1. 半透明背景
示例 https://1stwebdesigner.com/best-wysiwyg-html-editor/
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<div class="hero-text">
<h1 class="entry-title">The 10 Best WYSIWYG HTML Editors</h1>
<div class="hero-date">
Written by
<a href="https://1stwebdesigner.com/author/editorial-team/"> Editorial Team </a>
<span class="hero-on-span">on</span> <span class="hero-date-span">December 14, 2016</span>
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2. 毛玻璃效果
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<p>The Grineer, with their endless clone armies, have plunged the system into chaos. There is only one force that can match them, you. You are Tenno, an ancient warrior, a master of gun and blade. You wield the mighty Warframes and command their awesome powers. Forge your weapons. Gather like-minded Tenno and take the fight back to the Grineer. The Origin System needs you once again. Are you ready?</p>
3. 全局灰色(默哀色)
/* Webkit only, Chrome & Safari 6+ */
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4. 纯CSS实现加载刷新动画
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animation: spin 1.5s infinite;
5. 分割线