考官simon分享:学习雅思的十个建议 :http://weibo.com/1737588567/E4Mlmbczx
10 Study Tips For IELTS
1、学之以方 / You need a method
Do you have a technique or method for any aspect to the IELTS test?
For example,have you practiced particular way of writing introductions ,or on an approach for paragraph headings' questions in the reading test,or a technique for giving longer answers in speaking part 3.
If you have a method for everything,you’ll feel much more confident during the test.
2、跬步前进 / Small improvement
You will not find special technique that will lead dramatic improvement in your skills.
Improvements happen slowly,when you work on small things,like adding one or two good items vocabulary to XXX,or understanding one particular grammar mistake that you have made.
3,少测试,多准备 / Less testing, more preparing
If you always do a test to yourself,your skill won’t improve.
Just test yourself maybe once a week,and spend rest of the time preparing.
This could mean working on vocabulary for IELTS topics,or working slowly through reading test using a dictionary,or writing xxXXX for speaking question.
4、能懂不等于能用 / Understanding is not the same as using
Many students think that they know a word when they understanding what it means.
In my view, you only know a word,when you can use it correctly in a full sentence.
5、从错误中学习/Learn from your mistakes.
This is probably the best way to improve in turns of both grammar and exam techniques.
If you make grammar mistake,you need to understand what you did wrong.
If you get the wrong answers for listening or reading questions, analyse your mistake and correct times carefully.
6、忘记复杂 / Forget about difficult words and complex grammar
Too many students are XXX with this idea of using difficult language.
In my experience,they usually get low score because their sentences seem forced and unnatural.
So what’s the answer to this problem?——
7、回答问题 / Answer the question
Instead worrying about difficult language,just focus on answering the question,in a natural way as you would do in your own language.
8、主题词汇 / Topic vocabulary,not ‘any essay’ phrases
You’ll not benefit from learning a list of phrases that can be used in any essay.
Examiners are not impressed by these phrases,the only vocabulary that will impress examiners is topic vocabulary.
This means, words and phrases that are all specific to the question topic.
9、没有秘密/There isn’t a secret
As I said earlier,there is no special technique,that will lead to sudden dramatic improvement in your skill.
Just keep practicing,and keep learning.
Hard work,instead of worry.
10、与其担忧,不如努力 / Hard work instead of worry
Instead of spending your time worrying about skill you need,open a book,or pick up your pen, do some work.
If you know you worked hard and prepared well,you will feel much more confident going into the exam.