Stoner人生中的高光时刻 - 爱情线 - Chapter Three
Several people were gathered around the table, at the head of which a young woman, tall and slender and fair, dressed in a gown of blue watered silk, stood pouring tea into gold-rimmed china cups. Stoner paused in the doorway, caught by his vision of the young woman. Her long, delicately featured face smiled at those around her, and her slender, almost fragile fingers deftly manipulated urn and cup; looking at her, Stoner was assailed by a consciousness of his own heavy clumsiness.
For several moments he did not move from the doorway; he heard the girl’s soft, thin voice rise above the murmur of the assembled guests she served. She raised her head, and suddenly he met her eyes; they were pale and large and seemed to shine with a light within themselves. In some confusion he backed from the doorway and turned into the sitting room; he found an empty chair in a space by the wall, and he sat there looking at the carpet beneath his feet. He did not look in the direction of the dining room, but every now and then he thought he felt the gaze of the young woman brush warmly across his face.
读到后来,常常在Stoner身上瞥见自己的影子。打出这句话的当下却又觉得那些相似其实大有不同,很多时候只是关键词的重合与意境所生发出的共鸣而已。他始终没能攒够带Edith前往欧洲,完成 Grand Tour 的经费。虽然书中从未大篇幅地描写Edith对此事的想法,但她心里肯定不止一次因此怨他恨他吧。