



The Chinese world of design is being transformed by the twin desires of Chinese companies seeking to establish brands globally and foreign companies trying to increase their sales within China. Domestic companies have come to realize that they must improve product design to stand out at home, and also to make a name in the international market. Likewise, globally companies like Sony now realize they can no longer sell slapdash, designed-elsewhere products in China, because Chinese consumers nowadays are far more demanding and difficult to please.


Many electronic goods and shoes sold all over the world are manufactured in China, yet most of them are designed in Europe, the United States and Japan. In the past, when Chinese companies created their own brands, they usually imitated foreign designs. However the situation is changing. As Chinese designs improve, multinationals now understand that their products must be“tailored” to Chinese consumer tastes. All this has resulted in a burgeoning of industrial design in the country. Chinese enterprises are setting up their own design centers or employing outside professionals for brand-building. Many design consulting agencies have appeared in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou, and young designers are flocking from overseas to try their luck in this most vibrant consumer market in the world.


Over 400 colleges and universities currently offer courses in industrial design, and ten thousand graduate every year. A number of Chinese designers have won major international prizes, and many now work in Milan, Tokyo and New York. Design has become one of the most popular fields of study and is affecting every aspect of daily life.



Building a Silk Road online


Hao Ping, President of Beijing Foreign Studies University


Honourable Sir Colin Campbell,

Honourable Doctor Mukesh Aghi,

Honourable Deputy Director General Xiong Yuemei,

Distinguished friends from the business community and the media,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


This is a special day for us all, for we are doing something that brings to mind many of the extraordinary events in the long history of east-west cultural exchange. In 138 and 119 BCE, during the region of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian was twice dispatched as an imperial envoy to he Western Regions on expeditions lasting many years. Thanks to him the routes through the Gobi Desert expanded into what later came to be known as the Silk Road.

公元1271年,意大利商人Marco Polo继其父之衣钵,不远万里来到中国,在中国界居17年后返回故乡。他不仅是中西文化传承的使者,而且让古老的丝绸之路从中亚延伸至欧洲大陆。

In 1271,the Italian trader Marco Polo set out on the long journey from Italy to China with his father, remaining here for 17 years before returning to his homeland. He was not only an ambassador between Western and Eastern cultures, but also a pioneer on the Silk Road from Europe through Central Asia.


Also in 1271, the Italian merchant Jacob D’Ancona traveled by way of the maritime Silk Road to the city of Quanzhou, in today’s Fujian Province. He called Quanzhou “the city of light.” The period was the Song Dynasty. Later, in the Ming Dynasty, even more important events occurred along the maritime Silk Road when, between 1405 and 1433, Zheng He sailed seven times on the orders of the Ming emperors to the countries of “Xi Yang” or the Western Ocean. Some of our guests here today are from the National University of Singapore. Historically, It was believed that Singapore and the surrounding nations were part of the Western Ocean, a bit like Columbus thought America was India. Thus over a period of 28 years was a new set of major ocean trade routes explored and extended.

我们有了跨越欧亚大陆的陆地丝绸之路,还有跨越亚非大陆的海上丝绸之路。今天历史给我们一个新的任务,就是搭建网上的丝绸之路。U21Global可以说是搭建网上丝绸之路的一头拓荒的骆驼。张骞花了近20 年,Marco Polo用了 17年,郑和耗时25年,开辟了陆地、海上丝綢之路。我想U21Global这只拓荒骆驼大概不需要花费如此长的时间就可以走出一 条网络丝绸之路。这是因为我们有前贤留下的脚印,有可以跨越时空间的网络技术,还有我们已经交付了一些学费。比如我们北京外国语大学就已经交了六年的学费,试办北京外国语大学网络教育学院。我们已经有注册学生一万五千多人,毕业生近3000人,全日制员工140人。

The overland Silk Road crosses the Eurasian continent, the maritime one links Asia and Africa, and today our new task is to build a Silk Road online. U21Global can be likened to a pioneering camel braving the unknown. While it took Zhang Qian 20 Years, Marco polo17 and Zheng He 28 to explore and the two ancient Silk roads, I believe our U21Global will take far less time to build. This is because we have a rich legacy from the past, we have internet technology that can transcend time and space, and we have already started to lay a firm foundation. For example, six years ago, Beijing Foreign Studies University set up its institute of Online Education. Today, with 140 full-time staff, it provides distance learning to over 15,000 enroll students and has nearly 3,000 graduates.


From experience, we know it is very easy to confuse e-learning with e-education. E-learning is a specific way of learning, while e-education is a systematic approach to education. From the very beginning, our institute of online Education has focused on building up resources, providing services, monitoring processes, and controlling quality, to produce better results. Resources are the basis of services, which are then delivered through appropriate processes. Process monitoring guarantees quality and with quality come benefits for both the university and society. The success of e-education depends on people, not computers. We are promoting a“Whole Person Education” amount our students, and what we call he “Three News” amongst our faculty,i.e. new technology, new ideas an new roles. In the design of our platform, we have shifted from online classrooms to online courses, with the aim of providing educational offerings like a virtual supermarket. Our efforts have given us a recognizable name so we do not have to advertise, and our reward has been praise from the Ministry of Education, recognition from the public, and successful cooperation with international partners.


According to the old Chinese saying, success depends on the right time, the right place, and the right people. I believe the cooperation between our three sides fulfills all these conditions. BSFU is thinking and acting in concert with 20 other universities; we are working closely together, so we are the“right people.” The upcoming Beijing Olympics and the future London Games will provide us with “the right place and the right time ”. We will have opportunities to provide service and demonstrate our competitiveness. Participation is at the heart of the Olympic Spirit, so we too must participate and compete.



In conclusion, I would point out that our success depends on a far-sighted blueprint for the future, as well as on our determination and courage to make it a reality. I am sure you all agree with me when I say that the step we are taking here may seem small but it is a huge stride along the Online Silk Road.




To Whom It May Concern:

我叫XXX,是XXX师范大学人口~资源与环境学院区域经济学和城市地理学研究方向的一名教授。我教授(城市地理学)这门课程时认识了Victoria Li,她是一个让我印象深刻的学生。

My name is ABC, and I am a professor of regional economics and urban geography in the School of Population, Resources and Environment of XYZ Teachers University. I first came to know Victoria Li when she took my course on“Urban Geography” and she impressed me right from the start.

对于Victoria的初次印象十分巧合,我初次上深时提问了一个还未讲 到的问题,本来没有抱太大的期望有学生可以回答出来,就随机点了 Victoria,没想到她的回答令人满意,可见她已经做了认真充分的预习。

In my first class, I asked a question that I did not expect anyone would be able to answer as yet, and randomly picked on Victoria. To my surprise, she gave a satisfactory reply, which clearly showed that she had prepared for the lesson.

在后来的课堂讨论上,Victoria每一次都主动和极,充满热情的展示她 自己的观点,并把这些观点能够清晰、有逻辑的表达出来。当同学提出不 同的观点时,她也能有理有据的进行辩论,可见她不仅仅是停留在知识的 表面,而是已经有了比较深入的探究。她是课后为数不多的经常和导师交 流,向老师们询问对她的课业改进意见的学生,她的好学、创新和研究潜 质都给我留下了深刻的印象。

In subsequent class discussions, Victoria always participated enthusiastically, stating her ideas clearly and logically. When challenged, she was able to lay out and back up her arguments, showing that she not only had the knowledge but had also given considerable thought to the issues. She was one of the few students who frequently communicated with her professors, asking them for comments and advice on her studies. I was very impressed by her diligence, creative and interest in research.

Victoria做事很认真,有钻研精神。在一项研究课题中,我分派给 Victoria的任务是调査XXX省XXX市的城市用地现状。在所有学生提交的 结果中,她的是最为准确和详尽的一个。后来了解到她没有同其他同学一 样,仅仅简单的利用查阅的现有资料做出了结果。她在七八月的酷暑中, 骑自行车到XXX市亲自调查,跑了许多地方,以确保数据的准确无误,并 大量査阅课本和资料以对调研项目有着深入的分析和独特的观点。

Victoria is very conscientious and possesses a spirit of inquiry. For one of our assignments, I asked her to look into land use in the town of D, in XYZ province. Her results were the most accurate and detailed of all the students in the class. Subsequently I learned that, unlike her classmates, she had not just consulted the data at hand, but had ridden her bicycle in the torrid summer heat to the city of D where she had visited several places to check on the accuracy of the data. She had also read up extensively on the subject and was thus able to present an in-depth analysis and offer some original ideas.


Victoria can be carried away by details and minor issues, and can be quite stubborn; however in the right situations, this could be seen as a strength.

我认为Victoria同学有着在City and Regional Planning方向培养的潜质 和前途,特推荐Victoria入读贵校。如果您有问题需进一步了解,请直接 与我联系。

Overall, I believe she has great potential in the field of urban and regional planning, and I strongly recommend her to your program.Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any further question.







The Language of Dress: Clothing and Decoration in Image Design


Personal image design is a visual art that uses lines, textures, colours and styles to create a certain external appearance and shape for a person. It comprises such physical elements as clothing, decoration, hairstyle, make-up and posture, as well as the less tangible elements of culture and a person’s state of being.


Designing an image is the process by which these elements are holistically conceived, planned and put together in an aesthetically pleasing way. How a person dresses conveys many messages, such as their education, social standing, personal taste, and economic status; their choice of clothing is also a physical expression of their personality, preferences, emotions and moods. The language of clothes includes shapes, colours, textures, and decorations.



Shapes are an important sign in the language of dress, as they define the outline and proportions of the whole design. The overall contour is created by the use and juxtaposition of different geometrical shape, as seen in the common A-line, H-line and Y-line. The lines, especially the silhouettes, visually express the basic features of the design and create a certain style. They can also highlight or exaggerate parts of the human figures, thus creating a new appearance.


Proportion is the way the parts in a design relate to each other and to the design as a whole. The different elements of a garment may be arranged in such a way as to create the illusion of a perfect body. For example, a loose A-line outfit worn with fitting slacks or skirt creates a pleasing simple, rhythmic, flowing shape. In an X-line design, the upper and lower triangles produce a sense of opposition and contrasting size, so highlighting the use of geometric forms. Shapes and lines can be used artfully to flatter the figure and display individuality.



Colour is one of the first things that strike the eye, and it can have a certain effect on our emotions and mood. Dark colours are calming and soothing; lighter ones elegant and bright; cool colours are subdued and serious; warm ones vibrant and playful. The vocabulary of colour is as rich as personalities. Other factors too come into play: national taste, regional preferences, custom and religion. The use of red at an Asian wedding and white at a western one demonstrate all these different aspects. In China, yellow is reserved for the emperor and symbolizes imperial power; whereas in Egypt it is the color of burial clothes for the dead. Clearly, the same colour can mean very different things.


The use of hues in an outfit must form a harmonious whole. Thus the clothes must“go” with hat, scarf, jewelry, handbag, make-up and skin tone, either by using similar, contrasting, or dominant and subordinate colours. The hues, light, saturation and size of coloured areas must all come together to produce a rich yet harmonious color scheme. The image consultant uses the language of colour to create a distinctive style. A wearer chooses and coordinates colours to express personal preferences and taste.



The materials used to make clothing are the physical representation of a design concept. Texture, mass and surface pattern determine the overall effect; whereas fabric thickness, coarseness and smoothness are additional means of expression to enrich the vocabulary of design.


Modern fashion has undergone a dramatic shift from earlier years. Use of a single kind of material is now replaced by a combination of many. Designers use fabrics of entirely different texture to express new concepts. An autumn or winter collection will include costumes made from muslin, silk, wool and cotton, often used together to enrich design possibilities.



As part of the language of dress, decorations should contribute to a style that reflects a person’s complete image. They should be selected on the basis of the overall design so they fit with the garment in colour, shape, and material. Coordination is therefore a key consideration.

Decorations also have a value of their own. They can be subtle and mature, or playful and young, or contain ethic features and accents. Their use varies according to different clothing styles, where they can be both expressive and evocative.


Materials and techniques used for decoration are another indispensable part of design enrichment. Applique, trimming, embroidery, prints, sequins and seed pearls, when matched tastefully with clothing lines and colours, can create a distinctive image and style.



The language of dress reveals an individual’s personality and conveys information which indirectly enhances interpersonal communication. The secret lies in consistency between the garment’s style and the individual’s. The combination of lines, colours, and materials should create a look that not only fits the wearer’s individual taste, but also conforms to the general aesthetic conventions of the day. Just like a dress designer, an image consultant follows the aesthetic principles of adjusting the parts to the whole, making each detail fit the overall look, and expressing the spirit of the wearer.





Two Levels of Income Distribution


Classic Marxist writers argue that distribution is one of the stages of production, and that the relations of distribution are determined by the relations of production. A society’s economic system, determined by the dominant set of production relations, comprises two parts: “the basic economic system” (socialist or capitalist) and the “form of economy” (a planned or a market economy). This in turn means that distribution of income also consists of two levels. One is the mode of distribution as determined by “the basic economic system”; the other is the specific ways and approaches adopted to achieve such a mode of distribution under a certain “form of economy”. There are many misconceptions in academia about income distribution as a result of confusion over these two levels.



Role of NCO Culture in Ethical and Political Education

随着2009年士官制度改革的深入推进,士官的地位和作用进一步提升。同时,士官作为与指挥人才、参谋人才、科研人才、教育人才并称的五支人才队伍之一,其任职岗位对其全面素质的要求也与日俱增。 尤其面对现代战争认知域的激烈抗衡,以理想信念为核心的政治素质的重要性日益彰显,士官思想政治教育的效果越来越成为一个重要的课题。

Continued reform in 2009 of the non-commissioned officer (NCO) system has given an added boost to the status and role of the NCOs in the Chinese military. As one of the“five military talents”(the other four are commanders, staff officers, scientists/researchers, and educators), NCOs are now expected to be of a higher caliber than ever before. As battles in the cognitive domain rage in the modern warfare, it has become obvious that military personnel must have a core of ideals and political beliefs, and hence the effective ethical and political education of NCOs has become a matter of great interest.


This research focuses on the central role played by NCO culture in this education. It looks into the culture content, its features and functions, and proposes building a system based on three constructs of spirit, environment and resources. An examination of the characteristics of NCOs themselves, and what their ethical and political education requires from this culture shows that the latter does indeed exert a positive effect, though there are weaknesses and insufficiencies that need to be addressed. A certain NCO training academy is used as a case study to look into how China’s military culture has positively affected ethical and political education; and on this basis, I propose a new concept for NCO training, one that actively fosters a special NCO spirit in line with the time, that builds an environment for personal psychological growth, and that draws upon varied resources to enrich the culture itself.



Deviation and conformity -- a Cultural Interpretation of Temperament in Classic Chinese Novels



Classic Chinese novels tend to contain characters whose temperaments deviate from norms required of an average person. Based on the“five natures”(wu xing) theory, the temperaments of characters in such works as Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Journey to the West can be divided into “interactive” categories: soft and gentle as water, generous and steady as earth, arrogant and willful as metal, honest and straightforward as wood, and impatient and hot-tempered as fire. Based on the “volatility” criterion, temperaments are divided into “cool” or “hot”, “slow” or “quick”, and these traits are then gradually confirmed by the characters’ speech and behavior. Based on the degree of mood change, temperaments are described deliberately or unintentionally in terms of “unconstraint” (kuang) or “restraint” (juan), and likewise are reveled by speech and attitude.

All in all, character descriptions in ancient Chinese novels generally conform to traditional categories of temperament that can still be used to describe people today.



Guidelines on Underpinning Technologies to Revitalize the Petrochemical Industry

为全面推进(石化产业调整和振兴规划)的实施,认真落实国务院《关于发挥科技支撑作用,促进经济平稳较快发展的意见》(国发[2009] 9号),充分发挥科学技术在产业结构调整中的引领和支撑作用,特制订《石油和化工产业振兴支撑技术指导意见》。

Guidelines on Underpinning Technologies to Revitalize the Petrochemical Industry have been drawn up to further the Plan to Restructure and Invigorate the Petrochemical Industry, and to carry out the State Council’s Opinion on Science and Technology to Underpin Stable and Fast Economic Growth (Guofa No. [2009 ] 9). These are to ensure that science and technology both guide and support industrial restructuring.


1. The Importance of Science and Technology to Revitalize the Petrochemical Industry


The petrochemical industry is technology-intensive, so its growth depends on progress in science and technology. China is both a major producer and consumer of petrochemicals. Since the start of the 21*' century, the industry has grown rapidly in both size and overall strength. At present, outputs of over 20 bulk products rank among the foremost in the world; increases in production and consumption of major products are also amongst the highest. This sustained and rapid growth can be attributed to our consistently applying the strategies of technology to advance petrochemicals”.


At this point, a number of problems have surfaced as a result of many years of fast expansion. These include overly extensive growth, structural imbalances, lack of competitiveness in spite of large scale, and increasing constraints in natural resources and the environment. Since the second half of and upgrading to raise the industry’s overall quality and competitiveness.

Another urgent need is to encourage“ indigenous innovation in key areas to support current and future development”. As innovations are commercialized faster, growth will drive technology and technology will serve development.

This will all lay a sound basis for restructuring and invigorating the whole industry.


1) Science and technology to optimize product mix and increase competitiveness


There is a serious imbalance in China’s petrochemical product mix: on the one hand, too few petrochemicals, organic chemicals, high-end and new products; on the other, too many resource-intensive, low tech and low value- added ones. Only innovation will create new manufacturing and processing support other industries in the national economy.

There is a serious imbalance in China’s petrochemical product mix: on the one hand, too few petrochemicals, organic chemicals, high-end and new products; on the other, too many resource-intensive, low tech and low value- added ones. Only innovation will create new manufacturing and processing support other industries in the national economy.

第九单元 北斗卫星导航系统(报道〉


The COMPASS Satellite Navigation System


In October and December 2000, China launched two Beidou-1 satellites, thus creating its own navigation and positioning system. On January 1, 2010, a third satellite was sent up. This was a geostationary satellite, which together with the other two, has formed a constellation that provides all-weather, round-the-clock, real-time navigation information. China has now become the third country after the US and Russia to have its own satellite navigation system.


The Beidou system, also known as COMPASS, is independently developed and built by China. It provides navigation, positioning and timing services, and has already been successfully used in mapping, telecommunications, water management, fishing, transportation, forest fire prevention, disaster reduction and relief, and for public security. The result has been substantial economic and social benefits. In 2008, it played a particularly important role during the Beijing Olympic Games, and in relief and rescue work after the Wenchuan earthquake and the snow-storms in South China.


China is continuing to expand its satellite navigation system, and plans to launch 5 more geostationary and 30 non-geostationary satellites to provide complete global coverage. Around 2012, the system will start to provide navigation, timing and short message services for the Asia-Pacific region. By 2020 complete global coverage will be available.


Using a group of navigation and positioning satellites, a satellite navigation system combines the advantages of traditional celestial and ground-based radio navigation systems, so that users can fix their latitude, longitude, and altitude at any time and from any place. At present, only a small number of countries are able to develop and build satellite navigation systems. China’s Beidou is not only able to perform functions described above, but also contains innovations in positioning.



Assurance Report on Internal Control


Daxin Jianzi(2009) No. 4-0004


To shareholders of ABC Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.:


Daxin Certified public Accountants (“Daxin”) has undertaken to evaluate the internal control over financial reporting of the ABC Chemical Industry Co.Ltd (the “Company”) up until December 31,2008 as presented in the accompanying assessment report produced by its management in accordance with the China’s Basic Standard For Enterprise Internal Control promulgated by the ministry of Finance, and the Stock Exchange Guidelines on the Internal Control of Listed Companies. The Company’s management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting. Daxin is responsible for giving an opinion on the management’s assessment of Company’s internal control over financial reporting.


Daxin performed the evaluation in accordance with the China Standard on Other Assurance Engagements No.3101--Assurance Engagements Other than Audits Or Reviews Of Historical Financial Information. As required by these standards, we designed and implemented the review to obtain resonable assurance that the reported information is free of material misstatements. We looked into, tasted and assessed the design and operating effectiveness of internal control, and performed such other procedures as we deemed necessary. We believe the process has provided us with reasonable grounds to give a professional opinion.


Internal controls have inherent limitations: errors or fraud in reporting may lead to misstatements that can go undetected; changing conditions may also weaken their adequacy, or lower the degree of compliance with the policies and procedures. There is therefore a certain degree of risk in predicting their future effectiveness based on the assessment results.


Daxin is of the opinion that the management of he Company maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting up until December 31, 2008, based on criteria established in the Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control promulgated by the Ministry of Finance, and the Stock Exchange Guidelines on the Internal Control of Listed Companies.


This report is only valid for the audit of 2008, and may not be used for any other purpose.




Daxin Certified Public Accountants                                China Certified Public Accounts:

Li Wen

Chen Jingtai

Beijing, China

April 7,2009



Remarks by the Chinese Side at Consultations on European Commission Case DS 397 on Definitive Auti-Dumping Measures on Chinese Iron or Steel Fasteners


Good Afternoon!


Allow me, first of all, to express on behalf of the Chinese government, my appreciation to the European Commission for agreeing to this consultation today. My colleagues tell me that the talks over the scheduling and preparations for this meeting have gone smoothly, and that the Commission has been both flexible and pragmatic. I am sure this has laid a sound basis for today, and I thank you very much.


On July 31, 2009, the Chinese government wrote to the European Commission through China’s Permanent Mission to the WTO, requesting consultations under the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism on the imposition of antidumping measures on Chinese steel fasteners by the EU. I wish to state the following two points on this legal action.

首先,正如欧方所知,此案是中国加入世贸组织以来,对欧盟第一次启动WTO争端解决程序。中国政府一贯重视中欧经贸关系,主张通过双边对话觯决争议和分歧。但是,欧方频繁对华输欧产品发起反倾销调査,更裁定对来自中国的紧固件产品征收高额反倾销税。中方认为,欧方在该案的立案、调查和裁决过程中存在诸多与WTO规则不符之处,违反了欧盟在WTO项下应承担的义务;我决结果缺乏公正性和透明度,损害了 1700余家中国紧固件企业的正当贸易利益。中国政府和业界对此强烈不满,多次在不同场合阐明中方立场和关注,但是,双边对话始终没有解决中方的关注。中方认为,中方就紧固件案提起WTO争端解决项下的磋商请求,是中方的正当权利,也是成熟的贸易伙伴之间常常选择的解决争议的一种方式。

First, the Commission is aware that this is the first time since its accession to the WTO that China has filed a complaint against the EU. Economist and trade relations between China and the EU have always been very important to us, and we have advocated bilateral dialogue to resolve disputes and differences. However, the EU has repeatedly launched antidumping investigations into Chinese exports to the Union, and has now imposed high antidumping tariffs on steel fasteners from China. We believe that many WTO rules were not followed when the case was filed, investigated and decided, and that the EU has thus not fulfilled its obligations under the WTO. The final decision lacks fairness and transparency, and harms the legitimate trading interests of 1,700 Chinese steel fastener producers. The Chinese government and the fastener industry have expressed strong dissatisfaction and stated their position on numerous occasions; however, their concerns have not been resolved through bilateral talks. We believe that initiating consultations under the dispute settlement mechanism is our legitimate right, and that this is also common practice when mature trading partners have disputes.


Second, since the EU launched the first antidumping case against China in 1979, it has opened 140 cases against China over the past 30 years, making it one of the most frequent users of such measures against China. In the last two years especially, the EU has chosen to launch a number of investigations against China, at a time when the world has been wrestling with the financial crisis and the two sides should be working together to deal with the crisis and resist protectionism instead. We firmly oppose any abuse of antidumping rules to further trade protectionism. We very much hope the Commission wil take our concerns seriously and resolves this issue under the dispute settlement mechanism.


I propose that today we focus on the list of questions tabled by the Chinese side, and discuss them one by one. We hope that you will provide clarification on certain details in the measures, and that our concerns will be addressed.


Thank you.



Rongchang: A scenic resort in western Chongqing


Rongchang is a country situated in the west of Chongqing Municipality bordering eastern Sichuan province. It is 88.5 km from the urban area of Chongqing and 246 km from the city of Chengdu, capital of the Sichuan. The place is accessible by the Chongqing-Chengdu freeway and railway running through it.


Rongchang has a history of 1,300 years, dating back to 759 when the county was first established in the Tang dynasty. It is situated in a hilly area of striking natural beauty, described admiringly by the ancients as“an open country with pleasantly dry weather”, with “two rivers winding between lofty peaks”. It is also known as the Land of Begonias.


There are many places of interest in Rongchang. The country town itself has won national and provincial designations for its good administration and clean environment. There are many trees and flowers, and it is dotted with recreational spaces and modern buildings; the banks of the winding Laixi and Chishui Rivers are lined with weeping willows and criss-crossed by many bridges that take visitors to ancient temples, pagodas, and a catholic church. The food too is delicious: mutton soup, stewed five-spice goose, cold pea jelly strips, roast suckling pig, wide noodles in savory broth. Beautiful scenery and excellent food make this a special place to visit for both fun and rest.



Symphony Concert: the symphony concerts will be much-anticipated musical feasts. Symphonic music, with its passion and capacity to move audiences, is also the best showcase for a country’s level of professional musical education. The concert provides a prefect occasion for the orchestras and teaching institutions to meet and get to know each other.


Folk Music Concert: the concert encourages different cultures and peoples to meet and mingle. Folk music from around the world, with its diverse forms and content, will display many rich ethic and national features, and the performances will demonstrate the levels of musical education in each country.


Citizens’ Concert: music belongs to everyone. Deep in each person’s heart is a love of music, a desire to perform and be appreciated. A citizens’ concert will provide this opportunity to hear others and to display one’s own skills. Music will enter our communities and daily lives, providing pleasure and comfort to young and old.


Children’s Concert: this will be a memorable event for all young participants. It will be a wonderful occasion for the little musicians to display their talent, learn from each other and enjoy the immense pleasure of making music together. We look forward to youngsters from all over the world performing in Beijing and having a very special childhood experience.


Open Air Concert: this will be a huge outdoor celebration of music. Inspired by the theme of music education for all, we will set up an outdoor stage in natural surroundings where everyone can relax and enjoy the music, where musicians and audiences can interact without inhibition. The vocals will stir the heart, and wild drumbeats set the pulse racing.


Chamber Music Concert: this is planned for music lovers and for musicians who are about to launch or have just launched their professional careers. In tasteful surroundings with fine acoustics, the masters will perform gems of the classical and modern repertoires, and audiences can appreciate up——close the finer points of their technique and interpretation. Such models will greatly enrich budding young talents.


Choral Concert: though sung in different languages, the choral works will speak eloquently through their melodies and harmonies. Audiences will marvel at the stirring unisons and the soft, angelic part-singing that will transport them to another world.


Concert of Traditional Chinese Music: this will provide an opportunity to fully showcase the ancient and unique musical cultures of China. Skilled performers will demonstrate the breadth and depth of traditional Chinese music, giving expression to the feelings, dreams and aspirations of countless generations. Pieces that vividly portray the beauty of nature also touch the soul, and give form to the Chinese concept of the oneness of Nature and Man.


Jazz Concert: This will be the final crowing event of the concerts. Energetic and lively artists will perform classic and modern works on a stage with dazzling lighting effects. Drawn from life, the exciting rhythms and beats, imaginative harmonies and melodies will be a feast for the ears and beats, imaginative harmonies and melodies will inject new life into the world of jazz.




Seal Management Rules of XYZ Co.Ltd.

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]目的Purpose


These rules are to ensure that seals of XYZ Co.Ltd. are properly managed.

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]范围Scope


Management of seals covers their creation, use, cancellation and replacement.

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]定义Definition


Company seals include the corporate seal, legal representative’s seal, contract seal, finance seal, as well as seals of other functional departments.

[if !supportLists]4. [endif]各类印章的具体管理条例Rules

[if !supportLists]4.1 [endif]刻印Creation

4. 1.1公司基本印章(公章、合同章、法人私章、财务章)的刻制,应由指定的印章管理人员负责刻制,由财务部备案,并从刻制之日起执行 相关使用条例。

The main seals (corporate, legal representative’s, contract and finance) shall be created under the responsibility of the designated custodian, registered with the Finance Department, and subject to relevant rules on usage starting from the date of creation.

4. 1.2因业务发展需要申请各职能部门专用章时,由需求部门填写《印章制发申请表》经部门经理核准后送交人事部门刻制。

A functional department in need of a dedicated seal shall fill in the“Application From for Creation of a Seal ,” and upon approval of the department manager, submit the form to the Personal Department, which will the have the seal made.

[if !supportLists]4.2 [endif]使用Usage

4.2. 1公章、合同章、法人私章、财务章均由财务总监保管。各部门 有需盖公章的文件、通知等,须先到財务部填写《印章使用申请表》,经 財务总监核准后方可盖章。

The corporate, contract, legal representative and finance seals shall be kept in the custody of the controller. For their use on documents or notices, the relevant department shall fill in and submit the“Application Form for Use of Seal” to the Controller for approval.


Seals of other functional departments are mainly for use within the department. Such seals shall be kept in the custody of the department heads and be used in strict compliance with the rules.

[if !supportLists]4.3 [endif]废止、更换Cancellation and replacement

4.3.1废止或缴销的印章应由保管人员填写《废止申请单》,并呈部 门经理核准后交由人事部统一废止或缴销。

To cancel or revoke a seal, the custodian shall fill in the“Application From for Seal Cancellation” and, upon approval by the department head concerned, hand over the seal to the Personal Department.

4.3.2遗失印章时应由印幸保管人员填写 <废止申请单>,并报部门经理核准后,签批遗失处理办法后,交由人事部按批示处理。

In case of loss of a seal, the custodian must fill out the“Application From for Seal Cancellation”, report the loss to the department head for verification and instruction on follow-up measures, and submit the matter to the Personal Department.


To replace a seal, the custodian shall fill out the“Application From for Seal Cancellation”, obtain approval by the department head, and submit it to the Personnel Department for disposition according to the department head’s instructions.

[if !supportLists]5. [endif]印章保管人的责权范畴Duties of the Custodian


The custodian has full authority to use and control the use of the seal.


Uses of all seals must strictly comply with rules on usage. Requests for use and actual use must be logged. The seals may only be used for company business. Any use detrimental to the company’s interests is forbidden.


Users and custodians of seals shall strictly follow the above rules. If problems arise because of laxness, the persons involved will bear the consequences. In case of severe losses, the company will take legal action against the persons concerned.



Regulations of Guangdong Province on Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency


Adopted December 1, 2006 at the 28th Meeting of the Standing Committee, 10thPeople’s Congress of Guangdong Province Effective Jannuary 1, 2007


Article 13 Schools, parents or guardians should guide minors in the proper use of the internet, so that they resist unhealthy online games and content. Schools with internet access should provide internet instructors, and install filters to prevent minors from accessing harmful content. When possible, school internet facilities should be available after class hours.

第十四条学校应当成立家长委员会,健全学校与家长联系的制度,及时反映和了解未成年人的情况,指导、帮助未成年人的父母或者其他监 护人学习科学的家庭教育方法。

Article 14 Schools should set up Parent Committees to increase contacts between teachers and parents, so as to better know what students are doing. Schools should guide and assist parents and guardians in methods of good family upbringing.


Article 15 Parents and guardians should frequently talk to the minors in their care, teach them good behaviour and habits, encourages and support them in all healthy mental and physical activities; tell them to stay away from internet cafes, music and dance halls, and other places unsuitable to minors; and keep them from accessing print or audio-visual material not suited to their age-group.


Article 16 When parents or guardians must leave the minors in their care in order to seek work elsewhere, or the minors must leave their parents or guardians to study, live or work elsewhere, the parents or guardians should not disregard their responsibilities or neglect their charges.


Parents or guardians may not force or permit minors in their care to drop out of school in order to take on farm or factory work, get into trade, become street performers, beggars or engage in illegal activities.



Provisions on the Handling of Juvenile Criminal Cases by the People’s Procuratorates


(Adopted on December 28th 2006, at the 68th Meeting of the 10th Prosecutorial committee of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate)


Article 12

When considering whether or not to authorize the arrest (daibu) of a juvenile suspected of a criminal offence, the people’s procuratorate should assess the suspect’s overall risk to society based on the facts of the suspected offence, the degree of malicious intent of the suspect, and the availability of guardianship or other community rehabilitation services. Arrest should be used with caution and avoided if possible.


Article 13

An arrest should generally not be authorized for juvenile offenders charged with minor offences who have guardians or access to community rehabilitation, who pose little or no danger to society, and who will not obstruct the normal legal process.


A juvenile offender who has committed a more serious offence may also be spared arrest if the offender bears little malicious intent, shows repentance, and has access to guardianship or community rehabilitation; if the offender poses no danger to society and will not obstruct the legal process; and if the offender:

[if !supportLists](一) [endif]初次犯罪、过失犯罪的;

is a first-time or negligent offender;

[if !supportLists](二) [endif]犯罪预备、中止、未遂的;

is still preparing a crime, has voluntarily abandoned a crime, or has attempted but failed to complete a crime;

[if !supportLists](三) [endif]有自首或者立功表现的;

has voluntarily surrendered to, or cooperated with the police;

[if !supportLists](四) [endif]犯罪后能够如实交待罪行,认识自己行为的危害性、违法性,积极退赃,尽力减少和赔偿损失,得到被害人谅解的;

has honestly confessed to the offence, recognized its illegality and harm, voluntarily returned unlawful gains, tried to reduce or compensate for losses, and received forgiveness from the victim;

[if !supportLists](五) [endif]不是共同犯罪的主犯或者集团犯罪中的首要分子的;

is not the principal perpetrator of a jointly committed offence, or is not the criminal gang leader;

[if !supportLists](六) [endif]属于已满十四周岁不满十六周岁的未成年人或者系在校学生的;

is over 14 years but under 16 years old, or is a registered student; or

(七) 其他没有逮捕必要的情形。

is affected by other circumstances that do not warrant an arrest.



Over the national day holiday, I went back to my village on the bank of the yellow river. I noticed that though villagers still dressed the same way as before, many of them now drove cars, some even as costly as 200 thousand yuan. This made me very happy.


However, my mood changed after a roadside chat, when I heard about a couple of incidents that had taken place here. The first occurred in a neighbouring village where a man was killed over a land lease disagreement. It seems the man wanted to rent the land but could not agree on a price with the owner, and so had him beaten up, even threatening to kill him, saying it would only cost some tens of thousands in compensation anyway. At that, the owner and his two brothers got together and murdered the first man in his home. The case resulted in four devastated families. The other incident occurred in my own village. A farmer wanted to drive his reaper through his neighbor's field to harvest his corn. The neighbour, an elderly woman, was determined to protect her own crop, and refused to let him pass. They got into an argument, and finally the women lay down on her land, saying,"over my dead body!" The farmer promptly revved his machine and drove over her. The case was settled out court with payment of several tens of thousands of yuan.


When I was a child, we could leave our doors unlocked at night. If there was no one home when I came back from school, the aunt next door would call me over and we would have supper together. It all seemed quite natural. During the busy season, people would ask their neighbours to help out in the fields and afterwards everyone was happy with a simple meal and a good chat. Today, however, people have a very different way of looking at life and their values have also changed. The government is vigorously developing the rural economy, and I too expect improvements in my village. I know there will soon be many changes, yet after hearing about these incidents, I can not help thinking that there should also be more guidance and education on social values and norms of behaviour.


Winter in Ji’nan

Lao She


For some one like me who is used to living in Beiping, a winter without any wind is a bit of miracle. Well, one never hears any whistling winter winds in Ji'nan. For someone like me who has just returned from London, sunshine in the winter seems quite unusual. Well, Ji'nan has bright sunny winter weather. I well know that in the tropics, the blazing sun and the perpetual harsh glare can be intimidating, but here in north china, to have a mild sunny winter is a boon that makes Ji'nan a very special place indeed


But there is more than just sunshine. Close your eyes and picture to yourself: an ancient town, with hills and lakes, dozing in sunlight, warm and comfortable, waiting for the spring breezes to blow it awake. Doesn't that sound idyllic? 


Low hills practically encircle Ji'nan, leaving just one small dip on the north side. In the winter, they are especially endearing, as if cradling the town and murmuring to it, "don't worry, it's warm and safe here" and it's fact that people of Ji'nan seem to smile throughout the cold season. All they have to do is see those hills to feel secure and protected. Looking up at the sky and at their surroundings, they say to themselves, "Maybe spring will come tomorrow. Maybe tonight it is so mild the grass on the hills will sprout." And even if this just wishful thinking, they do not really mind, because with this kindly winter why ask for more.


A light snow makes the scene even prettier. Look at the short dark pine trees crowned with white nurse caps. Or the line of white etching the hilltops like a silver hemline on the azure sky. Or the hillsides, unevenly dusted with the dry grass showing through in places, so the slopes seem clothed in a wavy pattern of tan an white stripes. As one gazes, these seem to shift the breeze as if baring the hill for a better look at its lovely shape. As the sun sets, the golden rays slant on to the light snow that suddenly blushes a shy pink. Just a light snowfall, please, those low hills are really too delicate for anything heavier.


Ji'nan is an ancient town with cramped and narrow streets, but surrounded by wide open spaces. Villages dot the slopes, their cottage roofs dusted with snow. Oh yes, the scene definitely looks like a traditional ink and wash painting, and probably one by a Tang dynasty master too.


As for the springs and ponds, they don't freeze over, but even give off wisps of warm vapour. The water weeds remain bright green as if shown the greener they glow. That alone must prevent the water from freezing over, not to mention all those weeping willows that wish to see their reflections! As you raise your eyes slowly from the transparent depths and look up to the sky, everything is so clear and bright and blue, like a giant block of crystal in which are encased red roofs, tan hills and little gray copses like the design on carpet. This is Ji'nan in the winter.

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