propTypes: {
* Optional function where you can configure scene animations and
* gestures. Will be invoked with `route` and `routeStack` parameters,
* where `route` corresponds to the current scene being rendered by the
* `Navigator` and `routeStack` is the set of currently mounted routes
* that the navigator could transition to.
* The function should return a scene configuration object.
* ```
* (route, routeStack) => Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromRight
* ```
* Available scene configuration options are:
* - Navigator.SceneConfigs.PushFromRight (default)
* - Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromRight
* - Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromLeft
* - Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromBottom
* - Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromBottomAndroid
* - Navigator.SceneConfigs.FadeAndroid
* - Navigator.SceneConfigs.SwipeFromLeft
* - Navigator.SceneConfigs.HorizontalSwipeJump
* - Navigator.SceneConfigs.HorizontalSwipeJumpFromRight
* - Navigator.SceneConfigs.HorizontalSwipeJumpFromLeft
* - Navigator.SceneConfigs.VerticalUpSwipeJump
* - Navigator.SceneConfigs.VerticalDownSwipeJump
* Required function which renders the scene for a given route. Will be
* invoked with the `route` and the `navigator` object.
* ```
* (route, navigator) =>
* ```
* The initial route for navigation. A route is an object that the navigator
* will use to identify each scene it renders.
* If both `initialRoute` and `initialRouteStack` props are passed to
* `Navigator`, then `initialRoute` must be in a route in
* `initialRouteStack`. If `initialRouteStack` is passed as a prop but
* `initialRoute` is not, then `initialRoute` will default internally to
* the last item in `initialRouteStack`.
* Pass this in to provide a set of routes to initially mount. This prop
* is required if `initialRoute` is not provided to the navigator. If this
* prop is not passed in, it will default internally to an array
* containing only `initialRoute`.
* Pass in a function to get notified with the target route when
* the navigator component is mounted and before each navigator transition.
* Will be called with the new route of each scene after the transition is
* complete or after the initial mounting.
* Use this to provide an optional component representing a navigation bar
* that is persisted across scene transitions. This component will receive
* two props: `navigator` and `navState` representing the navigator
* component and its state. The component is re-rendered when the route
* changes.
* Optionally pass in the navigator object from a parent `Navigator`.
* Styles to apply to the container of each scene.