恭喜你 Congratulations!
一路过关斩将完成了Competent Communication《胜任沟通》手册里的10个演讲,迈出了通往DTM的第一步。
作为VPE,我即将在Toastmaster International为你申请Competent Communicator的教育头衔,请你提供以下三项信息:
2)请在CC手册第85页的“Advanced Communication Series”中挑选两本手册作为你的AC项目,并把手册编号发回给我
3)请在“Advanced Communication Series”中再挑选一本手册,并把手册编号发回给我
2016-2017年度District 88对完成CC的会员也是免费奖励一本AC手册
P.S. 如何挑选手册可咨询你的Mentor或是俱乐部资深会员
Advanced Communication Manuals
Sample 示例:
From TI:
(1)226 A The Entertaining Speech (2)226B Speaking to Inform
From District 88:
(1)226N Special Occasion Speeches
(2)226O Humorously Speaking
From TI:
From District 88:
*** Toastmasters Club
My CC Track
1.Projects 2.Speech Title 3.Date
PROJECT 1: The Ice Breaker
PROJECT 2: Organize Your Speech
PROJECT 3: Get to the Point
PROJECT 4: How to Say It
PROJECT 5: Your Body Speaks
PROJECT 6: Vocal Variety
PROJECT 7: Research Your Topic
PROJECT 8: Get Comfortable with Visual Aids
PROJECT 9: Persuade with Power
PROJECT 10: Inspire Your Audience
(作者:Carol Fang)