- 官方例程
// F32x_External_Interrupts.c
// Copyright 2007 Silicon Laboratories, Inc.
// http://www.silabs.com
// Program Description:
// This software shows the necessary configuration to use External Interrupt 0
// (/INT0) or External Interrupt 1 (/INT1) as an interrupt source. The code
// executes the initialization routines and then spins in an infinite while()
// loop. If the button on P1.6 (on the target board) is pressed, then the
// edge-triggered /INT0 input on P0.0 will cause an interrupt and toggle the
// LED.
// Pinout:
// P0.0 - /INT0
// P0.1 - /INT1
// P2.0 - SW1 (Switch 1)
// P2.1 - SW2 (Switch 2)
// P2.2 - LED1
// P2.3 - LED2
// How To Test:
// 1) Compile and download code to a 'F32x target board.
// 2) On the target board, connect P2.0_SW and P2.1_SW signals on J3 to P0.0
// for /INT0 and P0.1 for /INT1.
// 3) Press the switches. Every time a switch is pressed, the P2.2 or P2.3
// LED should toggle.
// Target: C8051F32x
// Tool chain: Keil C51 7.50 / Keil EVAL C51
// Command Line: None
// Release 1.0
// -Initial Revision (TP)
// -14 JUN 2007
// Include Files
#include <C8051F320.h>
// Global Constants
#define SYSCLK 12000000 // Clock speed in Hz
sbit SW1 = P2^0; // Push-button switch on board
sbit SW2 = P2^1; // Push-button switch on board
sbit LED1 = P2^2; // Green LED
sbit LED2 = P2^3; // Green LED
// Function Prototypes
void Oscillator_Init (void); // Configure the system clock
void Port_Init (void); // Configure the Crossbar and GPIO
void Ext_Interrupt_Init (void); // Configure External Interrupts (/INT0
// and /INT1)
// MAIN Routine
void main (void)
PCA0MD &= ~0x40; // Disable Watchdog timer
Oscillator_Init(); // Initialize the system clock
Port_Init (); // Initialize crossbar and GPIO
Ext_Interrupt_Init(); // Initialize External Interrupts
EA = 1;
while(1); // Infinite while loop waiting for
// an interrupt from /INT0 or /INT1
// Initialization Subroutines
// Oscillator_Init
// Return Value : None
// Parameters : None
// This routine initializes the system clock to use the precision internal
// oscillator as its clock source.
void Oscillator_Init (void)
OSCICN = 0x83; // Set internal oscillator to run
// at its maximum frequency
// Port_Init
// Return Value : None
// Parameters : None
// This function configures the crossbar and GPIO ports.
// Pinout:
// P0.0 - digital open-drain /INT0
// P0.1 - digital open-drain /INT1
// P2.0 - digital open-drain SW1 (Switch 1)
// P2.1 - digital open-drain SW2 (Switch 2)
// P2.2 - digital push-pull LED1
// P2.3 - digital push-pull LED2
void Port_Init (void)
XBR1 = 0x40; // Enable crossbar and weak pullups
P2MDOUT = 0x0C; // LED1 and LED2 are push-pull outputs
// Ext_Interrupt_Init
// Return Value : None
// Parameters : None
// This function configures and enables /INT0 and /INT1 (External Interrupts)
// as negative edge-triggered.
void Ext_Interrupt_Init (void)
TCON = 0x05; // /INT 0 and /INT 1 are edge triggered
IT01CF = 0x10; // /INT0 active low; /INT0 on P0.0;
// /INT1 active low; /INT1 on P0.1
EX0 = 1; // Enable /INT0 interrupts
EX1 = 1; // Enable /INT1 interrupts
// Interrupt Service Routines
// /INT0 ISR
// Whenever a negative edge appears on P0.0, LED1 is toggled.
// The interrupt pending flag is automatically cleared by vectoring to the ISR
void INT0_ISR (void) interrupt 0
LED1 = !LED1;
// /INT1 ISR
// Whenever a negative edge appears on P0.1, LED2 is toggled.
// The interrupt pending flag is automatically cleared by vectoring to the ISR
void INT1_ISR (void) interrupt 2
LED2 = !LED2;
// End Of File
官方开发板原理图: C8051F32x-DK
系统以P0.0作为INT0, 以P0.1作为INT1, 但是P2.0连接开关1(Switch1), P2.1连接开关2(Switch2), P2.2和P2.3驱动LED灯. 代码中说明了<font color="#dd0000 ">connect P2.0_SW and P2.1_SW signals on J3 to P0.0 for /INT0 and P0.1 for /INT1.</font> 即把P2.0连接到P0.0上, 把P2.1连接到P0.1上,这样才能产生中断边沿信号
目前代码里面是使用边沿触发,下降沿触发,也可以设置为电平触发. 使用下降沿触发,按一下按键就会导致外部中断,进入中断服务子程序(反转LED的状态). 如果是电平触发,当一直按着开关才会改变状态,松手就恢复了