举个例子来帮助理解弹性公式。假如说,我现在把商品的价格提高一块钱,那么价格变化算是高还是低呢? 聪明如你们,当然会说,那要看我们讨论的是什么商品了。
我们再用原文例子来学习怎么应用这个公式。作者举了一个克林顿时代提高香烟税的例子。(作者也暴露年龄了,也该把课件更新到特朗普时代): 如果香烟的价格从100块提高到110块,即增加10%,那么10个年轻人中将会有7个孩子不再购买香烟,即减少70%(-70%)。 套用这个公式,70%除以10%,也就是说,香烟税的弹性系数是-7。
Elasticity of Demand 2
来源: 作者Dr. Mary J. McGlasson
Elasticity is a measure of sensitivity, or responsiveness, to price.
In equation form, the elasticity of demand, or ed, is equal to the percentage change in quantity demanded over the percentage change in price.
Because demand exhibits an inverse, or negative, relationship, elasticity of demand will be a negative number.
I use percentage change to measure elasticity, rather than absolute change -- let me illustrate why.
If I tell you that product price has gone up by one dollar, this would be the "absolute change."
Is this a big change, or a small change?
It depends -- what's the product?
More to the point, what was the original price?
OK, look – say we're talking about a pack of gum.
Originally the price was one dollar; now it's two dollars.
This represents an absolute change of one dollar, but is it a big change, or a small change?
It's actually a pretty big change; price doubled, or increased by 100%.
What if we're talking about a textbook, rather than a pack of gum?
Originally, the price was $100; now it's $101.
This is still an absolute change of one dollar, but is it a big change, or a small change?
In this case, it's a small change; prices increased by 1%.
Bottom line is that we need to know not only the dollar amount of the price change, but also how this compares to where we started.
Now technically, the formula for elasticity of demand is the percentage change in the quantity demanded over the percentage change in price,
which can be found by taking the ratio of the difference between the new and the old quantities,
over the average of the new the old quantities, all over the ratio of the difference between the new and the old price, over that the average of the new and the old prices...
Frankly, I've found that if I use this version of the elasticity formula, students' eyes glaze over.
People get so hung up on the math that they lose sight of the intuition, and what elasticity means --
so I'll be sticking to the slightly easier form, and will frame my questions for you accordingly.
How would you actually use this formula?
Take a look at this article about the Clinton administration's proposed cigarette tax policy.
If you look at the last paragraph, you'll find enough information to determine the elasticity of demand for youth smoking.
Remember, elasticity of demand is the percentage change in quantity demanded, over the percentage change in price.
The article states that for every 10% increase in price, there's a 7% decrease in youth smoking.
This means that elasticity of demand, according to the formula, is -7% over +10%, or -.7.
OK -- now what do I do?
I know that elasticity of demand for youth smoking is -.7, but what does it mean?