paroxysm TEM8 GRE
UK /ˈpær.ɒk.sɪ.zəm/ US /ˈper.ək.sɪ.zəm/
1. noun, A paroxysm of emotion is a sudden, very strong occurrence of it.情绪的突然爆发
2. noun, A paroxysm is a series of sudden, violent, uncontrollable movements that your body makes because you are coughing, laughing, or in great pain.咳嗽、大笑或剧痛引起的身体震颤,阵发
1. White House physician Cary Grayson noted he was seized by “violent paroxysms of coughing, which were so severe and frequent that it interfered with his breathing,” followed by such other symptoms as high fever.(Washington Post)
2. The Trump administration, if you haven’t noticed, is undergoing one of its frequent paroxysms of incompetence.(Washington Post)
3. The Muslims they butchered were not victims of unpremeditated paroxysms of rage but exhibits in an organised campaign to entrench Hindu supremacy.(The Guardian)
4. Every once in a while an image appears that so viscerally frames the human story in a time of social or political paroxysm that it becomes a symbol.(New York Times)
5. “It was well known that Krakatoa was again in a paroxysm and tsunamis from submarine landslides triggered by eruptions were not unexpected,” he said.(New York Times)
6. Next month marks the 50th anniversary of the paroxysm of rioting, destruction and arson that engulfed broad sections of Washington after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis.(Washington Post)
7. This eruption — from its dramatic paroxysm in May 2018 to its abrupt decline that August — “highlights how difficult eruption forecasting is,” Dr. Manga said.(New York Times)
8. Within its programming resided a paroxysm, a pioneer reflex: the desire for humanity to hurl itself to the void, to possess the cosmos.(Nature)
9. This short but violent and spectacular phase, known as a paroxysm, lasted less than an hour but was considered the most violent of Mt Etna’s eruptions in the last two decades.(The Guardian)
10. A second, equally spectacular, paroxysm occurred the morning of 4 December with an intense fountaining of lava and an ash column that rose to 9-11km altitude, closing the airport of Catania.(The Guardian)
11. The volcano continued lower-level activity through the night and much of the next day, with a fourth spectacular paroxysm at the Voragine crater on 5 December.(The Guardian)
12. It sent the judges into paroxysms of gratitude that showed in the marks.(Los Angeles Times)
violent, dramatic, political, spectacular, frequent, social paroxysm | in a paroxysm
early 15c., "sudden attack, convulsion; periodic worsening of a disease," from Old French paroxysme, paroxime (13c.) and directly from Medieval Latin paroxysmus "irritation, fit of a disease," from Greek paroxysmos "irritation, exasperation," from paroxynein "to irritate, goad, provoke," from para- "beyond" (see para- (1)) + oxynein "sharpen, goad," from oxys "sharp, pointed" (from PIE root *ak- "be sharp, rise (out) to a point, pierce" ). Non-medical sense of "any sudden and violent action; convulsion, fit" is by c. 1600. Related: Paroxysmal.
agony, blaze, burst, ebullition, eruption, explosion, flash, flush, gush, gust, outburst, spasm, storm, convulsion, tumult, upheaval, uproar
calmness, abatement, alleviation, mitigation, amelioration, easement,happiness, relief
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