






注:本文中[  ]中的字为译者所加。


Bone Marrow and the Heart


The Structure of Bone Marrow


The Thymus has Conversion function with Plasma Packages


Lymphocytes Erythrocytes and Leucocytes


Vince: There is one question, Eliya. Can you speak about the Gans toxicity? Is the Gans toxic?


MK: As you know, I’ve been heavily poisoned.


The bone stays red and then it goes to yellow, and in some cases, and in some positions we find darker colours of it.


So, in the plasma science, in the world of plasma, we have seen we do not work through electrons, and electrical and mechanical system.


This is the conversion of plasma into matter


If husband and wife are emotionally close, even if they come from different parts of the world, the bone marrow will match.


There is no need for the physical part to feed


So, in the long term, man should never die in the physical matter as we’ve seen it.


Some questions from Brett


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“Is there a connection or similarity between the process of creation of cancer cells and the creation of black holes?”


“So man can expect to change on deep space travel, all earth conditions cannot be set in a space ship. Is that correct?”


Rick: Mr. Keshe, is there a need for humans to travel in space? Or is it just a wish?


Vince: Are there any bad guys in the universe?


Vince: Is the spaceship also a healing centre?


A case to Illustrate how True History will be Revealed


You come to kill me, I open the Books!


The Structure of Bone Marrow


So, I will start with speaking about the structure of the bone marrow. And the structure of bone and bone marrow and what is the relationship with the heart. First of all, we have to know, that our bone marrow, is situated in the middle of our long bones. If you remember, for the first workshop, what is the structure of the bone? We have a spongy part and we have a compact part. Inside of the spongy part, in our adult age, the red bone marrow. And inside of the compact part, we have mostly yellow bone marrow.


The structure of the spongy part, remember, is like a littletuburcular net. Inside of that net, they form cavities. And inside of those cavities, is the red bone marrow. You are able to see on the left side of the picture, this is the bone and the beginning spongy part and then thecompact partin the longitudinal part of the bone. Inside the bone we have vessels, arteries and veins and nerves. And in the middle of the small cavities is the bone marrow.


So, on your right side again you see the structure of the bone.How the bone hasspongy partand cavity, and inside of that cavity, this is the bone marrow. OK, then we go to the next picture.


So the bone marrow is a flexible tissue inside of our bones. We have red and yellow bone marrow. The red one in this picture is visible for you, but this is in periphery. And the yellow bone marrow is inside like a nucleus. Bone marrow produces approximately 500 billion blood cells, every day. Every day you have 500 billion new red blood cells. Those blood cells, they support your circulation and your lymphatic system. Which means, your bone marrow is related with your circulation and your immune system.


When we’re born, in the beginning we have only red bone marrow and then during maturity we start transforming the red bone marrow to the yellow one. So, the adult person, he only has yellow bone marrow. And only in the spongy part of the bone, still exists the red bone marrow. OK, then I want to show you the next picture.


This is the embryology of the bone marrow. So the hematopoiesis is created from the start of our embryologic state. This is the third week of our development. Then, when we reach the sixth week, we start to produce the blood cells, also inside of liver and spleen. After the seventh month, we also have the production of red blood cells also in liver, spleen and bone marrow. In that stage, we already have a red and yellow bone marrow. So, in the red bone marrow, we produce our blood cells. In yellow, we produce our fat cells. If you remember, the previous talk of Mr. Keshe, he explained the meaning of fat cells and how fat cells related with the emotional part of the brain. Just keep that in mind. Ok, then we go to the next slide.


The next slide shows you how hematopoiesis starts. Hematopoiesis starts with one main stem cell. That main stem cell, we call pluripotential. It’s because we have a lot of function inside those stem cells. That is the mother cell. We start from one. Then that one diverts to the two main stem cells. These two main cell are formyeloid order, and for lymphoid order. From myeloid order, we got all the cells that we call erythrocytes and granulocytes. And from lymphoid order you get lymphocytes.


Actually, the bone marrow produces erythrocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, and B-lymphocytes. Supplies stem cells for lymphocyte production in thymus and spleen. Andstores iron. In bone marrow, we got only B-lymphocytes. Thymus converts themain stem cellsto the T-lymphocytes.So again, in the function of the circulation we see that the thymus is the converter of function of the cells.


The Thymus has Conversion function with Plasma Packages


It’s the same that we spoke of in the previous workshop, that the thymus is (involved in) the conversion of the plasma packages. In nature, again you see the same function of the thymus. So, I just want to remind you again. Bone marrow produces the cells, supplies lymph nodes with cells in thymus and converts to the mature T-lymphocytes and stores iron. Thymus, this is the central lymphoid organ wherebone marrow derives precursor cellsdifferentiated into immunologically completed T-lymphocytes. I repeat; thymus has conversion function.


Lymph nodes produce lymphocytes and plasma cells. It also produces mature antibodies. Spleen produces lymphocytes and plasma cells that synthesise antibodies. In spleenwe have specific state of erythrocytes and thrombocyteswhich mean these two types of cells, they convert and store in sinuses in spleen. So spleen is like deposit place for erythrocytes and also the death place for them. And also the other function for the spleen is to store iron. Just put in your mind, what is the place where we store iron. So, first one is bone. Bone marrow. Second is spleen.


OK, liver. Liver stores vitamin B 12, folic acid and iron. If you remember the talk from Mr. Keshe, what is the main component of B 12, this is the cobalt. And this is the third part, where we store iron. Also, liver produces coagulation factors, albumin and globulin. They are components of our plasma. This is the serum of our blood. Then, in liver, we get the erythropoietin factor. This is the growth factor of erythrocytes. And liver has a system of support of coagulation of our blood.

肝脏储存维生素B 12,叶酸和铁。如果你还记得凯史先生说过的话,[关于]维生素B 12的主要成分是什么,它是钴,这是我们第三部分储存铁的地方。此外,肝脏产生凝血因子,白蛋白和球蛋白。它们是我们等离子体的组成部分。这是我们的血液里的血清,然后,在肝脏中,我们得到的促红细胞生成素因子,这是红细胞的生长因子。此外和肝脏还有一个支持血液凝固的系统。

Stomach and intestines are also involved with production of haemopoiesis. Like asupport place. They produce important intrinsic factor. And that intrinsic factor supports absorption of B 12. This means of cobalt. Absorption of the B 12 and folic acid, happens also through the intestines.

胃和肠道也和造血有关。像一个支持的后盾,它们产生重要的内因子。而那些内因子支持维生素B 12的吸收。这意味着钴吸收维生素B 12和叶酸,也是通过肠道。

OK, kidney is also involved in haemopoiesis like a support place. And they produce the growing factor of the bone marrow, especially of theerythrocyte orderand thelymphocyte order.Also, in the kidney we have regulation of the degree of haemoglobin and the transformation of the haemoglobin to different kind of pigment. Also, we have mononuclear system. We call that reticular and endothelial system.


This is such a huge one and supportive for our body and our immunity. That is major phagocytic system of the body for cellular defence against microbial infection and in that system, various blood cells get destroyed. Ok, you see how from the main stem cells, what I explained to you, divert to the one. That one Progenitor main cells have only one nucleus inside, and periphery of cytoplasma.


0:20:20:If you remember what Mr Keshe explained, how it’s made. The picture of reactor. We have inside, water. And outside the gas of carbon dioxide. So, we have a nucleus with one gas state, and the periphery area is a gans from the other state. Then, thatcell diverts to the main orders. Lymphoid and myeloid order. And then we get it, the differential order from myeloid to neutrophils, basophils, monocytes and red cells. From lymphoid order, we get the b- lymphocytes and t-lymphocytes. But the t- lymphocytes in our body, they originate from thymus and lymph nodes. OK, then we go to the next slide.


OK, next slide is more schematic. Just to seethe consequence of origin in the different state inside of the cells inside the bone marrow. So, from onemain mother stem cell, we have division. Then, we have multiplication in order. So, we get different orders. From lymphocytes and mylocytes. And then we have differentiation between the cells. Whatthey are supposed to do.Then they grow and reach the state of maturity. When they reach the state of maturity, then they go to the blood and start to fulfil their functions. After they’ve finished their function, they go to the death stage.


Actually our blood is completely new every 120 days. We have completely new blood. With allcell elements insideand all components of our cell. What in medical language we call plasma. Then next slide gives you the components of our blood. So, when the cells in our bone marrow reach the maturity, they go and form the blood. They start to be a part of our circulation. The cells inside of our blood, they are the red blood cells, platelets, monocytes, lymphocytes, eosinophils, basophils and neutrophils. All of them have a completely different function.


In the right side of the slide, you see the components of the blood. We have 55 percent plasma serum, 41 percent cells; that is the red blood cells and only 4 percent white blood cells and platelet cells. So, what does this mean? The main function of our blood is to clean the system. Because, the white blood cells, their component is mainly from our lymph’s. And here they are presented only in 4 percent. So, the base liquid state is 55, and the red blood cells, they are only 41. And the white is 4. Then we go to the next slide.


The next slide shows you the shape of the red blood cells. Red blood cells are so important to keep the relationship between the bone marrow and the heart. Andhow you see, the red blood cells have such a specific shape. And in the middle, they have concavity. Inside of that centre of the red blood cells, is situated haemoglobin. Haemoglobin has four branches with different functions and components. But main part of haemoglobin is element, iron. It is inside of haemoglobin. This is the main four parts of haemoglobin, it is just organised in space.


If you compare with chlorophyll in plants, the structure is the same. Just the main element inside is magnesium. And actually, when we take chlorophyll from plants, like supplements, magnesium has the ability to transform to iron. And actually, we get from the plants, blood. In the right side of the slide, you are able to see how you can make a 3D model of the erythrocyte. It looks like a spaceship. It’s important, that central concavity of that cell. And the next slide you will see the function.


Lymphocytes Erythrocytes and Leucocytes


00:27:21: So,the function of the haemoglobin is to take oxygen from the pulmonary alveoli, through the circulatory system, to give it to the body tissue. So, erythrocytes just transport oxygen and carbon dioxide between lungs, heart, like a common system. Supporting the gas transmission within our body, through the circulatory system to reach different tissues in our body. Then we go to the next slide.


In that slide I just wanted to show you, if you could cut erythrocytes in the middle, you see that specific shape. Inside the erythrocyte, you have measurement like x, y and z. So similar to the star formation. And, if you compare from the position of our lungs, in the chest area. It’s like left part is like left lung and right part is like the right lung. And we have space in the middle, where actually in the chest area is the place of our heart. And here in the erythrocyte is the space of haemoglobin. And in the middle of haemoglobin, iron.


And the right side you see the lymphocytes. So, the lymphocytes, they have a specific shape. The white one is the lymphocyte. If you compare with the shape of the trachea, in two main bronchi, it is the same. So the lung is like the shape of the erythrocyte, and the lymphocytes have the shape like the trachea of the two main bronchi. And actually, in the middle of the trachea, is the place of our thymus.


I just wanted to make the point that even in the circulatory system, we have the same elements. One is the part that supports the physical part of our brain. And other one, which is our lymphocytes which is supporting our emotional part of the brain. They exist even in the same shape. OK, so you may seehow nature represents different models, and the one thing in all organisation of our tissue, of our blood, even of each cell, even of the shape of each cell.


So this means, that even each kind of shape, they are so important in organisation and space. And this means they have really functional explanation, especially regarding the plasma technology. Why has nature organised the things in that shape? And how, you see the slide of the bone marrow, we have the same.


We have yellow bone marrow in the middle. This is the emotional part, and the red bone marrow on the periphery. So, this is our physical part. So again, emotional part supports. And physical part supports the existence of the emotional part. And that, for me, is the relation between the bone marrow and the heart. And I will be so happy to hear the explanation of Mr. Keshe. What isthe big viewof that relation between the heart and the bone marrow? Thank youfrom my side.


Vince: There is one question, Eliya. Can you speak about the Gans toxicity? Is the Gans toxic?


There was a question about that.


E: Is this the Gans to eat?Or what do you mean?


V: Can someone help me clarify?


R:There was a question from someone, Eliya, who asked about the Gans toxicity, whether the Gans is poisonous, whether there’s any special types of precautions or so on for different types of Gans? Not sure if this is the appropriate time to address that or not. Butthere you go, that is the question.


Yah, I understand the question and I heard the answer in the previous workshop where someone asked about the Gans state of food. And then Mr. Keshe states that the one food in Gans state might be OK for me, but the same Gans state will be poison for you. So it’s regarding the state of being, and you’ll probably have tomake some kind of manualhow you are able to use the gans like a food or just toprepare some kind of technology, what you want to do. But for me, everything is in the video. And exactlyin the nature, we are speaking in chemistry especially, that it’s not poison. It’s existing of a dose. So, each element, in some dose, is able to be a poison, and also is able to be a healing part. You understand?


R:It might have to be ina homeopathicdose to do proper healing, and it might be poisonous in the kind of dose that you can see perhaps?


E: No, homeopathy just carries information. It doesn’t carry any substance.


R:That’s what I mean. Maybe you can carry the information of the Gans, rather than the Gans  itself into the body.


E: Yea,because after a moment I don’t hear someone from the Keshe followers to be able to measure the Gans state of his body. So, how do you know which one Gans you need to eat?


R:Yes. I think generally speaking, you would have to recommend that people don’t just try the Gans as an experiment, because it may be toxic and it may hurt you, or kill you I suppose.


E: Yea,and alsoafter the moment,the technician guys know that I collect the data from all the technician guys. What are their experiences from working with the Gans? So, when we are ready with all the documents and data, then the Keshe foundation will be able to make some kind of analysis manual and to represent to the public. So for the moment, please just no one try to use it, because he feels that’s the right way.


R: Right, thank you. Ok, should we move onto Mr. Keshe now or do you want to answer more questions, Eliya?


E: It’s no problem for me, if you have a question about an anatomical part, that’s ok.


R:I’m not sure if there are any more questions.Are there any more from your end there, Vince, or anyone else on the topic today? OK, well we can carry on to Mr. Keshe and have him deliver the second part of the workshop with the relationships between the functions of the bone marrow and the heart.


MK: As you know, I’ve been heavily poisoned.


MK:Good afternoon, if you can hear me. I have to apologise, I fell asleep throughhalf of the session. Marko and Armen were laughing. I’ve got to explain to you what has happened, why I fell asleep.As you know, I’ve been heavily poisoned. And we realised, with Caroline, how I getpeak of painon Wednesdays, usually in the evening and in the last few weeks on Thursdays and Fridays. Because Caroline has been in the teaching room last night and she hadthe second poisoning. And I couldn’t sleep last night because of the pain. And I spent most of the night awake.


But what it’s made me realise we think is that I’ve been poisoned by the paper which I write on. As I was teaching last night, yesterday and Wednesday, I must’ve been touching poisoned papers. And as I work, I’ve been swallowing poison – that’s how they’ve been poisoning me. So the poison has been within the foundation, and we know where the papersbeen sitting.


The bone stays red and then it goes to yellow, and in some cases, and in some positions we find darker colours of it.


Darker different colours of yellow, and a brighter colour of yellow. One of the first things, as was mentioned by Eliya is that we produce 500 billion blood cells a day. If the production of red blood cells was random, then why do we produce so many random blood cells.  And then why do we produce B cells and then convert them to T cells and all the rest.


Why can bone marrow not be producing one thing at a time? Or one entity and then just feed it through and then just convert it as they enter the body. The red blood cells, so many billions of them are produced, they all have pre destined information andtaxi destination, as I always say. So,they’re not all the same.


You have so many different red blood cells across the man. That they have continuously needed to be suppliedon a continuous basis. And this is why you need so many red blood cells. You cannot deliver energy to the nail,let’s say, of the toe or just the nerve under it where the nail is produced, and come back next week and feed it again. So, every single blood cell which is produced, even though it looks the same, but it’s got its destination written on it. Where it’s going to go. What it’s going to do. How much energy it’s going to have to carry.


In conjunction with the blood, then,it was explained, as the bone marrow goes to the T-cells to become B-cells to go to the thymus. Red blood cells move into the blood stream. The energy of the red blood cells, in conjunction with the nerve system, decides what the material is going to be. When the red blood cells arrive at the heart, the other part of the information arrives through the thymus.


Look at the position of the thymus, look at the position of the heart. As I said, 20 percent of the information is neuro. 80 percent is through gravitational magnetic field. The car arrives. And at the point of the thymus, the destination and the number of passengers are decided, according to the magnetic field. Don’t forget that the immune system which is coming from the bone marrow to the thymus, is coming from the same place where the red blood cells came. So they are in tune. They are of the same magnetic gravitational field strength,common denominator.


So, the immune system in the thymus, when the blood arrives to the heart, it gets its passengers and destination coded in. The other part of the immune system, is when the cells of the immune system are released, they reach the point, if it does not match the point in what the code was given, then there is a problem. Then there is an infection. Then there is a need for a sensitive change. In a way, theimmune systemwhich runs around the lymph system in the body of the man, has to match when the passenger arrives at the destination. And then it decides what has to be delivered.


Interesting, even though we look at the bone marrow and we look at the bone itself as white stuff. Look at the colour of the bone, look at the colour of the brain of the man. Not very far off, but the same colours near enough. Because the bone itself, as a structure, is controlled and stated, and the state of, and what colours and shapes it’s going to be and what colour it’s going to produce by the brain itself.


So, now you can bring a whole integrated system together. So, the brain decides the cavities, the nano layers within the bone. Or what it needs for the support of the red blood cell. It produces a red blood cell. And then it controls it, so that it goes to the right place. Not for the cell but for the neuro system. So the circuit is completed in one direction. The brain decides the structure of the bone. The, it decides what it manufactures inside the bone for its survival, which is the lung and transfer of energy from the lung to the brain through the operation of the heart, and at the same time, decides how I am going to feed the neuro system directly myself in a wayso that I am aware of everything that is going on in the physical part,so that I don’t leave everything behind in this hand.


So, in the plasma science, in the world of plasma, we have seen we do not work through electrons, and electrical and mechanical system.


Electrical information transfer, even through the neuro system, belongs to the physical part, not to the neuro system, for control and emotion to be in charge of what they are doing.


In a way, the brain has a spy within the system to keep an eye what the physical guy is doing. It doesn’t put me in danger. If you are to understand in more depth, if you go back to the workshop of yesterday. (KSWS33) I explained to you that the detector had a cap on it and it was positioned in direction, that when the field comes in certain directions and strength, they hit the cap, they change the energy, and we detect it as a noise. This is the same principle. This is the same process.


This is why I discussed the detector yesterday too, for you to understand. Because for you to understand the practical part of the reactor. Now you can understand the work of it in the body of the man. So, when the brain sends information, at the point where the blood cells and the nerve system in plasmatic magnetic field strength are in a given angle, it changes to a noise. In a way that noise changes to the matter. And now, for the first time, we can understand how every part of your body is decided by the brain and production of the bone marrow.


The information comes through, the brain gets information, decodes it. Gives back the information what it needs to do and sends it like a radio beacon. At the same time, when the information through the beacon comes, at a point where it needs to get the information in the blood, it will, in conjunction with information from the neuro system,convert into the matter at the point of the change of the lengthand strengthwhich has been put through by the physical part or the emotional part of the brain.


This is the conversion of the plasma into matter.


In the lab we see it as the conversion of matter into noise. In here we see it at this level. This is very interesting, if you want to understand it more. As a lot of you have been listening tothe broadcast livestreamin the lab, we asknowledge seekers spend a lot of time in the lab. We’ve been in there nearly six months. Sometimes we hearwhen the pump goes. But a lot of you have been registering on the SSI lab workshop.


I hear the bang, another bang. This is the same process as the working of your body. What happens is that the reactors create gravitational magnetic field, and when the gravitational magnetic field come in touch with each other, and because it’s rapid growing in contraction, you hear the slapping. Or what you hear as a bang. Now you can understand the banging that has been going on the last few nights or past few weeks. As you know, the lab has been open before. We never heard the bangs. The banging has started since we started the Gans reactors.


Because it’s the Gans the same as the brain. And it releases magnetic gravitational field in the same strength matter. And then, when it interacts with the magnetic gravitational field of the reactors themselves, this is the time you hear the bang. And you usually hear a double bang, or triple bang. Because the plasma hits the tree at the bottom at the same time. The free plasma and the plasma on the top. Because they are near enough the same strength. So, energy of the gravitational magnetic field, converts into a noise. Or, you convert it into a matter if you know how to do it.


And this is how matter energy converts back to matter in every single part of the body of the man. The information according to the emotional part and the physical part are released. And then when they match withthe blood carrying system for the neuro systemand the informationwhich is in the matter strength in the nerve system, tells what material is needed in this position. And then you have the skin, which transfers that information into the right material. It’s like a filtering. So, now you see how the operation of the brain, the bone, the red blood cells, the defence technology which is there and at the same time, the blood circulation come together to work.


This is what I’ve been saying for a long time. 20 percent of the information is carried in the neuro system. That 20 percent is information for the nerve in the channelthat goes down for the conversion of the material in the position it is supposed to be doneand how it’s done. These are the bangs. But of course in fact you don’t hear all the small bangs in your body because it’s done ina small wayand it’s just done as a normal way. It’s a noise that we’ve become used to. We don’t hear it. So, in a way the ear has blocked it. It’s a noise that we are used to, it’s not considered a noise.


So in your body there is a continuousamount of bangsgoing on every minute, billions of them as the cells convert, from plasmatic condition in the blood, in conjunction with the lymph, in conjunction with the neuro system.What is comingwith the lymph is converting into the matter. Sothe tuning partliterally arrives withthe presence of the lymph. And in so many ways, the lymph’s are themselves as part of the process of the production of red blood cells and immune system, the bone marrow.


00:56:48:Don’t forget two main factors. If you go back to when we talked about the bone and the bone marrow, all the immune systems, all the lymph systems, anything that comes out of the bone marrow carries a calcium,because it’s washed in. Then, that information which is carried as calcium plays an important part in the production of the muscle tissue. Because what happens is, if another part of the body its makes a mistake in the phosphor which is in the bone marrow,comes up. Then, you’ll find in the position of the calcium, within the tissue of the body of the man inside the muscles.


This is a very complicated situation.As I get to the parathyroid glands, as I have spoken on before and explained more. But now you see in reality, the body, the brain, the emotional part can live in a very simple way with the operation of the heart and the bone. The rest is conversion. How - what you eat as matter as the energy goes to the lymph’s, converts and releases energy for what the brain, the heart, the neuro system, the bone have decided to produce.


If husband and wife are emotionally close, even if they come from different parts of the world, the bone marrow will match.





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    沈念sama阅读 36,346评论 5 350
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
    茶点故事阅读 42,025评论 3 334
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 32,511评论 0 24
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 33,611评论 1 272
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 49,081评论 3 377
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 45,675评论 2 359
