Yet even more important than role modeling is love.For even in chaotic and disordered homes genuine love is occasionally present,and from such homes may come self-disciplined children.And not infrequently parents who are professional people--doctors,lawyers,club women and philanthropists--who lead lives of strict orderliness and decorum but yet lack love,send children into the world who are as undisciplined and destructive and disorganized as any child from an impoverished and chaotic home.
Ultimately love is everything.The mystery of love will be examined in later portions of this work.Yet,for the sake of coherency,it may be helpful to make a brief but limited mention of it and its relationship to discipline at this point.
When we love something it is of value to us,and when something is of value to us we spend time with it,time enjoying it and time taking care of it.Observe a teenager in love with his car and note the time he will spend admiring it ,polishing it ,repairing it,tuning it.Or an older person with a beloved rose garden,and the time spent pruning and mulching and fertilizing and studying it.So it is when we love children;we spend time admiring them and caring for them.We give them our time.
Good discipline requires time.When we have no time to give our children,or no time that we are willing to give,we don't even observe them closely enough to become aware of when their need for our disciplinary assistance is expressed subtly.If their need for discipline is so gross as to impinge upon our consciousness,we may still ignore the need on the grounds that it's easier to let them have their own way--"I just don't have the energy to deal with them today."Or,finally,if we are impelled into action by their misdeeds and our irritation,we will impose discipline,often brutally,out of anger rather than deliberation,without examing the problem or even taking the time to consider which form of discipline is the most appropriate to that particular problem.