Doing his darnedest
George Herbert Walker Bush, 41st president of the United States, died on November 30th, aged 94
Obituary: George H.W. Bush died on November 30th
America’s 41st president, the last of his kind, was 94
Doing his darnedest,意思是“尽他最大的努力”,与“try his best”和“do his best”有异曲同工之妙。do one's darnedest,to put forth the utmost amount of energy or effort toward some task or goal. 是do one's damnedest的more polite version,如果我们想表达,最近手头有点紧,但是你的婚礼我还是尽力会去参加的(言外之意,礼金不会少的),就可以这么说:Money is a little tight at the moment, but I'll do my darnedest to be there for your wedding. 另外,题目用这个darnedest(damnedest)也是与老布什书信集 (All the Best, George Bush: My Life in Letters and Other Writings)里的用词有暗合之处,老布什自己的书中有三处使用了“damnedest”(下文第一段引用了其中一处“the damnedest experience”),本文用这个词做标题,也有向他致敬的意味,而且表示对逝者的尊敬,作者特意用了更尊敬的“darnedest”而非“damnedest”。
说到老布什总统doing his darnedest,我们就不得不多说一下他如同“开了挂”一般的人生。不论是作为一位总统,还是作为一个人来说,不论是从他的事业、生活还是人格特质来说,他都尽力做到了自己最好的。作为总统,在他的任期内,柏林墙倒塌了,苏联解体了,冷战结束了,海湾战争打响了,伊拉克被打败了,他也赢得了声望;作为丈夫,他和妻子Barbara相濡以沫,从一而终,共谱佳话;作为父亲,他培养了一个总统和一个州长,还有几位商人,教子有方,堪称典范;作为一位有高尚品格的人,他和将自己打败的竞争对手克林顿共同筹集基金救助Katrina飓风受害的人们,对立党派的总统奥巴马向他授予了“总统自由勋章”,这是美国公民所能获得的最大荣誉;作为一个挑战自我极限的人,他上过战场死里逃生、下过商海成为百万富翁、从过政坐到美国总统宝座,就连90岁的生日都以跳伞的方式庆祝,同时,他是目前美国历史上最长寿的总统。以上的种种,都是我们只能仰望难以匹敌的活出“人生巅峰”的姿态。就像小布什致老布什的悼词中说的那样“He was born with just two settings: full throttle, then sleep.”(似乎他生来只有两种设置:全力以赴,酣然入睡。)full throttle,是开足马力的意思。
the last of his kind, 我很喜欢纸质版《经济学人》的摘要对老布什总统的这个描述,“像他这样的总统,他是最后一个了”。一方面,通过查背景资料了解到,像老布什这样经历过二战以及他们那个年代的政治家,他是最后一位了;另一个角度来看,这也是一个很高的评价,说明他那样的作风已经风华绝代,绝无仅有。究竟他是什么风格的呢?这里也卖了个关子,吸引读者赶快去读讣告正文。
Paragraph 1:
①Wherever he went, as America’s president or before it, George Herbert Walker Bush usually carried a felt-tipped pen and a supply of notecards. ②On these he wrote letters. ③Some were thank-yous; others a clumsy, but courteous, attempt to get his views across to other people; yet others just a “good to see you” kind of thing. ④When the time came to write his presidential memoirs, to salve some of that desperate hurt after Bill Clinton thrashed him in 1992, he published instead 600-plus pages of correspondence. ⑤They ranged from doting letters to newborn grandchildren to his worries, as a young seaman in 1943, that his girlfriend Barbara, “so darn attractive”, would drop him while he was away; from his attempt to explain the Watergate scandal to his four young sons, to his mortified account of throwing up in 1992 on the Japanese prime minister, “the damnedest experience”. ⑥He admitted that some of the letters were nutty. ⑦But they were also of the moment. ⑧As he said, “It’s all about heartbeat.”
文章的开头很巧妙的用一个细节的描写展开,亲切而形象。老布什不管去到哪里,无论是以美国总统的身份还是在那之前,他总是带着一支记号笔和一叠便签纸。他用这些写过各种各样的信:有感谢信,也有意见信,还有问候信。这样的开头,很自然而然的,引入了下面他的“总统回忆录”是 600 多页的个人信件,这里作者还戏谑地称出版这本书信集是“抚平惨败于克林顿带来的创伤”,这些信件中,有对新出生孙儿满满的爱,还有对与女友异地恋满满的担心,有尝试向儿子们解释水门丑闻的信件,还有吐了日本首相一身的最尬经历的信件。他承认过有些信写得傻里傻气,但那都是他当下的真性情。正如他所说:“这些都是仿佛心跳一般的存在。”
a supply of,这里的supply是名词,意思是“供给量,一些”,a supply of something is an amount of it which someone has or which is available for them to use. 可以很好地代替“some/a lot of”,但是这个表达更多的体现是“储备量或供应量”。比如我们想说,他有无穷无尽的笑话,就可以说:He has an endless supply of jokes. 再比如说想表达,大脑需要持续的供氧,就可以说:The brain requires a constant supply of oxygen.
salve,这个词的名词意思是“药膏”,这里用作动词是引申义“慰藉;抚平(创伤、伤害等)”,soothe wounded pride or one's conscience,使受伤的自尊心或良知得到宽慰。可以和“ease”同义替换。本文是说老布什通过出版书信集来慰藉他大败于克林顿的伤心史,是“ salve some of that desperate hurt”,我们也可以常用“salve one’s conscience”来表达“宽慰某人的良心”,我们想表达,做善事使我们的良心得到安慰,就可以说:Charity salves our conscience.
thrash,这个词作为“击败”是有“轻易击败,大败,重创”的意思,比defeat显得更轻而易举,defeat someone very easily in a game. 比如我们想说,巴西队以五比零大败意大利队,就可以说:Brazil thrashed Italy 5-0. 本文中用这个词也能表现出克林顿不费吹灰之力且以大比分领先击败了老布什的总统连任,而惨败于克林顿也成为老布什的伤心史。这也是跟军人出身的老布什在国际事务和外交政策上的建树远远大于他在内政和国内经济上的举措有关,而克林顿的竞选标语是:“笨蛋,问题是经济!”("It's the economy, stupid!"),这样,懂经济的克林顿击败了尚武的老布什,粉碎了老布什追求总统连任的梦想。
doting,是动词dote的ing(形容词)形式,dote的意思是“溺爱,宠爱”, dote on a person or a thing, is love or care about them very much and ignore any faults they may have. 那么,doting就是“溺爱的,宠爱的”,一般会用“ a doting mother, husband, or friend”,这里的doting letters是指老布什写给新生孙儿充满宠溺爱意的信件。比如我们想表达,溺爱子女的母亲把太多的爱给予了孩子而疏远了丈夫,就可以说:A doting mother alienated her husband by lavishing too much love on their child.(这可是夫妻关系的大忌,谨记!)
mortified,形容词,意是是“失面子的;羞愧的;难堪的”,extremely offended, ashamed, or embarrassed. 动词形式是mortify,意思是“使...深感窘迫/丢脸”,to cause someone to feel extremely embarrassed or ashamed. 这里是说老布什书信中写他的“最活见鬼的经历”—1992 年不慎吐到日本首相身上的故事,那种羞愧和窘迫之情跃然纸上。如果想表达,忘记了开场白真使我窘迫,就可以说:Forgetting the introductory remarks really mortified me.
nutty,形容词,意思是“傻里傻气,疯疯癫癫的”,就是“crazy”的意思,If you describe someone as nutty, you mean that their behaviour is very strange or foolish. 我们常用到的是“go nuts”或“somebody is nuts”,来形容“发疯的”。一个说“她完全疯了”的表达,就可以说:She’s nutty as a fruitcake (= completely crazy). 本文中说的是老布什承认过他的有些信件写得傻里傻气,这里作者是引用了他的书信集中序言里的说法,原文节选“...Letters written when my heart was heavy or full of joy. Serious letters. Nutty letters. Caring and rejoicing letters.”这里其实也是老布什对自己的调侃和自嘲,就像小布什悼词里对他父亲的评价一样,“He loved to laugh, especially at himself. He could tease and needle, but never out of malice.”(父亲爱笑,尤其喜欢自嘲。他喜欢调侃,但绝无恶意。)
⑧As he said, “It’s all about heartbeat.”
老布什书信集的序言中出现了三次“heartbeat”,第一次是:“The press never really understood your heartbeat—you owe it to yourself to help people figure out who you really are.” (“舆论界并不懂你的心跳,你应该帮助大家了解你是怎样的人”,这里是大家劝老布什出自传和回忆录时的说辞)第二次是:“...a book giving a deeper insight into what my own heartbeat is, what my values are, what has motivated me in life.”(“一本更深了解我的心跳,我的价值观,我生活驱动力的书”,这里指的是出版的这本老布什书信集是怎样的一本书)第三次出现的就是本文中引用的这句:“It’s all about heatbeat.”(这一切都关乎心跳)这里也是序言的结尾部分,我觉得写得很棒,老布什花了57年来写这本书,如果读者喜欢阅读的感受只有他喜欢他的生活的1/10也是很好的了。序言是以写给读者一封信的形式,结尾的落款巧妙地呼应了老布什书信集的书名All the Best, George Bush。
⑤They ranged from 【doting letters to newborn grandchildren】to 【his worries, as a young seaman in 1943, that his girlfriend Barbara, “so darn attractive”, would drop him while he was away】; from 【his attempt to explain the Watergate scandal to his four young sons】, to 【his mortified account of throwing up in 1992 on the Japanese prime minister, “the damnedest experience”】.
Letter 1:doting letters to newborn grandchildren
Letter 2:his worries, as a young seaman in 1943, that his girlfriend Barbara, “so darn attractive”, would drop him while he was away.
Letter 3:his attempt to explain the Watergate scandal to his four young sons
Letter 4:his mortified account of throwing up in 1992 on the Japanese prime minister, “the damnedest experience”
a felt-tipped pen,就是“毡头笔,记号笔”,通过搜索图片(如下图)更直观地了解这个词。felt除了是feel的过去式,做名词,是“毡,毡制品”,a thick cloth made from wool or other fibres packed tightly together. 分享一个学习方法,其实遇到这样的具象的词,通过搜索图片更直观的理解反而比看释义更有效。
600-plus pages of correspondence,这里的600多页的书信集,就是前文多次提到的那本老布什书信集,All the Best, George Bush: My Life in Letters and Other Writings,为什么出这本书信集而不是回忆录或自传呢?老布什在序言里写到,一方面是Barbara出的回忆录已经很好地把他们的公众生活和家庭生活里里外外都写到了,他也没什么补充的了,而且,他和Brent Scowcroft合著的书也把他在任期间的政治和世界格局变化的历史时刻都记录了;另一方面,那些书信他都写完了,剩下的工作就是编辑们去整合吧(这位作者真的很傲娇,谁让人家是前总统呢)。不论如何,这本书还是获得了很高的评价。Amazon的书评中,Barbara的评价中说到“These letters really are a window into George Bush's soul.”这些信件中,读者可以感同身受她与他共度的这68年时光,她将这些信件读了5遍之多(这波高调秀恩爱我真是妥妥地喜欢);Washington Post的评价我也很喜欢,“It captures the reflections of a man who has scaled the highest mountain of political success — then moved beyond ambition and discovered peace and fulfillment in simpler things in life: his friends, his family and a genuine love of the country he once led.” 反正我是被安利了,已经开始读起这本承载着老布什“真性情”关乎他heartbeat的书信集,要不你也来读读看吧!