


在这里,我们将从Covid数据中选择一个样本ctrl_13,并预测该样本中的细胞类型。我们利用scPred包中的PBMC参考数据集,使用Seurat包中基于标签转移(label trasfer)的TransferData函数和scPred方法进行细胞类型预测。同时,我们还使用基于每个簇的DEG进行基因集富集分析来预测细胞类型。




# load the data and select 'ctrl_13` sample
alldata <- readRDS("data/results/covid_qc_dr_int_cl.rds")

# 提取ctrl_13样本的数据
ctrl = alldata[, alldata$orig.ident == "ctrl_13"]

# set active assay to RNA and remove the CCA assay
ctrl@active.assay = "RNA"
ctrl[["CCA"]] = NULL
## An object of class Seurat 
## 18121 features across 1129 samples within 1 assay 
## Active assay: RNA (18121 features, 0 variable features)
##  6 dimensional reductions calculated: umap, tsne, harmony, umap_harmony, scanorama, umap_scanorama



# 提取scPred包中PBMC参考数据集
reference <- scPred::pbmc_1

## An object of class Seurat 
## 32838 features across 3500 samples within 1 assay 
## Active assay: RNA (32838 features, 0 variable features)



reference <- reference %>% NormalizeData() %>% FindVariableFeatures() %>% ScaleData() %>% 
                           RunPCA(verbose = F) %>% RunUMAP(dims = 1:30)

DimPlot(reference, group.by = "cell_type", label = TRUE, repel = TRUE) + NoAxes()


# Set the identity as louvain with resolution 0.3
ctrl <- SetIdent(ctrl, value = "CCA_snn_res.0.5")

ctrl <- ctrl %>% NormalizeData() %>% FindVariableFeatures() %>% ScaleData() %>% RunPCA(verbose = F) %>% RunUMAP(dims = 1:30)

DimPlot(ctrl, label = TRUE, repel = TRUE) + NoAxes()


First we will run label transfer using a similar method as in the integration exercise. But, instad of CCA the default for the ’FindTransferAnchors` function is to use “pcaproject”, e.g. the query datset is projected onto the PCA of the reference dataset. Then, the labels of the reference data are predicted.

# 使用FindTransferAnchors函数寻找query和reference数据集之间的anchors
transfer.anchors <- FindTransferAnchors(reference = reference, query = ctrl, dims = 1:30)
# 使用TransferData函数进行标签转移的细胞类型预测
predictions <- TransferData(anchorset = transfer.anchors, refdata = reference$cell_type, 
    dims = 1:30)

# 将细胞类型预测的结果添加到metadata中
ctrl <- AddMetaData(object = ctrl, metadata = predictions)

DimPlot(ctrl, group.by = "predicted.id", label = T, repel = T) + NoAxes()

Now plot how many cells of each celltypes can be found in each cluster.

ggplot(ctrl@meta.data, aes(x = CCA_snn_res.0.5, fill = predicted.id)) + geom_bar() + theme_classic()


scPred will train a classifier based on all principal components. First, getFeatureSpace will create a scPred object stored in the @misc slot where it extracts the PCs that best separates the different celltypes. Then trainModel will do the actual training for each celltype.

reference <- getFeatureSpace(reference, "cell_type")

# ●  Extracting feature space for each cell type...
## DONE!

reference <- trainModel(reference)
## ●  Training models for each cell type...
## maximum number of iterations reached 0.000116588 -0.0001156614DONE!

We can then print how well the training worked for the different celltypes by printing the number of PCs used for each, the ROC value and Sensitivity/Specificity.

## 'scPred' object
## ✔  Prediction variable = cell_type 
## ✔  Discriminant features per cell type
## ✔  Training model(s)
## Summary
## |Cell type   |    n| Features|Method    |   ROC|  Sens|  Spec|
## |:-----------|----:|--------:|:---------|-----:|-----:|-----:|
## |B cell      |  280|       50|svmRadial | 1.000| 0.964| 1.000|
## |CD4 T cell  | 1620|       50|svmRadial | 0.997| 0.971| 0.975|
## |CD8 T cell  |  945|       50|svmRadial | 0.985| 0.902| 0.978|
## |cDC         |   26|       50|svmRadial | 0.995| 0.547| 1.000|
## |cMono       |  212|       50|svmRadial | 0.994| 0.958| 0.970|
## |ncMono      |   79|       50|svmRadial | 0.998| 0.582| 1.000|
## |NK cell     |  312|       50|svmRadial | 0.999| 0.936| 0.996|
## |pDC         |   20|       50|svmRadial | 1.000| 0.700| 1.000|
## |Plasma cell |    6|       50|svmRadial | 1.000| 0.800| 1.000|

我们可以通过更改参数和测试不同类型的模型来优化每个数据集的参数,有关更多信息,请访问:https : //powellgenomicslab.github.io/scPred/articles/introduction.html。但是目前,我们将继续使用该模型进行细胞类型预测。


ctrl <- scPredict(ctrl, reference)
## ●  Matching reference with new dataset...
##   ─ 2000 features present in reference loadings
##   ─ 1774 features shared between reference and new dataset
##   ─ 88.7% of features in the reference are present in new dataset
## ●  Aligning new data to reference...
## ●  Classifying cells...
## DONE!

DimPlot(ctrl, group.by = "scpred_prediction", label = T, repel = T) + NoAxes()

Now plot how many cells of each celltypes can be found in each cluster.

ggplot(ctrl@meta.data, aes(x = CCA_snn_res.0.5, fill = scpred_prediction)) + geom_bar() + 


现在,我们将使用scPred包中的crossTab 函数方便的比较这两种分类方法的结果,该函数会得到两种分类结果中的交集。

crossTab(ctrl, "predicted.id", "scpred_prediction")




首先,我们提取Covid-19数据集和参考数据集中的top DEGs。

# run differential expression in our dataset, using clustering at resolution 0.3
alldata <- SetIdent(alldata, value = "CCA_snn_res.0.5")

DGE_table <- FindAllMarkers(alldata, logfc.threshold = 0, test.use = "wilcox", min.pct = 0.1, 
    min.diff.pct = 0, only.pos = TRUE, max.cells.per.ident = 20, return.thresh = 1, 
    assay = "RNA")

# split into a list
DGE_list <- split(DGE_table, DGE_table$cluster)

unlist(lapply(DGE_list, nrow))
##    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10 
## 3153 2483 3394 2837 2573 3956 2150 3753 2465 2142 3342

# Compute differential gene expression in reference dataset (that has cell annotation)
reference <- SetIdent(reference, value = "cell_type")

reference_markers <- FindAllMarkers(reference, min.pct = 0.1, min.diff.pct = 0.2, 
    only.pos = T, max.cells.per.ident = 20, return.thresh = 1)

# Identify the top cell marker genes in reference dataset select top 50 with highest foldchange among top 100 signifcant genes.
reference_markers <- reference_markers[order(reference_markers$avg_logFC, decreasing = T), ]
top50_cell_selection <- reference_markers %>% group_by(cluster) %>% top_n(-100, p_val) %>% 
    top_n(50, avg_logFC)

# Transform the markers into a list
ref_list = split(top50_cell_selection$gene, top50_cell_selection$cluster)

unlist(lapply(ref_list, length))
##  CD8 T cell  CD4 T cell       cMono      B cell     NK cell         pDC 
##          30          14          50          50          50          50 
##      ncMono         cDC Plasma cell 
##          50          50          50



# run fgsea for each of the clusters in the list
res <- lapply(DGE_list, function(x) {
    gene_rank <- setNames(x$avg_logFC, x$gene)
    fgseaRes <- fgsea(pathways = ref_list, stats = gene_rank, nperm = 10000)
names(res) <- names(DGE_list)

# You can filter and resort the table based on ES, NES or pvalue
res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
    x[x$pval < 0.1, ]
res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
    x[x$size > 2, ]
res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
    x[order(x$NES, decreasing = T), ]
## $`0`
##    pathway         pval        padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme size
## 1:   cMono 0.0000999900 0.000299970 0.9588744 2.095372            0   48
## 2:  ncMono 0.0000999900 0.000299970 0.8410417 1.833205            0   46
## 3:     cDC 0.0000999900 0.000299970 0.8160502 1.772541            0   43
## 4:     pDC 0.0005017561 0.001128951 0.7652807 1.584164            4   21
## 5:  B cell 0.0069809794 0.012565763 0.7410824 1.493208           68   15
## 6: NK cell 0.0150437919 0.022565688 0.7579453 1.475439          145   11
##                                     leadingEdge
## 1:      S100A8,S100A9,LYZ,S100A12,VCAN,FCN1,...
## 2:     CTSS,TYMP,CST3,S100A11,AIF1,SERPINA1,...
## 3:              LYZ,GRN,TYMP,CST3,AIF1,CPVL,...
## 4:         GRN,MS4A6A,CST3,MPEG1,CTSB,TGFBI,...
## 6:       TYROBP,FCER1G,SRGN,CCL3,CD63,MYO1F,...
## $`1`
##        pathway         pval        padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme size
## 1:      B cell 0.0000999900 0.000408455 0.8973600 1.988512            0   46
## 2:         cDC 0.0001021138 0.000408455 0.8750203 1.778727            0   14
## 3:         pDC 0.0011068625 0.002951633 0.7719359 1.612224           10   18
## 4: Plasma cell 0.0631477722 0.101036436 0.7333284 1.389860          590    8
## 5:      ncMono 0.0913272011 0.121769601 0.8427419 1.344760          694    3
##                                             leadingEdge
## 1:      CD79A,TCL1A,LINC00926,MS4A1,CD79B,TNFRSF13C,...
## 3:               CD74,TCF4,BCL11A,IRF8,HERPUD1,SPIB,...
## 4:                PLPP5,ISG20,HERPUD1,MZB1,ITM2C,JCHAIN
## 5:                                  HLA-DPA1,POU2F2,LYN
## $`2`
##       pathway         pval         padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme size
## 1: CD8 T cell 0.0001001603 0.0003505609 0.9432365 2.276503            0   29
## 2:    NK cell 0.0001000801 0.0003505609 0.8661551 2.108346            0   32
## 3: CD4 T cell 0.0007128431 0.0016633005 0.9256514 1.721886            5    5
## 4:        pDC 0.0398826342 0.0697946099 0.7225340 1.474840          366    8
##                            leadingEdge
## 1:   GZMH,CD8A,CD3D,CD3G,CD8B,CCL5,...
## 3:                      CD3G,CD3E,IL7R
## 4:               C12orf75,GZMB,SELENOS
## $`3`
##       pathway         pval         padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme size
## 1: CD8 T cell 0.0001002205 0.0003006615 0.9553147 2.173136            0   25
## 2:    NK cell 0.0001001302 0.0003006615 0.8360990 1.915575            0   27
## 3: CD4 T cell 0.0026475455 0.0052950910 0.8663678 1.674383           23    7
##                           leadingEdge
## 1: DUSP2,CCL5,CD3D,LYAR,CD8A,CD3E,...
## 3:        CD3E,CD3G,IL7R,PIK3IP1,TCF7
## $`4`
##    pathway         pval       padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme size
## 1:   cMono 0.0005000500 0.00270081 0.7200941 1.556501            4   45
## 2:  ncMono 0.0006001801 0.00270081 0.7215360 1.545517            5   38
## 3:  B cell 0.0191673788 0.04312660 0.9013244 1.505237          156    4
## 4:     cDC 0.0049014704 0.01470441 0.6806718 1.448777           48   34
## 5:     pDC 0.0843953838 0.15191169 0.6245503 1.295140          840   22
##                                 leadingEdge
## 1:   CST3,FCER1G,COTL1,LYZ,STXBP2,AP1S2,...
## 3:                     PDLIM1,HLA-DRB5,NCF1
## 5:       PTCRA,CST3,TXN,CTSB,APP,MS4A6A,...
## $`5`
##        pathway         pval         padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme size
## 1:     NK cell 0.0000999900 0.0004019697 0.9377894 2.439144            0   50
## 2:  CD8 T cell 0.0001004924 0.0004019697 0.9138145 2.225902            0   23
## 3:         pDC 0.0018019928 0.0048053141 0.8029287 1.747492           16   10
## 4:      ncMono 0.0115903265 0.0231806531 0.7906541 1.605347          103    7
## 5: Plasma cell 0.0228548516 0.0365677626 0.5842785 1.450093          227   28
##                                  leadingEdge
## 1:        SPON2,GNLY,PRF1,GZMB,CD7,CLIC3,...
## 2:       GNLY,PRF1,GZMB,NKG7,FGFBP2,CTSW,...
## 3: GZMB,C12orf75,RRBP1,PLAC8,ALOX5AP,HSP90B1
## 4:                   FCGR3A,IFITM2,RHOC,HES4
## 5:  CD38,FKBP11,SLAMF7,SDF2L1,PRDM1,PPIB,...
## $`6`
##       pathway         pval         padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme size
## 1: CD4 T cell 0.0001020616 0.0006123699 0.9154707 1.793599            0   13
## 2: CD8 T cell 0.0011968230 0.0035904689 0.8968754 1.622288           10    7
##                          leadingEdge
## 2:      IL32,CD3E,CD3D,CD2,CD3G,CD8B
## $`7`
##        pathway         pval         padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme size
## 1:     NK cell 0.0000999900 0.0004013646 0.9150850 2.398852            0   46
## 2:  CD8 T cell 0.0001003412 0.0004013646 0.9281782 2.318084            0   26
## 3:      ncMono 0.0024107450 0.0064286534 0.8617933 1.703177           20    6
## 4:         pDC 0.0130282809 0.0260565618 0.7292142 1.595377          122   10
## 5: Plasma cell 0.0451813264 0.0722901222 0.5447121 1.375779          450   29
##                                   leadingEdge
## 1:        FGFBP2,GNLY,NKG7,CST7,GZMB,CTSW,...
## 2:        FGFBP2,GNLY,NKG7,CST7,GZMB,CTSW,...
## 3:                         FCGR3A,IFITM2,RHOC
## 4:  GZMB,C12orf75,HSP90B1,ALOX5AP,RRBP1,PLAC8
## 5: PRDM1,FKBP11,HSP90B1,PPIB,SPCS2,SDF2L1,...
## $`8`
##        pathway         pval         padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme size
## 1:      B cell 0.0000999900 0.0004571312 0.8983372 1.896468            0   45
## 2:         cDC 0.0001015847 0.0004571312 0.8787620 1.717309            0   14
## 3:         pDC 0.0005035247 0.0015105740 0.8235666 1.638689            4   17
## 4: Plasma cell 0.0116822430 0.0175233645 0.7578645 1.481047          114   14
##                                             leadingEdge
## 1:        CD79A,MS4A1,BANK1,CD74,TNFRSF13C,HLA-DQA1,...
## 3:             CD74,JCHAIN,SPIB,HERPUD1,TCF4,CCDC50,...
## 4:                JCHAIN,HERPUD1,ISG20,ITM2C,PEBP1,MZB1
## $`9`
##       pathway         pval         padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme size
## 1: CD4 T cell 0.0001023227 0.0006139364 0.9248473 1.981064            0   13
## 2: CD8 T cell 0.0668711656 0.1587804395 0.7936868 1.374165          544    4
##                             leadingEdge
## 1: IL7R,TCF7,PIK3IP1,TSHZ2,LTB,LEF1,...
## 2:                   CD3E,CD3G,CD3D,CD2
## $`10`
##    pathway       pval         padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme size
## 1:  ncMono 0.00009999 0.0002666667 0.9578305 2.052171            0   49
## 2:   cMono 0.00010000 0.0002666667 0.8907972 1.877527            0   35
## 3:     cDC 0.00009999 0.0002666667 0.8272454 1.750653            0   38
## 4: NK cell 0.00255050 0.0051009998 0.8054483 1.571513           24   13
## 5:     pDC 0.04759980 0.0761596766 0.6792488 1.351779          470   16
## 6:  B cell 0.07367357 0.0945474534 0.6570759 1.307652          728   16
##                                               leadingEdge
## 1:                CDKN1C,LST1,FCGR3A,AIF1,COTL1,MS4A7,...
## 2:               LST1,AIF1,COTL1,SERPINA1,FCER1G,PSAP,...
## 3:                   LST1,AIF1,COTL1,FCER1G,CST3,SPI1,...
## 4:             FCGR3A,FCER1G,RHOC,TYROBP,IFITM2,MYO1F,...
## 5:                   CST3,NPC2,PLD4,MPEG1,VAMP8,TGFBI,...


new.cluster.ids <- unlist(lapply(res, function(x) {
    as.data.frame(x)[1, 1]

alldata$ref_gsea <- new.cluster.ids[as.character(alldata@active.ident)]

cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 2, DimPlot(alldata, label = T, group.by = "CCA_snn_res.0.5") + 
    NoAxes(), DimPlot(alldata, label = T, group.by = "ref_gsea") + NoAxes())


ctrl$ref_gsea = alldata$ref_gsea[alldata$orig.ident == "ctrl_13"]

cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 3, DimPlot(ctrl, label = T, group.by = "ref_gsea") + NoAxes() + 
    ggtitle("GSEA"), DimPlot(ctrl, label = T, group.by = "predicted.id") + NoAxes() + 
    ggtitle("LabelTransfer"), DimPlot(ctrl, label = T, group.by = "scpred_prediction") + 
    NoAxes() + ggtitle("scPred"))



# Download gene marker list
if (!dir.exists("data/CellMarker_list/")) {
    download.file(url = "http://bio-bigdata.hrbmu.edu.cn/CellMarker/download/Human_cell_markers.txt", 
        destfile = "./data/CellMarker_list/Human_cell_markers.txt")
    download.file(url = "http://bio-bigdata.hrbmu.edu.cn/CellMarker/download/Mouse_cell_markers.txt", 
        destfile = "./data/CellMarker_list/Mouse_cell_markers.txt")


# Load the human marker table
markers <- read.delim("data/CellMarker_list/Human_cell_markers.txt")
markers <- markers[markers$speciesType == "Human", ]
markers <- markers[markers$cancerType == "Normal", ]

# Filter by tissue (to reduce computational time and have tissue-specific
# classification) sort(unique(markers$tissueType))
# grep('blood',unique(markers$tissueType),value = T) markers <- markers [
# markers$tissueType %in% c('Blood','Venous blood', 'Serum','Plasma',
# 'Spleen','Bone marrow','Lymph node'), ]

# remove strange characters etc.
celltype_list <- lapply(unique(markers$cellName), function(x) {
    x <- paste(markers$geneSymbol[markers$cellName == x], sep = ",")
    x <- gsub("[[]|[]]| |-", ",", x)
    x <- unlist(strsplit(x, split = ","))
    x <- unique(x[!x %in% c("", "NA", "family")])
    x <- casefold(x, upper = T)
names(celltype_list) <- unique(markers$cellName)
# celltype_list <- lapply(celltype_list , function(x) {x[1:min(length(x),50)]} )
celltype_list <- celltype_list[unlist(lapply(celltype_list, length)) < 100]
celltype_list <- celltype_list[unlist(lapply(celltype_list, length)) > 5]


# run fgsea for each of the clusters in the list
res <- lapply(DGE_list, function(x) {
    gene_rank <- setNames(x$avg_logFC, x$gene)
    fgseaRes <- fgsea(pathways = celltype_list, stats = gene_rank, nperm = 10000)
names(res) <- names(DGE_list)

# You can filter and resort the table based on ES, NES or pvalue
res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
    x[x$pval < 0.01, ]
res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
    x[x$size > 5, ]
res <- lapply(res, function(x) {
    x[order(x$NES, decreasing = T), ]

# show top 3 for each cluster.
lapply(res, head, 3)
## $`0`
##                   pathway         pval       padj        ES      NES
## 1:             Neutrophil 0.0000999900 0.00427395 0.8225470 1.803093
## 2:             Fibroblast 0.0001042427 0.00427395 0.8978804 1.725605
## 3: CD1C+_B dendritic cell 0.0000999900 0.00427395 0.7846113 1.711199
##    nMoreExtreme size                              leadingEdge
## 1:            0   55 S100A8,S100A9,S100A12,CD14,MNDA,G0S2,...
## 2:            0   10        CD14,VIM,CD36,CKAP4,LRP1,CD44,...
## 3:            0   49  S100A8,S100A9,LYZ,S100A12,VCAN,FCN1,...
## $`1`
##                         pathway         pval       padj        ES      NES
## 1:            Follicular B cell 0.0001026905 0.01314438 0.8905277 1.776479
## 2: Megakaryocyte erythroid cell 0.0020831163 0.03662375 0.8307946 1.620952
##    nMoreExtreme size                         leadingEdge
## 1:            0   12 MS4A1,CD69,FCER2,CD22,CD40,PAX5,...
## 2:           19   10     CD79A,CD83,CD69,FCER2,LY9,CXCR5
## $`2`
##                         pathway         pval         padj        ES      NES
## 1:        CD4+ cytotoxic T cell 0.0000999900 0.0008897005 0.8208075 2.102096
## 2: Megakaryocyte erythroid cell 0.0001005126 0.0008897005 0.8803002 2.071241
## 3:                  CD8+ T cell 0.0001055186 0.0008897005 0.9672513 2.058873
##    nMoreExtreme size                          leadingEdge
## 1:            0   65 GZMH,CCL5,NKG7,KLRG1,GZMA,FGFBP2,...
## 2:            0   22    CD8A,CD3D,CD3G,CD2,CD3E,KLRG1,...
## 3:            0   10     CD8A,CD3D,CD3G,CD8B,CD2,CD3E,...
## $`3`
##                         pathway         pval        padj        ES      NES
## 1:                  CD8+ T cell 0.0001023332 0.001457502 0.9558597 2.023154
## 2: Megakaryocyte erythroid cell 0.0001000801 0.001457502 0.8371009 1.911415
## 3:                T helper cell 0.0001012863 0.001457502 0.8699055 1.893383
##    nMoreExtreme size                         leadingEdge
## 1:            0   13   GZMK,CD3D,CD8A,CD3E,CD3G,CD8B,...
## 2:            0   27 CD3D,CD8A,KLRB1,CD3E,KLRG1,CD3G,...
## 3:            0   16  GZMK,CD3D,KLRB1,CD3E,CD3G,IL7R,...
## $`4`
##                   pathway         pval       padj        ES      NES
## 1:          Megakaryocyte 0.0001033058 0.01580579 0.9165646 1.785300
## 2: Circulating fetal cell 0.0059165346 0.24682396 0.8357811 1.589161
## 3:               Platelet 0.0080661424 0.24682396 0.7460329 1.521198
##    nMoreExtreme size                         leadingEdge
## 1:            0   11     PPBP,PF4,GP9,ITGA2B,CD9,RASGRP2
## 2:           55    9                   PF4,CD9,ACTB,CD68
## 3:           79   18 GP9,ITGA2B,CD9,CD151,CD63,ICAM2,...
## $`5`
##                              pathway         pval        padj        ES
## 1:             CD4+ cytotoxic T cell 0.0000999900 0.002568843 0.8537503
## 2: Effector CD8+ memory T (Tem) cell 0.0000999900 0.002568843 0.8218874
## 3:      Megakaryocyte erythroid cell 0.0001004924 0.002568843 0.8644641
##         NES nMoreExtreme size                            leadingEdge
## 1: 2.269733            0   71    SPON2,GNLY,PRF1,PTGDS,GZMB,NKG7,...
## 2: 2.166913            0   62 SPON2,GNLY,GZMB,FGFBP2,KLRF1,KLRD1,...
## 3: 2.102014            0   23    GZMB,CD7,KLRB1,KLRD1,IL2RB,GZMA,...
## $`6`
##             pathway         pval        padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme
## 1:      CD4+ T cell 0.0001014816 0.005206526 0.8985023 1.769758            0
## 2: Activated T cell 0.0004203005 0.008105796 0.8828033 1.651863            3
## 3:      CD8+ T cell 0.0003074085 0.006916692 0.8470356 1.641751            2
##    size                          leadingEdge
## 1:   14   IL7R,LTB,CD3E,CD3D,CD5,TNFRSF4,...
## 2:    9 CD3E,CD3D,TNFRSF4,CD3G,CD28,CD27,...
## 3:   12      IL7R,CD3E,CD3D,CD5,CD2,CD3G,...
## $`7`
##                              pathway       pval        padj        ES      NES
## 1:             CD4+ cytotoxic T cell 0.00009999 0.002383736 0.8720059 2.357424
## 2: Effector CD8+ memory T (Tem) cell 0.00009999 0.002383736 0.8328810 2.242414
## 3:               Natural killer cell 0.00010002 0.002383736 0.8444422 2.197239
##    nMoreExtreme size                           leadingEdge
## 1:            0   74   FGFBP2,GNLY,NKG7,CST7,GZMB,CTSW,...
## 2:            0   68 FGFBP2,GNLY,GZMB,GZMH,KLRF1,KLRD1,...
## 3:            0   41   GNLY,NKG7,GZMB,KLRF1,KLRD1,GZMA,...
## $`8`
##              pathway        pval      padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme size
## 1: Follicular B cell 0.009812022 0.1706815 0.7917685 1.518359           94   11
##                           leadingEdge
## 1: MS4A1,CD24,CD40,CD22,PAX5,EBF1,...
## $`9`
##                  pathway         pval        padj        ES      NES
## 1:     Naive CD8+ T cell 0.0000999900 0.006053027 0.7754973 1.914284
## 2:     Naive CD4+ T cell 0.0001000500 0.006053027 0.8116887 1.887479
## 3: Central memory T cell 0.0007809885 0.019694812 0.9093896 1.701239
##    nMoreExtreme size                             leadingEdge
## 1:            0   73 CCR7,TCF7,PIK3IP1,LEF1,TRABD2A,LDHB,...
## 2:            0   29    CCR7,IL7R,TCF7,TSHZ2,TRABD2A,MAL,...
## 3:            6    6                     CCR7,IL7R,CD28,CD27
## $`10`
##                         pathway         pval        padj        ES      NES
## 1: Megakaryocyte erythroid cell 0.0001011122 0.008190091 0.8301819 1.653260
## 2:                 Myeloid cell 0.0001002406 0.008190091 0.7868515 1.611696
## 3:                Lymphoid cell 0.0016443988 0.053278520 0.8249257 1.598846
##    nMoreExtreme size                            leadingEdge
## 1:            0   16  FCGR3A,PECAM1,CD68,ITGAX,SPN,CD86,...
## 2:            0   23 FCGR3A,CSF1R,PECAM1,CD68,ITGAX,SPN,...
## 3:           15   12              FCGR3A,CD68,ITGAX,SPN,CD4


new.cluster.ids <- unlist(lapply(res, function(x) {
    as.data.frame(x)[1, 1]
alldata$cellmarker_gsea <- new.cluster.ids[as.character(alldata@active.ident)]

cowplot::plot_grid(ncol = 2, DimPlot(alldata, label = T, group.by = "ref_gsea") + 
    NoAxes(), DimPlot(alldata, label = T, group.by = "cellmarker_gsea") + NoAxes())




saveRDS(ctrl, "data/results/ctrl13_qc_dr_int_cl_celltype.rds")
## R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.5
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS/LAPACK: /Users/paulo.czarnewski/.conda/envs/scRNAseq2021/lib/libopenblasp-r0.3.12.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] fgsea_1.16.0    caret_6.0-86    lattice_0.20-41 scPred_1.9.0   
##  [5] rafalib_1.0.0   pheatmap_1.0.12 ggplot2_3.3.3   cowplot_1.1.1  
##  [9] dplyr_1.0.3     venn_1.9        Seurat_3.2.3    RJSONIO_1.3-1.4
## [13] optparse_1.6.6 
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##   [1] fastmatch_1.1-0       plyr_1.8.6            igraph_1.2.6         
##   [4] lazyeval_0.2.2        splines_4.0.3         BiocParallel_1.24.0  
##   [7] listenv_0.8.0         scattermore_0.7       digest_0.6.27        
##  [10] foreach_1.5.1         htmltools_0.5.1       fansi_0.4.2          
##  [13] magrittr_2.0.1        tensor_1.5            cluster_2.1.0        
##  [16] ROCR_1.0-11           limma_3.46.0          recipes_0.1.15       
##  [19] globals_0.14.0        gower_0.2.2           matrixStats_0.57.0   
##  [22] colorspace_2.0-0      ggrepel_0.9.1         xfun_0.20            
##  [25] crayon_1.3.4          jsonlite_1.7.2        spatstat_1.64-1      
##  [28] spatstat.data_1.7-0   survival_3.2-7        zoo_1.8-8            
##  [31] iterators_1.0.13      glue_1.4.2            polyclip_1.10-0      
##  [34] gtable_0.3.0          ipred_0.9-9           leiden_0.3.6         
##  [37] kernlab_0.9-29        future.apply_1.7.0    abind_1.4-5          
##  [40] scales_1.1.1          DBI_1.1.1             miniUI_0.1.1.1       
##  [43] Rcpp_1.0.6            viridisLite_0.3.0     xtable_1.8-4         
##  [46] reticulate_1.18       rsvd_1.0.3            stats4_4.0.3         
##  [49] lava_1.6.8.1          prodlim_2019.11.13    htmlwidgets_1.5.3    
##  [52] httr_1.4.2            getopt_1.20.3         RColorBrewer_1.1-2   
##  [55] ellipsis_0.3.1        ica_1.0-2             pkgconfig_2.0.3      
##  [58] farver_2.0.3          nnet_7.3-14           uwot_0.1.10          
##  [61] deldir_0.2-9          tidyselect_1.1.0      labeling_0.4.2       
##  [64] rlang_0.4.10          reshape2_1.4.4        later_1.1.0.1        
##  [67] munsell_0.5.0         tools_4.0.3           cli_2.2.0            
##  [70] generics_0.1.0        ggridges_0.5.3        evaluate_0.14        
##  [73] stringr_1.4.0         fastmap_1.0.1         yaml_2.2.1           
##  [76] goftest_1.2-2         ModelMetrics_1.2.2.2  knitr_1.30           
##  [79] fitdistrplus_1.1-3    admisc_0.11           purrr_0.3.4          
##  [82] RANN_2.6.1            pbapply_1.4-3         future_1.21.0        
##  [85] nlme_3.1-151          mime_0.9              formatR_1.7          
##  [88] compiler_4.0.3        beeswarm_0.2.3        plotly_4.9.3         
##  [91] png_0.1-7             spatstat.utils_1.20-2 tibble_3.0.5         
##  [94] stringi_1.5.3         highr_0.8             RSpectra_0.16-0      
##  [97] Matrix_1.3-2          vctrs_0.3.6           pillar_1.4.7         
## [100] lifecycle_0.2.0       lmtest_0.9-38         RcppAnnoy_0.0.18     
## [103] data.table_1.13.6     irlba_2.3.3           httpuv_1.5.5         
## [106] patchwork_1.1.1       R6_2.5.0              promises_1.1.1       
## [109] KernSmooth_2.23-18    gridExtra_2.3         vipor_0.4.5          
## [112] parallelly_1.23.0     codetools_0.2-18      MASS_7.3-53          
## [115] assertthat_0.2.1      withr_2.4.0           sctransform_0.3.2    
## [118] harmony_1.0           mgcv_1.8-33           parallel_4.0.3       
## [121] grid_4.0.3            rpart_4.1-15          timeDate_3043.102    
## [124] tidyr_1.1.2           class_7.3-17          rmarkdown_2.6        
## [127] Rtsne_0.15            pROC_1.17.0.1         shiny_1.5.0          
## [130] lubridate_1.7.9.2     ggbeeswarm_0.6.0


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