay for my dinner!'
hu peɪd fər ˈtoʊniz ˈdɪnər 0.04
aɪ wəz ˈhævɪŋ ˈdɪnər ət ə ˈrɛstəˌrɑnt wɛn ˈtoʊni stil keɪm ɪn 0.06
ˈtoʊni wɜrkt ɪn ə ˈlɔjərz ˈɔfəs jɪrz əˈgoʊ.bət hi əz naʊ ˈwɜrkɪŋ ət ə bæŋk 0.07
hi gɛts ə gʊd ˈsæləri bət hi ˈɔlˌweɪz ˈbɑroʊz ˈmʌn frəm ɪz frɛndz ənd ˈnɛvər peɪz ɪt bæk 0.08
ˈtoʊni sɔ mi ənd keɪm ənd sæt ət ðə seɪm ˈteɪbəl 0.05
hi həz ˈnɛvər ˈbɑˌroʊd ˈmʌni frəm mi 0.03
waɪl hi wəz ˈitɪŋ aɪ æskt ɪm tə lɛnd mi ˈtwɛnti paʊndz 0.05
tə maɪ sərˈpraɪz hi geɪv mi ðə ˈmʌni ɪˈmidiətli 0.05
aɪ həv ˈnɛvər ˈbɑˌroʊd ˈɛni ˈmʌni frəm ju 0.04
ˈtoʊni sɛd soʊ naʊ jʊ kən peɪ fər maɪ ˈdɪnər 0.04
总计 00:51
1.(L0)朗读sat at the same table 时无法读出来。分解成sat和at the same table 可以读顺。一个句子分解成几个短语,反复练习短语后再读句子,录音时读得很自然。
2.(L1) 练习了/d/,强调声带振动舌头不能接触牙齿,舌头周围和上齿龈相贴合,封住的气流,突然地释放。重点是发音时下颚下拉,上下齿之间的间距增大了一点。试着下颚不往下拉开,发出的/d/更重一些。正确的是发音时下颚往下拉开,发的/d/轻一些。练习了good 、deserve 、dinner 、paid 、immediately 、lend 、and 。