(1)Our approach, prototypical networks, is based on the idea that there exists an embedding in which points cluster around a single prototype representation for each class. In order to do this, we learn a non-linear mapping of the input into an embedding space using a neural network and take a class’s prototype to be the mean of its support set in the embedding space. Classification is then performed for an embedded query point by simply finding the nearest class prototype. We follow the same approach to tackle zero-shot learning; here each class comes with meta-data giving a high-level description of the class rather than a small number of labeled examples. We therefore learn an embedding of the meta-data into a shared space to serve as the prototype for each class.
(2)In particular, we relate prototypical networks to clustering in order to justify the use of class means as prototypes when distances are computed with a Bregman divergence,such as squared Euclidean distance. We find empirically that the choice of distance is vital, as Euclidean distance greatly outperforms the more commonly used cosine similarity.
(3)通过神经网络学会一个“好的”映射,将各个样本投影到同一空间中,对于每种类型的样本提取他们的中心点(mean)作为原型(prototype)。使用欧几里得距离作为距离度量,训练使得测试样本到自己类别原型的距离越近越好,到其他类别原型的距离越远越好。测试时,通过对到每类原型的距离做sofmax获得测试样本类别。 (参考)
(2)在K个类别的样本中,随机选择出每个类别的support set和query set,各M个
(4)计算quert set 的特征向量与K个类原型的距离,并通过softmax归一化,得到quert set 所属类别的概率分布。
4. 总结
本文提出的的Prototypical Networks(P-net)思想与match network(M-net)十分相似,但也有几个不同点:1.使用了不同的距离度量方式,M-net中是cosine度量距离,P-net中使用的是属于布雷格曼散度(详见论文)的欧几里得距离。2.二者在few-shot的场景下不同,在one-shot时等价(one-shot时取得的原型就是支持集中的样本)3.网络结构上,P-net相比M-net将编码层和分类层合一,参数更少,训练更加方便。
5. 补充
关于论文中Bregman divergence的理解,可参考知乎上一个大佬的回答:如何理解Bregman divergence? - 覃含章的回答 - 知乎
联系论文简单地说,就是Bregman divergence,就是如果你抽象地定义一种在特定空间里两个点之间的“距离”,然后在这些点满足任意的概率分布的情况下,这些点的平均值点(mean point)一定是空间中距离这些点的平均距离最小的点。所以后面作者在提取“原型”的时候,才能够直接使用均值点(mean point),所以感觉作者用欧几里得距离而不用余弦距离就是这个原因吧。
[1] Prototypical Networks for Few-shot Learning论文下载
[2] 【领域报告】小样本学习年度进展|VALSE2018
[3] 当小样本遇上机器学习 fewshot learning
[4] 小样本学习(Few-shot Learning)综述
[5] 小样本学习(few-shot learning)之——原形网络(Prototypical Networks)不错