#地球online#,202310140609.大部分营销的思维,都是尽力的去根据别人的意愿,设计自己的内容和服务。其实不要想着讨好谁,不需要用讨好和付出价值来获得认可和收益。不卑不亢的,做好自己该做的事情就好。过好自己的日子,做好自己的事情,价值自然呈现,对的人自然出现。只管奔着自己的目标,把理想变成每一个当下,当下每一毫秒生活在自己的理想状态当中。自然而然调动身边的一切资源,形成一个有效的自然和社会关系节点。这就是最好的方式。# Earth online , 202 310140609. Most of the marketing thinking is to try to design their own content and services according to the wishes of others. In fact, do not want to please anyone, do not need to please and pay the value to get recognition and benefits. Neither humble nor pushy, just do what you should do. Live your own life well, do your own thing well, the value will appear naturally, and the right person will appear naturally. Just run towards your goal, turn your ideal into every moment, and live in your ideal state every millisecond. It naturally mobilizes all the resources around it to form an effective node of natural and social relations. This is the best way.