原创 哈哈尼克 Natural Smiling 2024-03-12 22:05 江苏
️Time is Money!
Hast thou no mark at which to bend thy bow?Or like a boy pursu'st the carrion crow with pellets and with stones,from tree to tree,A fruitless toil,and liv'st extempore?
If we lose our Money,it gives us some Concern.If we are cheated or robb'd of it.we are angry:But Money lost may be found;what we are robb'd of may be restored:The Treasure of Time once Lost.can never be recovered;yet we squander it as tho '' twere nothing worth.or we had no Use for it.
Lost Time is never found Again。
【肆】一个今天 ,值得两个明天
One To- day is worth two To-morrows.
He that wastes idly a Groat's worth of his Time per Day,one Day with anther,wastes the Privilege of using 100l1.each Day 。He that idly loses 5 s.worth of time,loses 5s.might as prudently throw 5s,in the River.He that loses
not only loses 5 s.not only loses that Sum,but all the Advantage that might be made by
turning it in Dealing,which by the time that a
young Man becomes old,amounts to a comfortable Bag of Mony.(编著:Groat 为英国古四便士银币)
【陆】明日事 今日毕
Have you somewhat to do to morrow;do it to- day。