注:内容整理自微博 爱可可-爱生活 1. Best tip my supervisor ever gave me for structuring an introduction for a paper: What is the problem? Why is it hard? What have others done? What have I done?" via:Andrew Page 什么问题 难在哪 别人做了啥 自己做了啥 2. How to write an Introduction for a Research Paper 3. 如何写引言和结论《Writing Your Introduction & Conclusion》by Michael Azariadis 4. 《Writing the introduction》 5. Introductions - Learning Development @ UOW 6. 《Writing a Good Introduction》by Jim Kurose 7. (毕业)论文写作:如何写引言和各章介绍部分《Introductions | ANU》 8. 【期刊论文(各部分)撰写指南】引言(introduction):O网页链接 方法(Methods):O网页链接 结论(Conclusion):O网页链接 讨论(Discussion):O网页链接 9. 【学术写作研讨会之引言与结论写法】《Academic Writing Workshop Series 1 2018_Seminar 6 Intros and Conclusions》by Liz Tynan O网页链接