1. 理智些
Be sensible, Sweetie. It’s too expensive.
还可以用wise up, try to be rational
Wise up, Ange. It’s a bill of goods. 别天真了,安吉,有钱能使鬼推磨。
Man is a rational being.人是理性动物。
2. 关于醉酒的几种表达
tispy 微醺的感觉She wasn’t tipsy, just a little high.
buzzed 喝的有点飘了,脑袋有点嗡嗡响,这里用buzed这个词很形象。
hammered 喝醉了,hammer本义是锤子,喝得就像被锤子抡了脑袋一样
drunk 醉的 drunk as a fish 喝得烂醉如泥
wasted 断片儿
3. 闻起来味道怪 smell funny
闻着一股腥味或者可疑 smell fishy
There’s something fishy about it.这里面有鬼;这事儿有点古怪。
I’m convinced there is something fishy going on.我确信有可疑的事在发生。
4. No wonder 怪不得
Well, no wonder no one appreciates me.现在我知道自己为何不受欢迎了。
No wonder he’s such a good guitarist. 怪不得这家伙吉他弹得这么好。
5. Sail through –pass\make it
Not all of us sailed through trig.不是所有人都能顺利通过考试。
But they have also fallen in countries that sailed through the financial crisis, such as Australia and Norway. 但在平稳度过金融危机的国家中,如澳大利亚和挪威,该指标也下降了。
1. 关于英美音的区别。英音和美音基本的东西是一样的,只是口音而已。如果没有达到要必须研究某个口音的程度,没有必要纠结。
2. 在大多数发音中,[z]的带声成分并不贯穿发音的全过程,如please ,save, prove it
3. call的美音读作卡l, 不要把L的音读作/əʊ/