psyc1111 notes
unit 1
Health Psychology is a growing subfield of Psychology.
1. The focus of health psychology is applying concepts and research form psychology to human health.
Theories are simplified frameworks used to describe a phenomenon and each theory stands on its own.
Illness-Wellness Contimuum:
Illness--Neutral point --Wellness
2. A person's health is somewhere on a wide contiuun with extreme illness at one end and extreme health and wellness at the other end of that continuum.
On the wellness side of the continuum, a person moves through education, awareness and growth areas, while on the illness side of the continnuum a person can be moving from signs and symptoms to the point of losing the ability to funcciont(or disability).
3. In health psychology, several biopsychossocial factors are considered to have a potential influence on human health including environmental and social factors (culture, social support, sociaoeconomic status, pollution), cognition (how we think, what we think),stree (work, home, financial),attitude(optimism, gratitude)and behavior(diet, exercise, meditation, health screenings, following medical recommendations).
Reading assignent.
1. OGden, J. pages 1-12
1. There are psychological consequences of being ill.
health psychology, public health, and community psychology.
--- how psychlogy can also contribute to the cause, progression, experience, and outcomes of any physical illness from:
1) being and staying well and the role of health behaviors and behavior change;
2)becoming ill with a focus on illness beliefs, symptom perception, help-seeking and communication with health professionals;
3)being ill in terms of stresss, pain, and chronic illnesses such as obesity, coronary heart disease, and cancer;
4)the role of gender in health,;
5)health outcomes in terms of Quality of Life and longevity.
2. An introduction to the Key Theoretical Frameworks of Psychology and Health.
1. Health psychology is the study of physical illness and addresses problems such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, and coronary heart disease with a focus on health behaviors, illness beliefs, behavior changes, and health outcomes.
1.the Background of Health Psychology.
//Health psychology is the study of the role of psychology in any physical health problem including coughs and colds, cancer, coronary heart disease, HIV, obesity, and diabetes.
1) The Biomedical Model.
2) Healty Psychology : 1- thinking changed :the mind and body were more conneted than assumed by the biomedical model ; 2- the greatest risk to health was chronic illnesses such as : coronary heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes all of which have a clear behavior role.
Healthy psychology, focuses on the role of psychology at all stages of health and illness. -- it draws upon the biopsychosocial model of health, health as a continuum, the direct and indirect pathways between psychology and health, and a focus on variability.
2. the four key theoretical frameworks.
1 the biopsychosocial model
"psycho"--psychological: this aspects of health and illness were described in terms of cognitions, emotions, and behaviros
"social"--environmental: this aspects of health were described in terms of social norms of behavior, pressures to change behavior, social values on health., social class, the environment, and ethnicity.
"bio"--biomedical : contributing factors include genetics, viruses, bacteria and structural defects;
2 Health and illness as a continuum
emphasizeds health and illness as being on a continuum and explores the ways in which psychological factors impact health at all stags.
// illness onset-- beliefs, behaviors, stress;
// help-seeking -- symptom perception, illness congnitions, Dr./patient communication;
// illness adaptation -- coping, behavior change, social support, pain perception;
// illness progressioin -- stress, behavior change
// health outcomes -- quality of life, longevity
3 the direct and indirect pathways between psychology and health
// the direct pathway is reflected in the physiological literature and from this perspective, the way a person experiences their physiology which can change their health status.
// the indirect pathway is reflected more in the behavioral literature and from this perspective, the ways a person thinks influences their behavior which in turn can impact upon their health.
4 a focus on variability.
// health psychology argues that there is much more variabiligy between people tahn tis and this variability if our cocus.
// this variability indicates that health and illness cannot only be explained by illness severity or knowledge but that other factors must have a key role to play.
// these factors include a wide range of psychological variables : cognitions, emotions, expectactions, learning, peer pressure, social norms, coping and social support.
3. the study of the psychology of health and illness has the following aims:
1. to assess the role of behavior in the development of illness
2. to predict unhealthy behaviors
3. to change unhealthy behaviors
4. to understand the expeience of illness
5. to improve the experience of illness
6. to understand the predicttors of illness outcomes.
7. to improve illness outcomes.
The psychology of health and illness explores how a number of psychologyical factors impact on health and illness and emphasizes four perspectives: a biopsychosocial perspective, health and illness as being on a continuum, the direct and indirect pathways between psychology and health, and the focus on varialbiligy.
Kaplan, R. M. (2009). Health psychology: Where are we and where do we go from here? Mens Sana Monographs, 7(1), 3-9.
Health Psychology: Where are we and where do we go from here?
1.Human behaviour plays a significant role in most of the leading causes of death.
2. Psychological science can make important contributions to prevention and treatment of chronic illness.
3. Health psychology encompasses a variety of activities ranging from basic and clinical research, through educatioin, and clinical service.
1. biopsychosocial model: health interpaly among biological disposition, behaviour, and social conditions.
2. A unifying theme in heath psychology is interest in the effects of these influences upon health outcomes.
4. The most importan distinction between the fields is that behavioural medicine defines itself as multidisciplinary, while health psychology is considered to be a subdiscipline of psychology.
5. the challenge for contemporary health psychology is to develop imtegration with clinical health care.
6.What Needs to be done?
To realize the potential fo modern behavioural science for enhancing the health of the population, we need to take several actions, including the following:
1) Form better collaboration between health psychology and health care providers.
2) Apply psychological methodologies to assess patient outcomes.
3) Move beyond documentatioin of disparities.
// We need greater efforts to help attenuate the known disparities associated with social and economic deprivation and gender.
4) Create an infrastructure that fosters multidisciplinary research.
7. Concluding Remarks
The purpose of health care is to improve the health of the population.
Health psychology offers an extensive literature and a set of validated methodologies that address many of these issues.
Health psychology and behavioural medicine have the potential to make importatn contributions to the health of populations.
Hettler, B. (1976). The Six Dimensions of Wellness model. National Wellness Institute, Inc. or download the pdf.
The Six Dimensions of weelness model .
1. Occupational
/ recoginizes personal satisfaction and enrichment in one's life through work.
/ at the center of occupational wellness is the premise that occupational development is related ot one's attitude about ones's work.
2. Physical
/ recogizes the need for regular physical activity.
/ physical development encourages learning about diet and nutrition while discouraging the use of tobacco, drugs and excessive alcohol consumption.
/strive to spend time building physical strength, flexibility and endurance while also taking safety precautions so you amy travel your path successfully, including medical self-care and appropriate use of a medical systme.
/the physical benefits of looking good and feeling terrific most often lead to the psychological benefits of enchanced self-esteem, selt-donctrol, determination and a sense of direction.
/ The social dimension encourages contributing to one's environment and community.
4. Intellectual
/recoginzes one's creative, stimulating mental activities.
// A well person expands his/her knowledge and skills while discovering the potential for sharing his or her gifts with others.
5. Spiritual
// recognizes our search for meaning and purpose in human existence.
/// it includes the devlopment of a deep appreciationg for the depth and expanse of life and natural forces that exist in the universe ..
// "world view"
// recoginzes awareness and acceptance of one's fellings.
// emotional wellness includes the degree to which one feels positive and enthusiastic about one's self and life.
/ capacity to manage ones' feelings and related behaviors including the realistic assessment of one's limitations, development of autonomy, and abiligy to cope effectively with stress.
/be able to express feelings freely and manage feelings effectively.
/be able a=to arrive at personal choices and decisions based upon the synthesis of feelings , thoughts, philosophies, and behavior.
/will live and work independently while realizing the importace of seeking and appreciating the support and assistance of others.
/be able to form interdependent relationships with others based upon foundation of mutual commitment, trust, and respect.
/will take on challenges , take risks, and recognize conflict as being potentially healthy.
/managing your life in personally rewarding ways , and taking responsibiligy ofr your actions, will help you see life as an exciting , hopeful adventure.
___________________________________________________________________________________________Manchanda, R. (2014, August). What makes us get sick? Look upstream [Video]. TED.
what makes us sick?
where health begins?
/ where we live.
/ where we eat.
/ where we work for.
1. communicatuy,