- 这篇讲义主要介绍了Stochastic MAB 的一些基本概念,有很多数学公式及证明,如果要从数学角度理解细节和推敲,可以参考。
- 第一部分将Stochastic MAB的基本概念,讲解了pesudo-regret。
- 第二部分 2 First Attempt: Explore-then-exploit 一种基本思想,引出了bound。
- 第三部分 3 The UCB Algorithm, 讲义中实际中讨论的Lower Bound,思想与UCB对称。
Stochastic Multi-armed Bandit
Pseudo-regret is the expected regret against the fixed action (instead of the empirically best actiontion, where the expectation is over the randomness of both the environment and the algorithm.
Pseudo-regret can be simplified as:
Simpified pseudo-regret -
pseudo-regret of UCB is bounded as:
pseudo-regret bound
:each action
: Independent samples of
: action
: Optimal action on terms of the expected lossEmpirically best
: the suboptiomal gap of action a
- The number of times action a has been pulled up to round t