# CS 6250 Spring 2023- SDN Firewall Project with POX
# build hackers-44
import pox.lib.packet as pkt
import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of
from pox.lib.addresses import EthAddr
from pox.lib.revent import *
# You may use this space before the firewall_policy_processing function to add any extra function that you
# may need to complete your firewall implementation. No additional functions "should" be required to complete
# this assignment.
def firewall_policy_processing(policies):
This is where you are to implement your code that will build POX/Openflow Match and Action operations to
create a dynamic firewall meeting the requirements specified in your configure.pol file. Do NOT hardcode
the IP/MAC Addresses/Protocols/Ports that are specified in the project description - this code should use
the values provided in the configure.pol to implement the firewall.
The policies passed to this function is a list of dictionary objects that contain the data imported from the
configure.pol file. The policy variable in the "for policy in policies" represents a single line from the
configure.pol file. Each of the configuration values are then accessed using the policy['field'] command.
The fields are: 'rulenum','action','mac-src','mac-dst','ip-src','ip-dst','ipprotocol','port-src','port-dst',
Your return from this function is a list of flow_mods that represent the different rules in your configure.pol file.
Implementation Hints:
The documentation for the POX controller is available at https://noxrepo.github.io/pox-doc/html . This project
is using the gar-experimental branch of POX in order to properly support Python 3. To complete this project, you
need to use the OpenFlow match and flow_modification routines (https://noxrepo.github.io/pox-doc/html/#openflow-messages
for flow_mod and https://noxrepo.github.io/pox-doc/html/#match-structure for match.) Also, do NOT wrap IP Addresses with
IPAddr() unless you reformat the CIDR notation. Look at the https://github.com/att/pox/blob/master/pox/lib/addresses.py
for what POX is expecting as an IP Address.
rules = []
for policy in policies:
# Enter your code here to implement matching and block/allow rules. See the links
# in Implementation Hints on how to do this.
# HINT: Think about how to use the priority in your flow modification.
rule_match = of.ofp_match()
if policy.get('mac-src') and policy.get('mac-src') != "-":
rule_match.dl_src = EthAddr(policy.get('mac-src'))
if policy.get('mac-dst') and policy.get('mac-dst') != "-":
rule_match.dl_dst = EthAddr(policy.get('mac-dst'))
if policy.get('ip-src') and policy.get('ip-src') != "-":
rule_match.nw_src = policy.get('ip-src')
if policy.get('ip-dst') and policy.get('ip-dst') != "-":
rule_match.nw_dst = policy.get('ip-dst')
if policy.get('ipprotocol') and policy.get('ipprotocol') != "-":
rule_match.nw_proto = int(policy.get('ipprotocol'))
if policy.get('port-src') and policy.get('port-src') != "-":
rule_match.tp_src = int(policy.get('port-src'))
if policy.get('port-dst') and policy.get('port-dst') != "-":
rule_match.tp_dst = int(policy.get('port-dst'))
rule_match.dl_type = 0x800
rule = of.ofp_flow_mod()
rule.match = rule_match
action = policy.get('action')
if action == 'Block':
rule.priority = 0
elif action == "Allow":
rule.priority = 50000
# End Code Here
print('Added Rule ', policy['rulenum'],': ', policy['comment'])
return rules