silo |ˈsʌɪləʊ|“ A silo mentality precludes teamwork, and it motivates leaders to focus on details (that others should handle) and address immediate concerns rather than future goals.”
noun (pl.silos)
1 a tall tower or pit坑 on a farm used to store grain.
silo 1
• a pit or other airtight密封的无懈可击的structure in which green crops are compressed and stored as silage动物干草料冬天喂养动物.
2 an underground chamber in which a guided missile is kept ready for firing.
3 a system, process, department, etc. that operates in isolation from others: it's vital that team members step out of their silos and start working together. [ as modifier ] : we have made significant strides大步 in breaking down that silo mentality.
verb (siloes, siloing, siloed) [ with obj. ]
isolate (one system, process, department, etc.) from others: most companies have expensive IT systems they have developed over the years, but they are siloed |
why are so many companies still siloing their SEO and social media marketing? | (as adj. siloed) : managers have been told to break down the walls between siloed applications.