Part 1: 词汇篇
To get a fast Internet connection, Musk struck a deal with Ray Girouard...
①It has published guidelines for how to respond to a missile strike...【Economist 26 August 2017】
释义:a military attack, especially by planes dropping bombs 袭击,攻击;
✏️ 对...发起空袭:launch air strike on/against
② if society's most talented business people got so fed up with being taxed, regulated and otherwise messed about by government that they went on strike.【Economist 26 August 2017】
释义:a period of time when a group of workersdeliberately stop working because of a disagreement about pay, workingconditions etc: 最熟悉的意思:罢工
❗️strick可数名词,但罢工不能说"go on a strike "
1:Gilead Sciences struck a deal to buy Kite Pharma for $11.9bn...【Economist 26 August 2017】
释义:to agree to do something for someone if they do something for you:达成协议,交易
2.1:The cyclone that struck Bangladesh in 1970 killed 300,000-500,000 people. 【Economist 02 September 2017】
2.2Harvey was the third"500-year"storm to strike Houston since 1979.
释义:to damage or harm someone or something;侵袭,毁坏
学点:注意此处strike,是因为自己写作文时习惯性使用happened 下次学会应用strike
3:Amazon struck fear into established supermarket retailers when....
释义:to make someone feel very frightened:使...感到害怕
✏️ strike terror/ fear into somebody's heart
4:That setting, in a fictional war torn Mediterranean land, has struck a chord in a country【2016 经济学人】
释义:to do or say something that people feel is familiar or true: 与...一致
✏️ 之前总结的 strike + 名词~note/ match/ balance等
5:Sometimes it strikes me as an intricate form of torture.
释义: if something strikes you, you think of it, notice it, or realize that it is important, interesting, true etc:
✏️ strike one's eyes 醒目的
A team of budding all-stars who were a mix of engineers and film people was assembled to pull off the work
pull something off 非正式
释义:to succeed in doing something difficult:
例句:The goalkeeper pulled off six terrific saves.
✏️pull off a victory/win
例句:when it is difficult Martin pulled off a surprise victory in the semi-final.
➡️❗️写作时用来替换force, succeed, win, come through等表示“成功做...”的词
近期读经济学人遇见2次pull off :
①China and South Korea have pulled off a similar trick, with striking consistency, amongmanymore embryos, while avoid- ing or minimising several of the pitfalls of previousexperiments【DNA and how to adjustit* 2017 经济学人】
②Mr Dorsey is unlikely to want to sell up yet: he wants his flock to keep the faith, and still hopes to pull off a miracle【 Clunky Dorsey * 2016 经济学人】
Zip2 may have been a go-go internert enterprise aimed at the Information Age, but getting it off the ground required old-fashioned door-to-door salesmanship.
Get off the ground :
get off :离开,ground 地面—离开地面—延伸 “情势好转,取得进展”
ground 名词,土地,理由原因等意思~
①a general opinion or set of attitudes:意见观点态度
✏️ 写作可以替换 Opinions、view 、attitude等
这周读经济学人遇到 ground:
➡️ If that means Mrs May must give ground on immigration, remember that such "concessions" actually benefit Britain.【The road to Brexit *2016 经济学人】
释义:give:给、让,ground 地盘地面——让出地盘——延伸:让步
②a good reason for doing, believing, or saying something: reason原因,理由
✏️ grounds for (doing) something 做...的理由
✏️ have grounds to do something 有做...的理由
例句:There are strong grounds for believing his statement.
例句:Did the police have reasonable grounds to arrest him
✏️ on ... grounds 出于...原因
✏️ on (the) grounds of something / that + 从句 因为...,鉴于
✏️ on the grounds that 鉴于,因为...
例子:We oppose the bill, on the grounds that it discriminates against women.
❗️解释原因的时候用来替换,owing to,due to,because of .etc
➡️ 之前读经济学人ground意为“原因”记录了2次:
①The court admitted that the more serious allegation against him, that he had used his first stint in office to enrich himself, had not been tested in a proper trial, and thus could not be considered a ground for his dismissal.【Third time unlucky *经济学人】
②Boris Johnson justified his belief that Britain could leave the EU while preservingall the benefits ofmembership on the grounds that his"policyon cake is pro having it and pro eating it".
Bit by bit, he won me over.
㊀总结 by 相关组合表“逐渐的”
inch by inch: moving very gradually and slowly:
day by day : gradually and progressively
Iittle by little:gradually:
piece by piece:gradually:
bit by bit 英式: gradually:
During their university years, the two youngsters were off and on…
㊁off and on
①The rain continued off and on for quite a while, and during this time I had to take a work-related trip...
②In the morning it started snowing off and on, and by the afternoon it was a full-scale snowfall——村上春树。
这里的off 、on 理解为雨雪“下下停停,断断续续”
①doctor-cum-politician, 介词 cum
释义:used between two nouns to show that something has two purposes.连接两个名词,表示 “连同,兼..”
例如:a study-cum-bedroom 表示兼作卧室的书房.
②pennies from heaven 名词,表示 “意外的好处,天降横财”
③happy-go-lucky 形容词,
释义:enjoying life and not worrying about things; 表示 “随心所欲的,随遇而安的,无忧无虑的”
释义:in a way that was not expected;口语中表示“出乎意料的,出其不意的”
✏️ out-of-the-blue requests 贸然邀约
Part 2:Summary
From chapter 1 to chapter 5,we experience the growth of Elon Musk,mainly including his experience of grown-up and founding enterprise.
Elon Musk, a boy fancying science, was born at an adventurous family in South Africa.He didn't have a pleasant childhood.On the ground of dedicating himself to read large amounts of books and always ignoring others,he was not welcomed by his peer in elementary and high school,even be drubbed.
In the course of his life,it was consequential to set out to Canada for Elon.On the one hand,Musk became more ambitious in college,studying business,involving competition and releasing five papers about solar power technology.In the end,he earned the praise of some professors.On the other hand,with his consistent efforts,he won Justine over,his ex-wife.Meanwhile,he encountered some like-minded people and took part in party with his friends.It was a little improvement for Elon, a straight-laced dude.
After graduated from college,he had established two start-ups from scratch with his brother, Kimbal, a charismatic and personable man.One is Zip 2,a Global Link Information Network company founded in 1995;another is,a full-service online financial institution founded in 1989. In this period,he struck in difficult position and solved it without any flinching,such as the shortage of finance,establishment of a professional team and the challenge of board.etc.It was a painful and meaningful experience for him.Not just he has been successful in his career,but he changed his character in the team work.
Self-confident,perseverance and ambition are of necessary ingredients in Elon's growth and success.
Part 3:
@9月读书:9月读书第一周,和8月份相比,词汇和阅读量都增大了,第一天花了5个多小时读书、查词、写笔记,内心些许崩溃。第二天读经济学人的时候,看到了“ a gargantuan "tax inversion".from scratch 等”瞬间有点激动,晚上阅读的时候换了策略:标记不懂的词,尽量猜,形容词动词全章出现两次查义,三次及以上标记,写读书笔记的时候再选几个详细查,看讨论群里小伙伴分享时复制笔记中比较好且自己需要的词语,最后再整理到书上,省了一大半的时间,效率更高。可能如Eric因为作者以前是经济学人供稿者,所以每天读书或者读经济学人的时候一些词频繁遇见,“不情愿”的认识了,感觉这算语境习词吧。
③把精力花在成长和进步,每天自己笔记输出就值得点赞,有精力多一点时间紧少一点,木有楚汐笔记那么优秀,但可以向她多多学习,不断进步,不能妄自菲薄。当认识到自己不足时,要有Elon那种从不怀疑自己能力的魄力和勇气以及一步步努力达到真正与之匹配的能力。 "As far as Musk was concerned, they were all wrong, and he set out to prove his point with what would end up being even more dramatic results."
④第一天花5-6小时读书,还有看经济学人感觉耽误复习专业课等时间,一丝动摇念头飘过;写作很不好想看写作书提高,写Summary的时候觉得这是叙述类的可以看看相关写作书的讲解,上一轮读书写Summary的时候觉得这是论述类的可以看看相关写作,想了好久也一直只停留在想...看看这周读到的Elon,Do or die but don't give up,行动迅速果断创立公司也是几个月的事!感觉很庆幸Eric像Elon,秒秒钟建立打卡群读单词书。平庸于想,优秀于做。学着PEAK中所学细分目标,积极反馈修正方法提高自己英文写作水平。
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