Swift RSA 加解密,RSAWithSHA1签名和验签



一、 需要导入的头文件

import Security
import CommonCrypto


internal class RSACrypt: NSObject {
    // Configuration keys
    struct Config {
        /// Determines whether to add key hash to the keychain path when searching for a key
        /// or when adding a key to keychain
        static var useKeyHashes = true
    // Base64 encode a block of data
    class fileprivate func base64Encode(_ data: Data) -> String {
        return data.base64EncodedString(options: [])
    // Base64 decode a base64-ed string
    class fileprivate func base64Decode(_ strBase64: String) -> Data {
        let data = Data(base64Encoded: strBase64, options: [])
        return data!
    // Encrypts data with a RSA key
    class open func encryptWithRSAKey(_ data: Data, rsaKeyRef: SecKey, padding: SecPadding) -> Data? {
        let blockSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(rsaKeyRef)
        let maxChunkSize = blockSize - 11
        var decryptedDataAsArray = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: data.count / MemoryLayout<UInt8>.size)
        (data as NSData).getBytes(&decryptedDataAsArray, length: data.count)

        var encryptedData = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: 0)
        var idx = 0
        while (idx < decryptedDataAsArray.count ) {
            var idxEnd = idx + maxChunkSize
            if ( idxEnd > decryptedDataAsArray.count ) {
                idxEnd = decryptedDataAsArray.count
            var chunkData = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: maxChunkSize)
            for i in idx..<idxEnd {
                chunkData[i-idx] = decryptedDataAsArray[i]
            var encryptedDataBuffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: blockSize)
            var encryptedDataLength = blockSize
            let status = SecKeyEncrypt(rsaKeyRef, padding, chunkData, idxEnd-idx, &encryptedDataBuffer, &encryptedDataLength)
            if ( status != noErr ) {
                NSLog("Error while ecrypting: %i", status)
                return nil
            //let finalData = removePadding(encryptedDataBuffer)
            encryptedData += encryptedDataBuffer
            idx += maxChunkSize
        return Data(bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>(encryptedData), count: encryptedData.count)
    // Decrypt an encrypted data with a RSA key
    class open func decryptWithRSAKey(_ encryptedData: Data, rsaKeyRef: SecKey, padding: SecPadding) -> Data? {
        let blockSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(rsaKeyRef)
        var encryptedDataAsArray = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: encryptedData.count / MemoryLayout<UInt8>.size)
        (encryptedData as NSData).getBytes(&encryptedDataAsArray, length: encryptedData.count)
        var decryptedData = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: 0)
        var idx = 0
        while (idx < encryptedDataAsArray.count ) {
            var idxEnd = idx + blockSize
            if ( idxEnd > encryptedDataAsArray.count ) {
                idxEnd = encryptedDataAsArray.count
            var chunkData = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: blockSize)
            for i in idx..<idxEnd {
                chunkData[i-idx] = encryptedDataAsArray[i]
            var decryptedDataBuffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: blockSize)
            var decryptedDataLength = blockSize
            let status = SecKeyDecrypt(rsaKeyRef, padding, chunkData, idxEnd-idx, &decryptedDataBuffer, &decryptedDataLength)
            if ( status != noErr ) {
                return nil
            let finalData = removePadding(decryptedDataBuffer)
            decryptedData += finalData
            idx += blockSize
        return Data(bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>(decryptedData), count: decryptedData.count)
    class fileprivate func removePadding(_ data: [UInt8]) -> [UInt8] {
        var idxFirstZero = -1
        var idxNextZero = data.count
        for i in 0..<data.count {
            if ( data[i] == 0 ) {
                if ( idxFirstZero < 0 ) {
                    idxFirstZero = i
                } else {
                    idxNextZero = i
        var newData = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: idxNextZero-idxFirstZero-1)
        for i in idxFirstZero+1..<idxNextZero {
            newData[i-idxFirstZero-1] = data[i]
        return newData
    // Verify that the supplied key is in fact a X509 public key and strip the header
    // On disk, a X509 public key file starts with string "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----",
    // and ends with string "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
    class fileprivate func stripPublicKeyHeader(_ pubkey: Data) -> Data? {
        if ( pubkey.count == 0 ) {
            return nil
        var keyAsArray = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: pubkey.count / MemoryLayout<UInt8>.size)
        (pubkey as NSData).getBytes(&keyAsArray, length: pubkey.count)
        var idx = 0
        if (keyAsArray[idx] != 0x30) {
            return nil
        idx += 1
        if (keyAsArray[idx] > 0x80) {
            idx += Int(keyAsArray[idx]) - 0x80 + 1
        } else {
            idx += 1
        let seqiod = [UInt8](arrayLiteral: 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00)
        for i in idx..<idx+15 {
            if ( keyAsArray[i] != seqiod[i-idx] ) {
                return nil
        idx += 15
        if (keyAsArray[idx] != 0x03) {
            return nil
        idx += 1
        if (keyAsArray[idx] > 0x80) {
            idx += Int(keyAsArray[idx]) - 0x80 + 1;
        } else {
            idx += 1
        if (keyAsArray[idx] != 0x00) {
            return nil
        idx += 1
        //return pubkey.subdata(in: idx..<keyAsArray.count - idx)
        //return pubkey.subdata(in: NSMakeRange(idx, keyAsArray.count - idx))
        return pubkey.subdata(in:Range(NSMakeRange(idx, keyAsArray.count - idx))!)
    // Verify that the supplied key is in fact a PEM RSA private key key and strip the header
    // On disk, a PEM RSA private key file starts with string "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
    // and ends with string "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"
    class fileprivate func stripPrivateKeyHeader(_ privkey: Data) -> Data? {
        if ( privkey.count == 0 ) {
            return nil
        var keyAsArray = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: privkey.count / MemoryLayout<UInt8>.size)
        (privkey as NSData).getBytes(&keyAsArray, length: privkey.count)
        //magic byte at offset 22, check if it's actually ASN.1
        var idx = 22
        if ( keyAsArray[idx] != 0x04 ) {
            return nil
        idx += 1
        //now we need to find out how long the key is, so we can extract the correct hunk
        //of bytes from the buffer.
        var len = Int(keyAsArray[idx])
        idx += 1
        let det = len & 0x80 //check if the high bit set
        if (det == 0) {
            //no? then the length of the key is a number that fits in one byte, (< 128)
            len = len & 0x7f
        } else {
            //otherwise, the length of the key is a number that doesn't fit in one byte (> 127)
            var byteCount = Int(len & 0x7f)
            if (byteCount + idx > privkey.count) {
                return nil
            //so we need to snip off byteCount bytes from the front, and reverse their order
            var accum: UInt = 0
            var idx2 = idx
            idx += byteCount
            while (byteCount > 0) {
                //after each byte, we shove it over, accumulating the value into accum
                accum = (accum << 8) + UInt(keyAsArray[idx2])
                idx2 += 1
                byteCount -= 1
            // now we have read all the bytes of the key length, and converted them to a number,
            // which is the number of bytes in the actual key.  we use this below to extract the
            // key bytes and operate on them
            len = Int(accum)
        //return privkey.subdata(in: idx..<len)
        //return privkey.subdata(in: NSMakeRange(idx, len))
        return privkey.subdata(in: Range(NSMakeRange(idx, len))!)
    // Delete any existing RSA key from keychain
    class open func deleteRSAKeyFromKeychain(_ tagName: String) {
        let queryFilter: [String: AnyObject] = [
            String(kSecClass)             : kSecClassKey,
            String(kSecAttrKeyType)       : kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
            String(kSecAttrApplicationTag): tagName as AnyObject
        SecItemDelete(queryFilter as CFDictionary)
    // Get a SecKeyRef from keychain
    class open func getRSAKeyFromKeychain(_ tagName: String) -> SecKey? {
        let queryFilter: [String: AnyObject] = [
            String(kSecClass)             : kSecClassKey,
            String(kSecAttrKeyType)       : kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
            String(kSecAttrApplicationTag): tagName as AnyObject,
            //String(kSecAttrAccessible)    : kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked,
            String(kSecReturnRef)         : true as AnyObject
        var keyPtr: AnyObject?
        let result = SecItemCopyMatching(queryFilter as CFDictionary, &keyPtr)
        if ( result != noErr || keyPtr == nil ) {
            return nil
        return keyPtr as! SecKey?
    // Add a RSA private key to keychain and return its SecKeyRef
    // privkeyBase64: RSA private key in base64 (data between "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" and "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----")
    class open func addRSAPrivateKey(_ privkeyBase64: String, tagName: String) -> SecKey? {
        return addRSAPrivateKey(privkey: base64Decode(privkeyBase64), tagName: tagName)
    class fileprivate func addRSAPrivateKey(privkey: Data, tagName: String) -> SecKey? {
        // Delete any old lingering key with the same tag
        let privkeyData = stripPrivateKeyHeader(privkey)
        if ( privkeyData == nil ) {
            return nil
        // Add persistent version of the key to system keychain
        // var prt: AnyObject?
        let queryFilter = [
            String(kSecClass)              : kSecClassKey,
            String(kSecAttrKeyType)        : kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
            String(kSecAttrApplicationTag) : tagName,
            //String(kSecAttrAccessible)     : kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked,
            String(kSecValueData)          : privkeyData!,
            String(kSecAttrKeyClass)       : kSecAttrKeyClassPrivate,
            String(kSecReturnPersistentRef): true
            ] as [String : Any]
        let result = SecItemAdd(queryFilter as CFDictionary, nil)
        if ((result != noErr) && (result != errSecDuplicateItem)) {
            return nil
        return getRSAKeyFromKeychain(tagName)
    // Add a RSA pubic key to keychain and return its SecKeyRef
    // pubkeyBase64: RSA public key in base64 (data between "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" and "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----")
    class open func addRSAPublicKey(_ pubkeyBase64: String, tagName: String) -> SecKey? {
        return addRSAPublicKey(pubkey: base64Decode(pubkeyBase64), tagName: tagName)
    class fileprivate func addRSAPublicKey(pubkey: Data, tagName: String) -> SecKey? {
        // Delete any old lingering key with the same tag
        let pubkeyData = stripPublicKeyHeader(pubkey)
        if ( pubkeyData == nil ) {
            return nil
        // Add persistent version of the key to system keychain
        //var prt1: Unmanaged<AnyObject>?
        let queryFilter = [
            String(kSecClass)              : kSecClassKey,
            String(kSecAttrKeyType)        : kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
            String(kSecAttrApplicationTag) : tagName,
            String(kSecValueData)          : pubkeyData!,
            String(kSecAttrKeyClass)       : kSecAttrKeyClassPublic,
            String(kSecReturnPersistentRef): true
            ] as [String : Any]
        let result = SecItemAdd(queryFilter as CFDictionary, nil)
        if ((result != noErr) && (result != errSecDuplicateItem)) {
            return nil
        return getRSAKeyFromKeychain(tagName)
    // Encrypt data with a RSA private key
    // privkeyBase64: RSA private key in base64 (data between "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" and "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----")
    class open func encryptWithRSAPrivateKey(_ data: Data, privkeyBase64: String, keychainTag: String) -> Data? {
        let myKeychainTag = keychainTag + (Config.useKeyHashes ? "-" + String(privkeyBase64.hashValue) : "")
        var keyRef = getRSAKeyFromKeychain(myKeychainTag)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            keyRef = addRSAPrivateKey(privkeyBase64, tagName: myKeychainTag)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            return nil
        return encryptWithRSAKey(data, rsaKeyRef: keyRef!, padding: SecPadding.PKCS1)
    // Encrypt data with a RSA public key
    // pubkeyBase64: RSA public key in base64 (data between "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" and "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----")
    class open func encryptWithRSAPublicKey(_ data: Data, pubkeyBase64: String, keychainTag: String) -> Data? {
        let myKeychainTag = keychainTag + (Config.useKeyHashes ? "-" + String(pubkeyBase64.hashValue) : "")
        var keyRef = getRSAKeyFromKeychain(myKeychainTag)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            keyRef = addRSAPublicKey(pubkeyBase64, tagName: myKeychainTag)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            return nil
        return encryptWithRSAKey(data, rsaKeyRef: keyRef!, padding: SecPadding.PKCS1)
    // Decrypt an encrypted data with a RSA private key
    // privkeyBase64: RSA private key in base64 (data between "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" and "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----")
    class open func decryptWithRSAPrivateKey(_ encryptedData: Data, privkeyBase64: String, keychainTag: String) -> Data? {
        let myKeychainTag = keychainTag + (Config.useKeyHashes ? "-" + String(privkeyBase64.hashValue) : "")
        var keyRef = getRSAKeyFromKeychain(myKeychainTag)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            keyRef = addRSAPrivateKey(privkeyBase64, tagName: myKeychainTag)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            return nil
        return decryptWithRSAKey(encryptedData, rsaKeyRef: keyRef!, padding: SecPadding())
    // Decrypt an encrypted data with a RSA public key
    // pubkeyBase64: RSA public key in base64 (data between "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" and "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----")
    class open func decryptWithRSAPublicKey(_ encryptedData: Data, pubkeyBase64: String, keychainTag: String) -> Data? {
        let myKeychainTag = keychainTag + (Config.useKeyHashes ? "-" + String(pubkeyBase64.hashValue) : "")
        var keyRef = getRSAKeyFromKeychain(myKeychainTag)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            keyRef = addRSAPublicKey(pubkeyBase64, tagName: myKeychainTag)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            return nil
        return decryptWithRSAKey(encryptedData, rsaKeyRef: keyRef!, padding: SecPadding())
    class open func siginWithRsaSHA1(_ singData: Data, _ privateBase64: String, _ keychainTag: String) -> Data? {
        let myKeychainTag = keychainTag + (Config.useKeyHashes ? "-" + String(privateBase64.hashValue) : "")
        var keyRef = getRSAKeyFromKeychain(myKeychainTag)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            keyRef = addRSAPrivateKey(privateBase64, tagName: myKeychainTag)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            return nil
        if  let hash = NSMutableData(length: Int(CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH)) {
            CC_SHA1((singData as NSData).bytes, CC_LONG(singData.count), hash.mutableBytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self))
            let blockSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(keyRef!)
            let hashDataLength = Int(hash.length)
            let hashData = hash.bytes.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: hash.length)
            if let result = NSMutableData(length: Int(blockSize)) {
                let encryptedData = result.mutableBytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
                var encryptedDataLength = blockSize
                let status = SecKeyRawSign(keyRef!, .PKCS1SHA1, hashData, hashDataLength, encryptedData, &encryptedDataLength)
                if status == noErr {
                    result.length = encryptedDataLength
                    return result as Data
        return nil
    class open func verifySigin(_ originalData: String, _ singData: String, _ publicBase64: String, _ keychainTag: String) -> Bool  {
        if let data = originalData.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8), let signature = Data(base64Encoded: singData, options: NSData.Base64DecodingOptions(rawValue: 0)) {
            let myKeychainTag = keychainTag + (Config.useKeyHashes ? "-" + String(publicBase64.hashValue) : "")
            var keyRef = getRSAKeyFromKeychain(myKeychainTag)
            if ( keyRef == nil ) {
                keyRef = addRSAPublicKey(publicBase64, tagName: myKeychainTag)
            if ( keyRef == nil ) {
                return false
            if let hashData = NSMutableData(length: Int(CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH)) {
                CC_SHA1((data as NSData).bytes, CC_LONG(data.count), hashData.mutableBytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self))
                let signedData = hashData.bytes.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: hashData.length)
                let signatureLength = Int(signature.count)
                let signatureData = (signature as NSData).bytes.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: signature.count)
                let result = SecKeyRawVerify(keyRef!, .PKCS1SHA1, signedData, Int(CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH), signatureData, signatureLength)
                switch result {
                case noErr:
                    return true
                    return false
        return false



private let ZZ_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_TAG = "RSAUtil_PrivKey"
private let ZZ_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_TAG = "RSAUtil_PubKey"

1. RSA的加密

 open class func zz_rsaEncrypt(_ text: String, _ publicKey: String) -> String? {
        guard let textData = text.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8) else { return nil }
        let encryptedData = RSACrypt.encryptWithRSAPublicKey(textData, pubkeyBase64: publicKey, keychainTag: ZZ_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_TAG)
        if ( encryptedData == nil ) {
            print("Error while encrypting")
            return nil
        } else {
            let encryptedDataText = encryptedData!.base64EncodedString(options: NSData.Base64EncodingOptions())
            return encryptedDataText

2. RSA的解密

 /// RSA解密
   open class func zz_rsaDecrypt(_ encryptData: String, _ privateKey: String) -> String? {
        guard let baseDecodeData = Data(base64Encoded: encryptData, options: NSData.Base64DecodingOptions()) else { return nil }
        let decryptedInfo = RSACrypt.decryptWithRSAPrivateKey(baseDecodeData, privkeyBase64: privateKey, keychainTag: ZZ_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_TAG)
        if ( decryptedInfo != nil ) {
            let result = String(data: decryptedInfo!, encoding: .utf8)
            return result
        } else {
            print("Error while decrypting")
            return nil

3. RSAWithSHA1加签

/// RSA签名
    open class func zz_rsaSignWithSHA1(_ text: String, _ privateKey: String) -> String? {
        guard let textData = text.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8) else { return nil }
        let siginData = RSACrypt.siginWithRsaSHA1(textData, privateKey, ZZ_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_TAG)
        if  siginData != nil {
            let encryptedDataText = siginData!.base64EncodedString(options: NSData.Base64EncodingOptions())
            return encryptedDataText
        } else {
            print("Error while sigining")
            return nil

4. RSAWithSHA1验签

 /// RSA验签
    open class func zz_rsaSignVerifyWithSHA1(_ originalStr: String, _ siginStr: String, _ publicKey: String) -> Bool {
       return RSACrypt.verifySigin(originalStr, siginStr, publicKey, ZZ_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY_TAG)

到此为止RSA的加解密和RSAWithSHA1的加签验签已完成。下一篇会实现AES128/ CBC/PKCS7Padding的加解密

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