本文是学习《The Swift Programming Language》整理的相关随笔,基本的语法不作介绍,主要介绍Swift中的一些特性或者与OC差异点。
- Swift4 基础部分:The Basics
- Swift4 基础部分:Basic Operators
- Swift4 基础部分:Strings and Characters
- Swift4 基础部分:Collection Types
- Swift4 基础部分:Control Flow
- Swift4 基础部分:Functions
- Swift4 基础部分:Closures
- Swift4 基础部分: Enumerations
- Swift4 基础部分: Classes and Structures
- Swift4 基础部分: Properties
- Swift4 基础部分: Methods
- Swift4 基础部分: Subscripts
- Swift4 基础部分: Inheritance
- Swift4 基础部分: Initialization
- Swift4 基础部分: Deinitialization
- Swift4 基础部分: Automatic Reference Counting(自动引用计数)
- Swift4 基础部分: Optional Chaining(可选链)
- Swift4 基础部分: Error Handling(错误处理)
- Swift4 基础部分: Type Casting(类型转换)
Enumerations are often created to support a specific class
or structure’s functionality. Similarly, it can be
convenient to define utility classes and structures purely
for use within the context of a more complex type. To
accomplish this, Swift enables you to define nested types,
whereby you nest supporting enumerations, classes, and
structures within the definition of the type they
- Swift 允许你定义嵌套类型,可以在支持的类型中定义嵌套的枚举、类和结构体。
class Person {
let name:String;
let age:Int;
let sex:Sex;
let profession:Profession;
let address:Address;
enum Sex {
case male,female
init(_ profession:Profession,_ address:Address,_ name:String, _ age:Int, _ sex:Sex) {
self.profession = profession;
self.address = address;
self.name = name;
self.age = age;
self.sex = sex;
struct Profession {
let professionName:String;
let level:ProfessionLevel;
enum ProfessionLevel {
case High,Middle,Low
init(_ professionName:String,_ level:ProfessionLevel) {
self.professionName = professionName;
self.level = level;
struct Address {
let city:String;
let street:String;
var description: String {
var output = "\(self.name) is a \(self.age),";
output += " profession is \(self.profession.professionName)(\(self.profession.level)),";
output += " address is \(self.address.city) \(self.address.street)";
return output
var profession:Person.Profession = Person.Profession("engineer",Person.Profession.ProfessionLevel.High);
var address:Person.Address = Person.Address(city:"hubei-wuhan",street:"zhongshan road.");
var person:Person = Person(profession,address,"xz",18,Person.Sex.male);
xz is a 18, profession is engineer(High), address is
hubei-wuhan zhongshan road.