Day 5翻译段落
Nowadays, theAsia-Pacific development has asked for momentum and vigor from reform andinnovation in every stride. Reform and innovation are good but difficult. Thereis a saying in ancient China, “dare to do, no matter the thing is difficult ornot”. A southern American slang also says, “no challenge is harder than thelack of will”. In 2014, APEC leaders authorized the Consensus of EconomicInnovative Development, Reform and Growth in Beijing, showing the direction forthe innovative development of the Asia-Pacific area. This year, Hangzhou Summitof Group 20 passed the Blueprint of Innovative Growth, emphasizing the vitalmeaning of innovative reform and making specific plans.
The Asia-Pacific membereconomies need to put these consensus and principles into practice carefully,promote the transformation of development measures, make up our minds topromote the adjustment of economic framework with reforms and increase thetotal factor productivity. We should strengthen the balance among macropolicies, firmly develop constructive reforms and intensify the spillovereffect. We should raise the speed of innovations of ideas, models andapproaches, stimulate social creative ability and market vigor, help industriesand products develop towards higher positions in global chains of value andenlarge new space for development.