Mikhail Simkin, Scientific inquiry into poetry
The average score of over twenty two thousand people is 55.5% correct. This is little better than random guessing, which would give 50% correct. The 35 people from leading Russian universities got an average score of 55.8%.
Robin Hanson, Advice Isn’t About Info
I had lunch with a very senior managing partner at a venture capital firm as she was stepping down from the firm to spend more time with her family following a long and successful career in that company. She commented that once she announced her retirement, not only did her colleagues behave differently toward her, no longer inviting her to meetings and seeking her advice as often, but her time was less in demand by colleagues in the high-technology and venture capital communities more generally. Her wisdom and experience hadn’t changed— the only difference was her soon-to-be-diminished control over investment resources and positions in the venture capital firm.