167. 人能弘道,非道弘人。15.29
A man can enhance the Truth, but the Truth cannot glorify a man.
(Just try to uphold and carry forward the truth instead of trying to gild yourself with it.)
168. 过而不改,是谓过矣。15.30
An error is a real error when not corrected.
169. 吾尝终日不食,终夜不寝,以思,无益,不如学也。 15.31
I once spent days and nights racking my brains without food or sleep. It was not helpful. Better to take to learning instead.
170. 君子谋道不谋食。15.32
A superior man seeks for the truth rather than food.
(A high-ranking official should think of something big.)
171. 君子忧道不忧贫。15.32
A superior man concerns himself about the truth rather than poverty.
172. 君子不可小知而可大受也,小人不可大受而可小知也。15.34
A superior man should not be assigned to minor tasks, but can be trusted with great responsibilities. An ordinary man should not be trusted with great responsibilities, but can be assigned to minor tasks.
173. 当仁,不让于师。15.36
Never wait for your teacher to go ahead when facing a just cause.
174. 君子贞而不谅。15.37
A superior man upholds justice, but does not necessarily keep faith on minor issues.
175. 有教无类。15.39
Let there be education for all irrespective of learners’ background.
(One of UNESCO’s core goals is Education For All, 即有教无类。)