PostgreSQL 源码解读(57)- 查询语句#42(make_one_rel函数#7-索引扫描路径#3)




 typedef struct IndexOptInfo
     NodeTag     type;
     Oid         indexoid;       /* Index的OID,OID of the index relation */
     Oid         reltablespace;  /* Index的表空间,tablespace of index (not table) */
     RelOptInfo *rel;            /* 指向Relation的指针,back-link to index's table */
     /* index-size statistics (from pg_class and elsewhere) */
     BlockNumber pages;          /* Index的pages,number of disk pages in index */
     double      tuples;         /* Index的元组数,number of index tuples in index */
     int         tree_height;    /* 索引高度,index tree height, or -1 if unknown */
     /* index descriptor information */
     int         ncolumns;       /* 索引的列数,number of columns in index */
     int         nkeycolumns;    /* 索引的关键列数,number of key columns in index */
     int        *indexkeys;      /* column numbers of index's attributes both
                                  * key and included columns, or 0 */
     Oid        *indexcollations;    /* OIDs of collations of index columns */
     Oid        *opfamily;       /* OIDs of operator families for columns */
     Oid        *opcintype;      /* OIDs of opclass declared input data types */
     Oid        *sortopfamily;   /* OIDs of btree opfamilies, if orderable */
     bool       *reverse_sort;   /* 倒序?is sort order descending? */
     bool       *nulls_first;    /* NULLs值优先?do NULLs come first in the sort order? */
     bool       *canreturn;      /* 索引列可通过Index-Only Scan返回?which index cols can be returned in an
                                  * index-only scan? */
     Oid         relam;          /* 访问方法OID,OID of the access method (in pg_am) */
     List       *indexprs;       /* 非简单索引列表达式链表,如函数索引,expressions for non-simple index columns */
     List       *indpred;        /* 部分索引的谓词链表,predicate if a partial index, else NIL */
     List       *indextlist;     /* 索引列(TargetEntry结构体链表),targetlist representing index columns */
     List       *indrestrictinfo;    /* 父关系的baserestrictinfo列表,
                                      * 不包含索引谓词隐含的所有条件
                                      * (除非是目标rel,请参阅check_index_predicates()中的注释),
                                      * parent relation's baserestrictinfo
                                      * list, less any conditions implied by
                                      * the index's predicate (unless it's a
                                      * target rel, see comments in
                                      * check_index_predicates()) */
     bool        predOK;         /* True,如索引谓词满足查询要求,true if index predicate matches query */
     bool        unique;         /* 是否唯一索引,true if a unique index */
     bool        immediate;      /* 唯一性校验是否立即生效,is uniqueness enforced immediately? */
     bool        hypothetical;   /* 是否虚拟索引,true if index doesn't really exist */
     /* Remaining fields are copied from the index AM's API struct: */
     //从Index Relation拷贝过来的AM(访问方法)API信息
     bool        amcanorderbyop; /* does AM support order by operator result? */
     bool        amoptionalkey;  /* can query omit key for the first column? */
     bool        amsearcharray;  /* can AM handle ScalarArrayOpExpr quals? */
     bool        amsearchnulls;  /* can AM search for NULL/NOT NULL entries? */
     bool        amhasgettuple;  /* does AM have amgettuple interface? */
     bool        amhasgetbitmap; /* does AM have amgetbitmap interface? */
     bool        amcanparallel;  /* does AM support parallel scan? */
     /* Rather than include amapi.h here, we declare amcostestimate like this */
     void        (*amcostestimate) ();   /* 访问方法的估算函数,AM's cost estimator */
 } IndexOptInfo;


 typedef double Cost; /* execution cost (in page-access units) */

 /* defaults for costsize.c's Cost parameters */
 /* NB: cost-estimation code should use the variables, not these constants! */
 /* 注意:实际值通过系统配置文件定义,而不是这里的常量定义! */
 /* If you change these, update backend/utils/misc/postgresql.sample.conf */
 #define DEFAULT_SEQ_PAGE_COST  1.0       //顺序扫描page的成本
 #define DEFAULT_RANDOM_PAGE_COST  4.0      //随机扫描page的成本
 #define DEFAULT_CPU_TUPLE_COST  0.01     //处理一个元组的CPU成本
 #define DEFAULT_CPU_INDEX_TUPLE_COST 0.005   //处理一个索引元组的CPU成本
 #define DEFAULT_CPU_OPERATOR_COST  0.0025    //执行一次操作或函数的CPU成本
 #define DEFAULT_PARALLEL_TUPLE_COST 0.1    //并行执行,从一个worker传输一个元组到另一个worker的成本
 #define DEFAULT_PARALLEL_SETUP_COST  1000.0  //构建并行执行环境的成本
 #define DEFAULT_EFFECTIVE_CACHE_SIZE  524288    /*先前已有介绍, measured in pages */

 double      seq_page_cost = DEFAULT_SEQ_PAGE_COST;
 double      random_page_cost = DEFAULT_RANDOM_PAGE_COST;
 double      cpu_tuple_cost = DEFAULT_CPU_TUPLE_COST;
 double      cpu_index_tuple_cost = DEFAULT_CPU_INDEX_TUPLE_COST;
 double      cpu_operator_cost = DEFAULT_CPU_OPERATOR_COST;
 double      parallel_tuple_cost = DEFAULT_PARALLEL_TUPLE_COST;
 double      parallel_setup_cost = DEFAULT_PARALLEL_SETUP_COST;
 int         effective_cache_size = DEFAULT_EFFECTIVE_CACHE_SIZE;
 Cost        disable_cost = 1.0e10;//1后面10个0,通过设置一个巨大的成本,让优化器自动放弃此路径
 int         max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;//每次gather使用的worker数



//----------------------------------------------- create_index_path

  * create_index_path
  *    Creates a path node for an index scan.
  *    创建索引扫描路径节点
  * 'index' is a usable index.
  * 'indexclauses' is a list of RestrictInfo nodes representing clauses
  *          to be used as index qual conditions in the scan.
  * 'indexclausecols' is an integer list of index column numbers (zero based)
  *          the indexclauses can be used with.
  * 'indexorderbys' is a list of bare expressions (no RestrictInfos)
  *          to be used as index ordering operators in the scan.
  * 'indexorderbycols' is an integer list of index column numbers (zero based)
  *          the ordering operators can be used with.
  * 'pathkeys' describes the ordering of the path.
  * 'indexscandir' is ForwardScanDirection or BackwardScanDirection
  *          for an ordered index, or NoMovementScanDirection for
  *          an unordered index.
  * 'indexonly' is true if an index-only scan is wanted.
  * 'required_outer' is the set of outer relids for a parameterized path.
  * 'loop_count' is the number of repetitions of the indexscan to factor into
  *      estimates of caching behavior.
  * 'partial_path' is true if constructing a parallel index scan path.
  * Returns the new path node.
 IndexPath *
 create_index_path(PlannerInfo *root,//优化器信息
                   IndexOptInfo *index,//索引信息
                   List *indexclauses,//索引约束条件链表
                   List *indexclausecols,//索引约束条件列编号链表,与indexclauses一一对应
                   List *indexorderbys,//ORDER BY原始表达式链表
                   List *indexorderbycols,//ORDER BY列编号链表
                   List *pathkeys,//排序路径键
                   ScanDirection indexscandir,//扫描方向
                   bool indexonly,//纯索引扫描?
                   Relids required_outer,//需依赖的外部Relids
                   double loop_count,//用于估计缓存的重复次数
                   bool partial_path)//是否并行索引扫描
     IndexPath  *pathnode = makeNode(IndexPath);//构建节点
     RelOptInfo *rel = index->rel;//索引对应的Rel
     List       *indexquals,
     pathnode->path.pathtype = indexonly ? T_IndexOnlyScan : T_IndexScan;//路径类型
     pathnode->path.parent = rel;//Relation
     pathnode->path.pathtarget = rel->reltarget;//路径最终的投影列
     pathnode->path.param_info = get_baserel_parampathinfo(root, rel,
     pathnode->path.parallel_aware = false;//
     pathnode->path.parallel_safe = rel->consider_parallel;//是否并行
     pathnode->path.parallel_workers = 0;//worker数目
     pathnode->path.pathkeys = pathkeys;//排序路径键
     /* Convert clauses to  the executor can handle */
     expand_indexqual_conditions(index, indexclauses, indexclausecols,
                                 &indexquals, &indexqualcols);
     /* 填充路径节点信息,Fill in the pathnode */
     pathnode->indexinfo = index;
     pathnode->indexclauses = indexclauses;
     pathnode->indexquals = indexquals;
     pathnode->indexqualcols = indexqualcols;
     pathnode->indexorderbys = indexorderbys;
     pathnode->indexorderbycols = indexorderbycols;
     pathnode->indexscandir = indexscandir;
     cost_index(pathnode, root, loop_count, partial_path);//估算成本
     return pathnode;

//------------------------------------ expand_indexqual_conditions

  * expand_indexqual_conditions
  *    Given a list of RestrictInfo nodes, produce a list of directly usable
  *    index qual clauses.
  *    给定RestrictInfo节点(约束条件),产生直接可用的索引表达式子句
  * Standard qual clauses (those in the index's opfamily) are passed through
  * unchanged.  Boolean clauses and "special" index operators are expanded
  * into clauses that the indexscan machinery will know what to do with.
  * RowCompare clauses are simplified if necessary to create a clause that is
  * fully checkable by the index.
  * 标准的条件子句(位于索引opfamily中)可不作修改直接使用.
  * 布尔子句和"special"索引操作符扩展为索引扫描执行器可以处理的子句.
  * 如需要,RowCompare子句将简化为可由索引完全检查的子句。
  * In addition to the expressions themselves, there are auxiliary lists
  * of the index column numbers that the clauses are meant to be used with;
  * we generate an updated column number list for the result.  (This is not
  * the identical list because one input clause sometimes produces more than
  * one output clause.)
  * 除了表达式本身之外,还有索引列号的辅助链表,这些子句将使用这些列号.这些列号
  * 将被更新用于结果返回(不是相同的链表,因为一个输入子句有时会产生多个输出子句。).
  * The input clauses are sorted by column number, and so the output is too.
  * (This is depended on in various places in both planner and executor.)
  * 输入子句通过列号排序,输出子句也是如此.
 expand_indexqual_conditions(IndexOptInfo *index,
                             List *indexclauses, List *indexclausecols,
                             List **indexquals_p, List **indexqualcols_p)
     List       *indexquals = NIL;
     List       *indexqualcols = NIL;
     ListCell   *lcc,
     forboth(lcc, indexclauses, lci, indexclausecols)//扫描索引子句链表和匹配的列号
         RestrictInfo *rinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(lcc);
         int         indexcol = lfirst_int(lci);
         Expr       *clause = rinfo->clause;//条件子句
         Oid         curFamily;
         Oid         curCollation;
         Assert(indexcol < index->nkeycolumns);
         curFamily = index->opfamily[indexcol];//索引列的opfamily
         curCollation = index->indexcollations[indexcol];//排序规则
         /* First check for boolean cases */
         if (IsBooleanOpfamily(curFamily))//布尔
             Expr       *boolqual;
             boolqual = expand_boolean_index_clause((Node *) clause,
             if (boolqual)
                 indexquals = lappend(indexquals,
                 indexqualcols = lappend_int(indexqualcols, indexcol);//列号
          * Else it must be an opclause (usual case), ScalarArrayOp,
          * RowCompare, or NullTest
         if (is_opclause(clause))//普通的操作符子句
             indexquals = list_concat(indexquals,
             /* expand_indexqual_opclause can produce multiple clauses */
             while (list_length(indexqualcols) < list_length(indexquals))
                 indexqualcols = lappend_int(indexqualcols, indexcol);
         else if (IsA(clause, ScalarArrayOpExpr))//ScalarArrayOpExpr
             /* no extra work at this time */
             indexquals = lappend(indexquals, rinfo);
             indexqualcols = lappend_int(indexqualcols, indexcol);
         else if (IsA(clause, RowCompareExpr))//RowCompareExpr
             indexquals = lappend(indexquals,
             indexqualcols = lappend_int(indexqualcols, indexcol);
         else if (IsA(clause, NullTest))//NullTest
             indexquals = lappend(indexquals, rinfo);
             indexqualcols = lappend_int(indexqualcols, indexcol);
             elog(ERROR, "unsupported indexqual type: %d",
                  (int) nodeTag(clause));
     *indexquals_p = indexquals;//结果赋值
     *indexqualcols_p = indexqualcols;
//------------------------------------ cost_index
  * cost_index
  *    Determines and returns the cost of scanning a relation using an index.
  *    确定和返回索引扫描的成本 
  * 'path' describes the indexscan under consideration, and is complete
  *      except for the fields to be set by this routine
  * path-位于考虑之列的索引扫描路径,除了本例程要设置的字段外其他信息已完整.
  * 'loop_count' is the number of repetitions of the indexscan to factor into
  *      estimates of caching behavior
  * loop_count-用于估计缓存的重复次数
  * In addition to rows, startup_cost and total_cost, cost_index() sets the
  * path's indextotalcost and indexselectivity fields.  These values will be
  * needed if the IndexPath is used in a BitmapIndexScan.
  * 除了行、startup_cost和total_cost之外,函数cost_index
  * 还设置了访问路径的indextotalcost和indexselectivity字段。
  * 如果在位图索引扫描中使用IndexPath,则需要这些值。
  * NOTE: path->indexquals must contain only clauses usable as index
  * restrictions.  Any additional quals evaluated as qpquals may reduce the
  * number of returned tuples, but they won't reduce the number of tuples
  * we have to fetch from the table, so they don't reduce the scan cost.
  * 注意:path->indexquals必须仅包含用作索引约束条件的子句。任何作为qpquals评估的
  * 额外条件可能会减少返回元组的数量,但它们不会减少必须从表中获取的元组
  * 数量,因此它们不会降低扫描成本。
 cost_index(IndexPath *path, PlannerInfo *root, double loop_count,
            bool partial_path)
     IndexOptInfo *index = path->indexinfo;//索引信息
     RelOptInfo *baserel = index->rel;//RelOptInfo信息
     bool        indexonly = (path->path.pathtype == T_IndexOnlyScan);//是否纯索引扫描
     amcostestimate_function amcostestimate;//索引访问方法成本估算函数
     List       *qpquals;//qpquals链表
     Cost        startup_cost = 0;//启动成本
     Cost        run_cost = 0;//执行成本
     Cost        cpu_run_cost = 0;//cpu执行成本
     Cost        indexStartupCost;//索引启动成本
     Cost        indexTotalCost;//索引总成本
     Selectivity indexSelectivity;//选择率
     double      indexCorrelation,//
     double      spc_seq_page_cost,
     Cost        min_IO_cost,//最小IO成本
     QualCost    qpqual_cost;//表达式成本
     Cost        cpu_per_tuple;//每个tuple处理成本
     double      tuples_fetched;//取得的元组数量
     double      pages_fetched;//取得的page数量
     double      rand_heap_pages;//随机访问的堆page数量
     double      index_pages;//索引page数量
     /* Should only be applied to base relations */
     Assert(IsA(baserel, RelOptInfo) &&
            IsA(index, IndexOptInfo));
     Assert(baserel->relid > 0);
     Assert(baserel->rtekind == RTE_RELATION);
      * Mark the path with the correct row estimate, and identify which quals
      * will need to be enforced as qpquals.  We need not check any quals that
      * are implied by the index's predicate, so we can use indrestrictinfo not
      * baserestrictinfo as the list of relevant restriction clauses for the
      * rel.
     if (path->path.param_info)//存在参数化信息
         path->path.rows = path->path.param_info->ppi_rows;
         /* qpquals come from the rel's restriction clauses and ppi_clauses */
         qpquals = list_concat(
         path->path.rows = baserel->rows;//基表的估算行数
         /* qpquals come from just the rel's restriction clauses */跑
         qpquals = extract_nonindex_conditions(path->indexinfo->indrestrictinfo,
     if (!enable_indexscan)
         startup_cost += disable_cost;//禁用索引扫描
     /* we don't need to check enable_indexonlyscan; indxpath.c does that */
      * Call index-access-method-specific code to estimate the processing cost
      * for scanning the index, as well as the selectivity of the index (ie,
      * the fraction of main-table tuples we will have to retrieve) and its
      * correlation to the main-table tuple order.  We need a cast here because
      * relation.h uses a weak function type to avoid including amapi.h.
     amcostestimate = (amcostestimate_function) index->amcostestimate;//索引访问路径成本估算函数
     amcostestimate(root, path, loop_count,
                    &indexStartupCost, &indexTotalCost,
                    &indexSelectivity, &indexCorrelation,
      * Save amcostestimate's results for possible use in bitmap scan planning.
      * We don't bother to save indexStartupCost or indexCorrelation, because a
      * bitmap scan doesn't care about either.
     path->indextotalcost = indexTotalCost;//赋值
     path->indexselectivity = indexSelectivity;
     /* all costs for touching index itself included here */
     startup_cost += indexStartupCost;
     run_cost += indexTotalCost - indexStartupCost;
     /* estimate number of main-table tuples fetched */
     tuples_fetched = clamp_row_est(indexSelectivity * baserel->tuples);//取得的元组数量
     /* fetch estimated page costs for tablespace containing table */
      * Estimate number of main-table pages fetched, and compute I/O cost.
      * When the index ordering is uncorrelated with the table ordering,
      * we use an approximation proposed by Mackert and Lohman (see
      * index_pages_fetched() for details) to compute the number of pages
      * fetched, and then charge spc_random_page_cost per page fetched.
      * When the index ordering is exactly correlated with the table ordering
      * (just after a CLUSTER, for example), the number of pages fetched should
      * be exactly selectivity * table_size.  What's more, all but the first
      * will be sequential fetches, not the random fetches that occur in the
      * uncorrelated case.  So if the number of pages is more than 1, we
      * ought to charge
      *      spc_random_page_cost + (pages_fetched - 1) * spc_seq_page_cost
      * For partially-correlated indexes, we ought to charge somewhere between
      * these two estimates.  We currently interpolate linearly between the
      * estimates based on the correlation squared (XXX is that appropriate?).
      * If it's an index-only scan, then we will not need to fetch any heap
      * pages for which the visibility map shows all tuples are visible.
      * Hence, reduce the estimated number of heap fetches accordingly.
      * We use the measured fraction of the entire heap that is all-visible,
      * which might not be particularly relevant to the subset of the heap
      * that this query will fetch; but it's not clear how to do better.
     if (loop_count > 1)//次数 > 1
          * For repeated indexscans, the appropriate estimate for the
          * uncorrelated case is to scale up the number of tuples fetched in
          * the Mackert and Lohman formula by the number of scans, so that we
          * estimate the number of pages fetched by all the scans; then
          * pro-rate the costs for one scan.  In this case we assume all the
          * fetches are random accesses.
         pages_fetched = index_pages_fetched(tuples_fetched * loop_count,
                                             (double) index->pages,
         if (indexonly)
             pages_fetched = ceil(pages_fetched * (1.0 - baserel->allvisfrac));
         rand_heap_pages = pages_fetched;
         max_IO_cost = (pages_fetched * spc_random_page_cost) / loop_count;
          * In the perfectly correlated case, the number of pages touched by
          * each scan is selectivity * table_size, and we can use the Mackert
          * and Lohman formula at the page level to estimate how much work is
          * saved by caching across scans.  We still assume all the fetches are
          * random, though, which is an overestimate that's hard to correct for
          * without double-counting the cache effects.  (But in most cases
          * where such a plan is actually interesting, only one page would get
          * fetched per scan anyway, so it shouldn't matter much.)
         pages_fetched = ceil(indexSelectivity * (double) baserel->pages);
         pages_fetched = index_pages_fetched(pages_fetched * loop_count,
                                             (double) index->pages,
         if (indexonly)
             pages_fetched = ceil(pages_fetched * (1.0 - baserel->allvisfrac));
         min_IO_cost = (pages_fetched * spc_random_page_cost) / loop_count;
     else //次数 <= 1
          * Normal case: apply the Mackert and Lohman formula, and then
          * interpolate between that and the correlation-derived result.
         pages_fetched = index_pages_fetched(tuples_fetched,
                                             (double) index->pages,
         if (indexonly)
             pages_fetched = ceil(pages_fetched * (1.0 - baserel->allvisfrac));//纯索引扫描
         rand_heap_pages = pages_fetched;//随机访问的堆page数量
         /* max_IO_cost is for the perfectly uncorrelated case (csquared=0) */
         max_IO_cost = pages_fetched * spc_random_page_cost;
         /* min_IO_cost is for the perfectly correlated case (csquared=1) */
         pages_fetched = ceil(indexSelectivity * (double) baserel->pages);
         if (indexonly)
             pages_fetched = ceil(pages_fetched * (1.0 - baserel->allvisfrac));
         if (pages_fetched > 0)
             min_IO_cost = spc_random_page_cost;
             if (pages_fetched > 1)
                 min_IO_cost += (pages_fetched - 1) * spc_seq_page_cost;
             min_IO_cost = 0;
     if (partial_path)//并行
          * For index only scans compute workers based on number of index pages
          * fetched; the number of heap pages we fetch might be so small as to
          * effectively rule out parallelism, which we don't want to do.
         if (indexonly)
             rand_heap_pages = -1;
          * Estimate the number of parallel workers required to scan index. Use
          * the number of heap pages computed considering heap fetches won't be
          * sequential as for parallel scans the pages are accessed in random
          * order.
         path->path.parallel_workers = compute_parallel_worker(baserel,
          * Fall out if workers can't be assigned for parallel scan, because in
          * such a case this path will be rejected.  So there is no benefit in
          * doing extra computation.
         if (path->path.parallel_workers <= 0)
         path->path.parallel_aware = true;
      * Now interpolate based on estimated index order correlation to get total
      * disk I/O cost for main table accesses.
      * 根据估算的索引顺序关联来插值,以获得主表访问的总I/O成本
     csquared = indexCorrelation * indexCorrelation;
     run_cost += max_IO_cost + csquared * (min_IO_cost - max_IO_cost);
      * Estimate CPU costs per tuple.
      * 估算处理每个元组的CPU成本
      * What we want here is cpu_tuple_cost plus the evaluation costs of any
      * qual clauses that we have to evaluate as qpquals.
     cost_qual_eval(&qpqual_cost, qpquals, root);
     startup_cost += qpqual_cost.startup;
     cpu_per_tuple = cpu_tuple_cost + qpqual_cost.per_tuple;
     cpu_run_cost += cpu_per_tuple * tuples_fetched;
     /* tlist eval costs are paid per output row, not per tuple scanned */
     startup_cost += path->path.pathtarget->cost.startup;
     cpu_run_cost += path->path.pathtarget->cost.per_tuple * path->path.rows;
     /* Adjust costing for parallelism, if used. */
     if (path->path.parallel_workers > 0)
         double      parallel_divisor = get_parallel_divisor(&path->path);
         path->path.rows = clamp_row_est(path->path.rows / parallel_divisor);
         /* The CPU cost is divided among all the workers. */
         cpu_run_cost /= parallel_divisor;
     run_cost += cpu_run_cost;
     path->path.startup_cost = startup_cost;
     path->path.total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;

//------------------------- btcostestimate
 btcostestimate(PlannerInfo *root, IndexPath *path, double loop_count,
                Cost *indexStartupCost, Cost *indexTotalCost,
                Selectivity *indexSelectivity, double *indexCorrelation,
                double *indexPages)
     IndexOptInfo *index = path->indexinfo;
     List       *qinfos;
     GenericCosts costs;
     Oid         relid;
     AttrNumber  colnum;
     VariableStatData vardata;
     double      numIndexTuples;
     Cost        descentCost;
     List       *indexBoundQuals;
     int         indexcol;
     bool        eqQualHere;
     bool        found_saop;
     bool        found_is_null_op;
     double      num_sa_scans;
     ListCell   *lc;
     /* Do preliminary analysis of indexquals */
     qinfos = deconstruct_indexquals(path);//拆解路径,生成条件链表
      * For a btree scan, only leading '=' quals plus inequality quals for the
      * immediately next attribute contribute to index selectivity (these are
      * the "boundary quals" that determine the starting and stopping points of
      * the index scan).  Additional quals can suppress visits to the heap, so
      * it's OK to count them in indexSelectivity, but they should not count
      * for estimating numIndexTuples.  So we must examine the given indexquals
      * to find out which ones count as boundary quals.  We rely on the
      * knowledge that they are given in index column order.
      * 对于btree扫描,只有下一个属性的前导'='条件加上不等号条件
      * 有助于索引选择性(这些是确定索引扫描起始和停止的“边界条件”)。
      * 额外的条件可以抑制对堆数据的访问,所以在indexSelectivity中
      * 统计它们是可以的,但是它们不应该在估算索引元组数目(索引也是元组的一种)的时
      * 候统计。因此,必须检查给定的索引条件,以找出哪些被
      * 算作边界条件。需依赖索引信息给出的索引列顺序进行判断.
      * For a RowCompareExpr, we consider only the first column, just as
      * rowcomparesel() does.
      * If there's a ScalarArrayOpExpr in the quals, we'll actually perform N
      * index scans not one, but the ScalarArrayOpExpr's operator can be
      * considered to act the same as it normally does.
     indexBoundQuals = NIL;//索引边界条件
     indexcol = 0;//索引列编号
     eqQualHere = false;//
     found_saop = false;
     found_is_null_op = false;
     num_sa_scans = 1;
     foreach(lc, qinfos)//遍历条件链表
         IndexQualInfo *qinfo = (IndexQualInfo *) lfirst(lc);
         RestrictInfo *rinfo = qinfo->rinfo;
         Expr       *clause = rinfo->clause;
         Oid         clause_op;
         int         op_strategy;
         if (indexcol != qinfo->indexcol)//indexcol匹配才进行后续处理
             /* Beginning of a new column's quals */
             if (!eqQualHere)
                 break;          /* done if no '=' qual for indexcol */
             eqQualHere = false;
             if (indexcol != qinfo->indexcol)
                 break;          /* no quals at all for indexcol */
         if (IsA(clause, ScalarArrayOpExpr))//ScalarArrayOpExpr
             int         alength = estimate_array_length(qinfo->other_operand);
             found_saop = true;
             /* count up number of SA scans induced by indexBoundQuals only */
             if (alength > 1)
                 num_sa_scans *= alength;
         else if (IsA(clause, NullTest))
             NullTest   *nt = (NullTest *) clause;
             if (nt->nulltesttype == IS_NULL)
                 found_is_null_op = true;
                 /* IS NULL is like = for selectivity determination purposes */
                 eqQualHere = true;
          * We would need to commute the clause_op if not varonleft, except
          * that we only care if it's equality or not, so that refinement is
          * unnecessary.
         clause_op = qinfo->clause_op;
         /* check for equality operator */
         if (OidIsValid(clause_op))//普通的操作符
             op_strategy = get_op_opfamily_strategy(clause_op,
             Assert(op_strategy != 0);   /* not a member of opfamily?? */
             if (op_strategy == BTEqualStrategyNumber)
                 eqQualHere = true;
         indexBoundQuals = lappend(indexBoundQuals, rinfo);
      * If index is unique and we found an '=' clause for each column, we can
      * just assume numIndexTuples = 1 and skip the expensive
      * clauselist_selectivity calculations.  However, a ScalarArrayOp or
      * NullTest invalidates that theory, even though it sets eqQualHere.
      * 如果index是唯一的,并且我们为每个列找到了一个'='子句,那么可以
      * 假设numIndexTuples = 1,并跳过昂贵的clauselist_selectivity计算结果。
      * 这种判断不适用于ScalarArrayOp或NullTest。
     if (index->unique &&
         indexcol == index->nkeycolumns - 1 &&
         eqQualHere &&
         !found_saop &&
         numIndexTuples = 1.0;//唯一索引
         List       *selectivityQuals;
         Selectivity btreeSelectivity;//选择率
          * If the index is partial, AND the index predicate with the
          * index-bound quals to produce a more accurate idea of the number of
          * rows covered by the bound conditions.
         selectivityQuals = add_predicate_to_quals(index, indexBoundQuals);//添加谓词
         btreeSelectivity = clauselist_selectivity(root, selectivityQuals,
         numIndexTuples = btreeSelectivity * index->rel->tuples;//索引元组数目
          * As in genericcostestimate(), we have to adjust for any
          * ScalarArrayOpExpr quals included in indexBoundQuals, and then round
          * to integer.
         numIndexTuples = rint(numIndexTuples / num_sa_scans);
      * Now do generic index cost estimation.
      * 执行常规的索引成本估算
     MemSet(&costs, 0, sizeof(costs));
     costs.numIndexTuples = numIndexTuples;
     genericcostestimate(root, path, loop_count, qinfos, &costs);
      * Add a CPU-cost component to represent the costs of initial btree
      * descent.  We don't charge any I/O cost for touching upper btree levels,
      * since they tend to stay in cache, but we still have to do about log2(N)
      * comparisons to descend a btree of N leaf tuples.  We charge one
      * cpu_operator_cost per comparison.
      * 添加一个cpu成本组件来表示初始化BTree树层次下降的成本。
      * BTree上层节点可以认为已存在于缓存中,因此不耗成本,但沿着树往下沉时,需要
      * 执行log2(N)次比较(N个叶子元组的BTree)。每次比较,成本为cpu_operator_cost
      * If there are ScalarArrayOpExprs, charge this once per SA scan.  The
      * ones after the first one are not startup cost so far as the overall
      * plan is concerned, so add them only to "total" cost.
      * 如存在ScalarArrayOpExprs,则每次SA扫描成本增加cpu_operator_cost
     if (index->tuples > 1)      /* avoid computing log(0) */
         descentCost = ceil(log(index->tuples) / log(2.0)) * cpu_operator_cost;
         costs.indexStartupCost += descentCost;
         costs.indexTotalCost += costs.num_sa_scans * descentCost;
      * Even though we're not charging I/O cost for touching upper btree pages,
      * it's still reasonable to charge some CPU cost per page descended
      * through.  Moreover, if we had no such charge at all, bloated indexes
      * would appear to have the same search cost as unbloated ones, at least
      * in cases where only a single leaf page is expected to be visited.  This
      * cost is somewhat arbitrarily set at 50x cpu_operator_cost per page
      * touched.  The number of such pages is btree tree height plus one (ie,
      * we charge for the leaf page too).  As above, charge once per SA scan.
      * BTree树往下遍历时的成本descentCost=(树高+1)*50*cpu_operator_cost
     descentCost = (index->tree_height + 1) * 50.0 * cpu_operator_cost;
     costs.indexStartupCost += descentCost;
     costs.indexTotalCost += costs.num_sa_scans * descentCost;
      * If we can get an estimate of the first column's ordering correlation C
      * from pg_statistic, estimate the index correlation as C for a
      * single-column index, or C * 0.75 for multiple columns. (The idea here
      * is that multiple columns dilute the importance of the first column's
      * ordering, but don't negate it entirely.  Before 8.0 we divided the
      * correlation by the number of columns, but that seems too strong.)
      * 如果我们可以从pg_statistical中得到第一列排序相关C的估计,那么对于单列索引,
      * 可以将索引相关性估计为C,对于多列,可以将其估计为C * 0.75。
      * (这里的想法是,多列淡化了第一列排序的重要性,但不要完全否定它。
      * 在8.0之前,我们将相关性除以列数,这种做法似乎太过了)。
     MemSet(&vardata, 0, sizeof(vardata));
     if (index->indexkeys[0] != 0)
         /* Simple variable --- look to stats for the underlying table */
         RangeTblEntry *rte = planner_rt_fetch(index->rel->relid, root);
         Assert(rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION);
         relid = rte->relid;
         Assert(relid != InvalidOid);
         colnum = index->indexkeys[0];
         if (get_relation_stats_hook &&
             (*get_relation_stats_hook) (root, rte, colnum, &vardata))
              * The hook took control of acquiring a stats tuple.  If it did
              * supply a tuple, it'd better have supplied a freefunc.
             if (HeapTupleIsValid(vardata.statsTuple) &&
                 elog(ERROR, "no function provided to release variable stats with");
             vardata.statsTuple = SearchSysCache3(STATRELATTINH,
             vardata.freefunc = ReleaseSysCache;
         /* Expression --- maybe there are stats for the index itself */
         relid = index->indexoid;
         colnum = 1;
         if (get_index_stats_hook &&
             (*get_index_stats_hook) (root, relid, colnum, &vardata))
              * The hook took control of acquiring a stats tuple.  If it did
              * supply a tuple, it'd better have supplied a freefunc.
             if (HeapTupleIsValid(vardata.statsTuple) &&
                 elog(ERROR, "no function provided to release variable stats with");
             vardata.statsTuple = SearchSysCache3(STATRELATTINH,
             vardata.freefunc = ReleaseSysCache;
     if (HeapTupleIsValid(vardata.statsTuple))
         Oid         sortop;
         AttStatsSlot sslot;
         sortop = get_opfamily_member(index->opfamily[0],
         if (OidIsValid(sortop) &&
             get_attstatsslot(&sslot, vardata.statsTuple,
                              STATISTIC_KIND_CORRELATION, sortop,
             double      varCorrelation;
             Assert(sslot.nnumbers == 1);
             varCorrelation = sslot.numbers[0];
             if (index->reverse_sort[0])
                 varCorrelation = -varCorrelation;
             if (index->ncolumns > 1)
                 costs.indexCorrelation = varCorrelation * 0.75;
                 costs.indexCorrelation = varCorrelation;
     *indexStartupCost = costs.indexStartupCost;
     *indexTotalCost = costs.indexTotalCost;
     *indexSelectivity = costs.indexSelectivity;
     *indexCorrelation = costs.indexCorrelation;
     *indexPages = costs.numIndexPages;

//------------------------- index_pages_fetched

  * index_pages_fetched
  *    Estimate the number of pages actually fetched after accounting for
  *    cache effects.
  *    估算在考虑缓存影响后实际获取的页面数量。
  * 估算方法是Mackert和Lohman提出的方法:
  *     "Index Scans Using a Finite LRU Buffer: A Validated I/O Model"
  * We use an approximation proposed by Mackert and Lohman, "Index Scans
  * Using a Finite LRU Buffer: A Validated I/O Model", ACM Transactions
  * on Database Systems, Vol. 14, No. 3, September 1989, Pages 401-424.
  * The Mackert and Lohman approximation is that the number of pages
  * fetched is
  *  PF =
  *      min(2TNs/(2T+Ns), T)            when T <= b
  *      2TNs/(2T+Ns)                    when T > b and Ns <= 2Tb/(2T-b)
  *      b + (Ns - 2Tb/(2T-b))*(T-b)/T   when T > b and Ns > 2Tb/(2T-b)
  * where
  *      T = # pages in table
  *      N = # tuples in table
  *      s = selectivity = fraction of table to be scanned
  *      b = # buffer pages available (we include kernel space here)
  * We assume that effective_cache_size is the total number of buffer pages
  * available for the whole query, and pro-rate that space across all the
  * tables in the query and the index currently under consideration.  (This
  * ignores space needed for other indexes used by the query, but since we
  * don't know which indexes will get used, we can't estimate that very well;
  * and in any case counting all the tables may well be an overestimate, since
  * depending on the join plan not all the tables may be scanned concurrently.)
  * The product Ns is the number of tuples fetched; we pass in that
  * product rather than calculating it here.  "pages" is the number of pages
  * in the object under consideration (either an index or a table).
  * "index_pages" is the amount to add to the total table space, which was
  * computed for us by query_planner.
  * Caller is expected to have ensured that tuples_fetched is greater than zero
  * and rounded to integer (see clamp_row_est).  The result will likewise be
  * greater than zero and integral.
 index_pages_fetched(double tuples_fetched, BlockNumber pages,
                     double index_pages, PlannerInfo *root)
     double      pages_fetched;
     double      total_pages;
     double      T,
     /* T is # pages in table, but don't allow it to be zero */
     T = (pages > 1) ? (double) pages : 1.0;
     /* Compute number of pages assumed to be competing for cache space */
     total_pages = root->total_table_pages + index_pages;
     total_pages = Max(total_pages, 1.0);
     Assert(T <= total_pages);
     /* b is pro-rated share of effective_cache_size */
     b = (double) effective_cache_size * T / total_pages;
     /* force it positive and integral */
     if (b <= 1.0)
         b = 1.0;
         b = ceil(b);
     /* This part is the Mackert and Lohman formula */
     if (T <= b)
         pages_fetched =
             (2.0 * T * tuples_fetched) / (2.0 * T + tuples_fetched);
         if (pages_fetched >= T)
             pages_fetched = T;
             pages_fetched = ceil(pages_fetched);
         double      lim;
         lim = (2.0 * T * b) / (2.0 * T - b);
         if (tuples_fetched <= lim)
             pages_fetched =
                 (2.0 * T * tuples_fetched) / (2.0 * T + tuples_fetched);
             pages_fetched =
                 b + (tuples_fetched - lim) * (T - b) / T;
         pages_fetched = ceil(pages_fetched);
     return pages_fetched;



select a.*,b.grbh, 
from t_dwxx a,
    lateral (select t1.dwbh,t1.grbh, 
     from t_grxx t1 
          inner join t_jfxx t2 on t1.dwbh = a.dwbh and t1.grbh = t2.grbh) b
where a.dwbh = '1001'
order by b.dwbh;


(gdb) b create_index_path
Breakpoint 1 at 0x78f050: file pathnode.c, line 1037.
(gdb) c

主要考察t_grxx上的索引访问路径,即t_grxx.dwbh = '1001'(通过等价类产生并下推的限制条件)

(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, create_index_path (root=0x2737d70, index=0x274be80, indexclauses=0x274f1f8, indexclausecols=0x274f248, 
    indexorderbys=0x0, indexorderbycols=0x0, pathkeys=0x0, indexscandir=ForwardScanDirection, indexonly=false, 
    required_outer=0x0, loop_count=1, partial_path=false) at pathnode.c:1037
1037        IndexPath  *pathnode = makeNode(IndexPath);

索引信息:树高度为1/索引列1个/indexlist链表,元素为TargetEntry,相关信息为varno = 3, varattno = 1,索引访问方法成本估算使用的函数为btcostestimate

(gdb) p *index
$3 = {type = T_IndexOptInfo, indexoid = 16752, reltablespace = 0, rel = 0x274b870, pages = 276, tuples = 100000, 
  tree_height = 1, ncolumns = 1, nkeycolumns = 1, indexkeys = 0x274bf90, indexcollations = 0x274bfa8, opfamily = 0x274bfc0, 
  opcintype = 0x274bfd8, sortopfamily = 0x274bfc0, reverse_sort = 0x274c008, nulls_first = 0x274c020, 
  canreturn = 0x274bff0, relam = 403, indexprs = 0x0, indpred = 0x0, indextlist = 0x274c0f8, indrestrictinfo = 0x274dc58, 
  predOK = false, unique = false, immediate = true, hypothetical = false, amcanorderbyop = false, amoptionalkey = true, 
  amsearcharray = true, amsearchnulls = true, amhasgettuple = true, amhasgetbitmap = true, amcanparallel = true, 
  amcostestimate = 0x94f0ad <btcostestimate>}


(gdb) n
1038        RelOptInfo *rel = index->rel;
1042        pathnode->path.pathtype = indexonly ? T_IndexOnlyScan : T_IndexScan;
1043        pathnode->path.parent = rel;
1044        pathnode->path.pathtarget = rel->reltarget;
1045        pathnode->path.param_info = get_baserel_parampathinfo(root, rel,
1047        pathnode->path.parallel_aware = false;
1048        pathnode->path.parallel_safe = rel->consider_parallel;
1049        pathnode->path.parallel_workers = 0;
1050        pathnode->path.pathkeys = pathkeys;
1053        expand_indexqual_conditions(index, indexclauses, indexclausecols,
1057        pathnode->indexinfo = index;


(gdb) p *indexclauses
$4 = {type = T_List, length = 1, head = 0x274f1d8, tail = 0x274f1d8} -->t_grxx.dwbh = '1001'
(gdb) p *indexclausecols
$9 = {type = T_IntList, length = 1, head = 0x274f228, tail = 0x274f228}
(gdb) p indexclausecols->head->data.int_value
$10 = 0


1065        cost_index(pathnode, root, loop_count, partial_path);
(gdb) step
cost_index (path=0x274ecb8, root=0x2737d70, loop_count=1, partial_path=false) at costsize.c:480
480     IndexOptInfo *index = path->indexinfo;


547     amcostestimate(root, path, loop_count,
557     path->indextotalcost = indexTotalCost;


(gdb) p indexStartupCost
$22 = 0.29249999999999998
(gdb) p indexTotalCost
$23 = 4.3675000000000006
(gdb) p indexSelectivity
$24 = 0.00010012021638664612
(gdb) p indexCorrelation
$25 = 0.82452213764190674
(gdb) p index_pages
$26 = 1


599     if (loop_count > 1)
651                                             (double) index->pages,
(gdb) p loop_count
$27 = 1


(gdb) n
649         pages_fetched = index_pages_fetched(tuples_fetched,
654         if (indexonly)
(gdb) p pages_fetched
$28 = 10
(gdb) p max_IO_cost
$30 = 40
(gdb) p min_IO_cost
$31 = 4


749     path->path.total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
750 }
(gdb) p *path
$37 = {path = {type = T_IndexPath, pathtype = T_IndexScan, parent = 0x274b870, pathtarget = 0x274ba98, param_info = 0x0, 
    parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = true, parallel_workers = 0, rows = 10, startup_cost = 0.29249999999999998, 
    total_cost = 19.993376803383146, pathkeys = 0x0}, indexinfo = 0x274be80, indexclauses = 0x274f1f8, 
  indexquals = 0x274f3a0, indexqualcols = 0x274f3f0, indexorderbys = 0x0, indexorderbycols = 0x0, 
  indexscandir = ForwardScanDirection, indextotalcost = 4.3675000000000006, indexselectivity = 0.00010012021638664612}
(gdb) n
create_index_path (root=0x2737d70, index=0x274be80, indexclauses=0x274f1f8, indexclausecols=0x274f248, indexorderbys=0x0, 
    indexorderbycols=0x0, pathkeys=0x0, indexscandir=ForwardScanDirection, indexonly=false, required_outer=0x0, 
    loop_count=1, partial_path=false) at pathnode.c:1067
1067        return pathnode;  

该SQL语句的执行计划,其中Index Scan using idx_t_grxx_dwbh on public.t_grxx t1 (cost=0.29..19.99...的成本0.29/19.99,与访问路径中的startup_cost/total_cost相对应.

testdb=# explain verbose select a.*,b.grbh, 
from t_dwxx a,
    lateral (select t1.dwbh,t1.grbh, 
     from t_grxx t1 
          inner join t_jfxx t2 on t1.dwbh = a.dwbh and t1.grbh = t2.grbh) b
where a.dwbh = '1001'
order by b.dwbh;
                                              QUERY PLAN                                              
 Nested Loop  (cost=0.87..111.60 rows=10 width=37)
   Output: a.dwmc, a.dwbh, a.dwdz, t1.grbh,, t1.dwbh
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.58..28.40 rows=10 width=29)
         Output: a.dwmc, a.dwbh, a.dwdz, t1.grbh, t1.dwbh
         ->  Index Scan using t_dwxx_pkey on public.t_dwxx a  (cost=0.29..8.30 rows=1 width=20)
               Output: a.dwmc, a.dwbh, a.dwdz
               Index Cond: ((a.dwbh)::text = '1001'::text)
         ->  Index Scan using idx_t_grxx_dwbh on public.t_grxx t1  (cost=0.29..19.99 rows=10 width=9)
               Output: t1.dwbh, t1.grbh, t1.xm, t1.xb,
               Index Cond: ((t1.dwbh)::text = '1001'::text)
   ->  Index Scan using idx_t_jfxx_grbh on public.t_jfxx t2  (cost=0.29..8.31 rows=1 width=13)
         Output: t2.grbh, t2.ny,
         Index Cond: ((t2.grbh)::text = (t1.grbh)::text)
(13 rows)


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  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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